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Despite backlash, Masha Gessen says comparing Gaza to a Nazi-era ghetto is necessary
  • They want to remain the "poor" and good guy, while perpetrating massacres. And I have to give it to them, their propaganda is much stronger since most of the world stands behind them and either supports terrorism or says it didn't happen.

    See what happens when I provide proof here.

    Also not sure what you mean by annexation since Israel got the fuck out of there entirely in 2005

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    'Chilling effect': People expressing pro-Palestinian views censured, suspended from work and school | CBC News
  • Proof that each one of you terror supporter disqualified and downvoted me for.

    So in the end facts dont matter to you, and no matter how much proof you see, you'll always claim it's fake.

    Which is ok, but at least be clear about the unfair game you're playing, stop lying to yourself.

    Just because you claim there is no evidence doesn't mean it's true, it just means you don't want to look at it.

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    'Chilling effect': People expressing pro-Palestinian views censured, suspended from work and school | CBC News
  • Any killing of civilians is unacceptable obviously. But all you so called pro Palestinian peace activists need to find a solution real quick for Israel to stop being constantly attacked if you keep criticizing the way it reacts.

    But the truth is you don't have a better suggestion, because luckily your country is not in this situation. But at least don't be an hypocrite about it and just admit you don't know what Israel should do but what you do know is that it apparently shouldn't eliminate the terrorists next door.

    As for the starving of civilians please spare me the Hamas propaganda, there are hundreds of trucks entering Gaza everyday, but Hamas is stealing a lot of the aid unfortunately, as they be been doing since they're in power.

    Israel is fighting anti-west Islamism which will ultimately benefit you too but all you are able to do is criticise it with zero valid arguments.

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    Despite backlash, Masha Gessen says comparing Gaza to a Nazi-era ghetto is necessary
  • But why do you blame Israel for this shit hole? Do you understand HAMAS manages the money there and that its leaders live in wealth in Qatar? None of those stupid comments make me uncomfortable and I keep debunking them, and you keep denying them and downvoting me because what you want is not a debate but an echo chamber. So just say that and say you just want to blame Israel for everything Gazans go through, without checking how any of it really works on the field.

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    'Chilling effect': People expressing pro-Palestinian views censured, suspended from work and school | CBC News
  • I posted proof that Hamas uses hospitals as military bases, not sure what else you need to stop supporting them but yeah go ahead and insult me if it makes your feel righteous.

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    'Chilling effect': People expressing pro-Palestinian views censured, suspended from work and school | CBC News
  • Don't call yourself pro-human right if you're unable to condemn terrorism when it's in front of your, when literal peace activists are currently held hostages in gaza. Dont lecture me on human rights when you support a country that executes gay people.

    You really think being anti Israel is being pro human rights?

    Your speech is very nice and full of hope but it completely erases the fact that children in Palestine are raised to hate Jews, but I guess antisemitism is basic human rights too.

    Also I don't mind being called right wing, it's only a slur for you.

    "You generalize all palestiniens being supporters of Hamas'" take a look at this poll

    bottom line:

    Some 60 per cent in Gaza expressed support for the armed struggle against Israel, as did 70 per cent in the West Bank

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    Palestinians support Hamas decision to go to war with Israel, survey suggests, with no political solution on horizon
  • There have always been Jews in Israel/Palestine and 20% of Israeli citizens are Arabs, the only Arabs that were removed were the ones who either didn't want to leave with Jews around or the ones that attacked them in 48, and lost.

    Only in your head are Arabs the only indigenous inhabitants of this region lol.

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    Malaysia bans Israeli owned and linked shipping citing ‘cruelty against the Palestinian people’
  • Justifying deliberate targeting of civilians because they're Jewish. Cool.

    When you elect a party that vows to destroy its neighbouring country, the neighbouring country generally won't like it.

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    'Chilling effect': People expressing pro-Palestinian views censured, suspended from work and school | CBC News
  • That's generally how they operate lol, there are a lot more videos including with the son of Hamas' leader speaking against his father but I honestly feel I'd be wasting my time posting them here.

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    'Chilling effect': People expressing pro-Palestinian views censured, suspended from work and school | CBC News
  • Lmao yeah I thought so, it happened to me a few times with Hamas supporters asking for proof when confronted with actual proof. You guys are a quite a crazy bunch I'll tell you that.

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    friendly PSA: not all jews are white
  • What do you mean colonial? Jews are indigenous to Judea and they've never left. All the lands were either bought to Arabs or conquered after wars that the Arabs themselves started.

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