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Netflix officially removes Basic - the cheapest ad-free tier
  • Go for the Arr suite. Radarr for movies, Sonarr for series. They work well with Jackett, and actually have an even better (use comfort) alternative to it called Prowlarr. Once set up, maybe spending a couple hours understanding how they work, downloading a movie or a series is as easy as entering its name in a search field, seeing the related list (completely accurate), hitting add and watching the torrent start automatically. And if Jellyfin is configured as well, I can start watching whatever I downloaded with a couple clicks right away on any device I have Jellyfin, in full whichever quality my pre-set profile searched the torrent sites for. That's quite the supply chain, centralized after landing on your host computer, streamable to any local devices or online devices, and can be automated to even search and download queries that come through discord messages.

    Understanding the indexer stuff can take a little time at the start, but it is actually as easy as saying that Jackett/Prowlarr is just the middleman between you typing your movie name and searching through all torrent sites you want at the same time. The net has videos of using them if they look confusing at any point. Using Radarr/Sonarr themselves after setting up the indexers is as straightforward as using any streaming services.

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    Tanker carrying Russian oil to China attacked by Houthi sea drone
  • British and US ships being harbored by the Greek host of the operation is a direct counter action to the Houthi efforts to pressure Israel to permanent ceasefire via pressuring its allies with economic repercussions.

    As for the sole ship pointed in this article, it is not a Russian ship per the article. It is a Marshall Islands owned ship, under Liberian flag, operating by and for the profit of a Greek company, carrying Russian oil to China.

    The only negative effect this has for the Houthi/Iran side is that their allies' commerce has also been disrupted. It is not even a negative effect if you count the pressure this applies on their allies Russia and China to separate their commerce from Greek companies.

    Politics is nuanced, this pressure can also backfire, but I seriously doubt either Russia or China would lessen ties over a changeable middleman. On the other hand, Greek companies will feel more pressure from the loss of cut from the Asian trade pie more, and will pressure their government to lessen their involvement in backing Israel in this matter.

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    Tanker carrying Russian oil to China attacked by Houthi sea drone
  • To the people downvoting the above comment: Houthis declaring US and UK ships open to attack as retaliation to the drone strikes in Yemen, then also extending this to the ships operated by the latest coalition against blocking the Red Sea sea traffic against Israeli profits is a would have been a no-brainer when you consider attacks on allies of belligerent countries are viable when it comes to Russian-Ukrainian war or any non-western supported war.

    Houthis have been waging these attacks against with the aim of pressuring the allies of Israel, the decades long genocide committing apartheid, rogue and terrorist state, away from supporting its latest and most intense war crimes. They have been accomplishing this pretty well, and this is just an economic pressure akin to embargoes the western hemisphere applies to whoever they don't like at that moment. There will be literal and figurative friendly fires, attacks on bystanders, and unintended consequences to some extent, of course, but as per the wikipedia compilation, mostly the countries, companies and ships that keep trading with Israel despite their extensive war crimes are affected from the Houthi attacks, while the rest are pretty much operating unhindered.

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    Five Just Stop Oil activists receive record sentences for planning to block M25
  • Mildly inconvenienced, you say? I bring my pitchforks and torches even for people making sense on a platform I don't even visit regularly. How dare they even think of or plan for mildly inconveniencing me?

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    Five Just Stop Oil activists receive record sentences for planning to block M25
  • Whoever (judge or whichever other position) said that should have considered the personal risk these people took in order to take an action many others would benefit but also shy away from. Especially considering that the ones responsible to reflect the wishes of the people and benefit of the people have given themselves all the exceptions that will protect them from not doing their duty.

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    Do you take a shower after you swim?
  • Freshwater lakes are quite nice to swim in and get out without showering. Skin can feel a little more coarse than when you get out of a bot bath, but still not uncomfortable enough by itself to warrant a shower. But if you have medium to long hair, you'd definitely want hot water and maybe soap/shampoo to untangle and unbunch it to feel comfortable.

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    Google is finally shutting down its link shortener after killing it off years ago
  • I skim this page every time it is posted, but this time scrolling the whole length of it even as fast as I can gave me depression. 295 projects, almost half of them killed in the last 5 years.

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    Goodbye, old friend.
  • Rock moving has been a part of our existential comfort/answer/justification for so long that now we are even having a joy out of it when we can do it on another planet.

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    I think it would be hard to get banned there.
  • I'm having a very hard time holding myself from putting a big punctuation hole on the part of my phone where the downvote button is.

    May your devils stab you with pointy exclamation marks and carve you up with curved question marks!

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    Israel bombs 6th UN-run school in Gaza in 10 days, kills dozens
  • These fuckers have been surpassing the SS forces in by taking utmost joy in killing defenseless children as point blank. What more can they do at this point?

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    T-shirts with image of Trump raising his fist after assassination attempt are for sale in China
  • Well, news sites can't exploit it by selling T-shirts but they can exploit it even better by putting an artificial focus on China for extra political connotations!

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    Unable to earn enough at home, Syrian opposition fighters are travelling via Turkey to Africa to work as mercenaries, often under Russian command
  • Not mentioned in the body of the post but given some paragraphs in the article, here's the wikipedia page for the mentioned "first and only" Turkish PMC that has ties to Erdoğan.

    Allegations are rejected, of course, but given that our esteemed president keeps getting in disputes with his former religious cult leader buddies and mafia friends, who'd disregard the possibility of having such an unofficial and denounceable arm of his injustice and ruination party government?
