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Google and Apple lose their court fights against the EU and owe billions in fines
  • I've said it before, I'll say it every time it's proven again: US consumers get more protection from tech company overreach from EU courts than our own. Our agencies need to have big gnarly angelfish teeth, not this wrist slapping "as long as you share the profits it's basically legal" nonsense.

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    Jill Stein, Chase Oliver Could Cost Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania: Poll
  • You're pathetically apathetic, not fearful, congrats.

    That's not what I said. You ironically refuse the existence of the other category, lol. Freudian inspiration for that?

    Your post history shows exactly what I said.

    That was obvious from the get-go, but now that you've demonstrated evidence for why you act the way you do, it's no longer interesting.

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    Jill Stein, Chase Oliver Could Cost Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania: Poll
  • "Living in fear" is very different from the reality of what you argue for, which is "being apathetic to those who will suffer from the consequences of my actions"

    You quoted me saying either and then didn't include the other possibility lol... Yes, Trump voters all fit into one of those two categories, making you not much different.

    Never said you didn't live a full life, wanted praise, that you wrote the article, or that the community should censor you. Being selfish is antisocial, and you spend your whole time in here complaining that you get downvoted, dismissed wholehearted, ridiculed, interspersed with missing everyone's points about why something is empathetic to do, and why what you spread isn't. I don't think you do any of that for praise, I think you either don't have fully functional empathy or you're too into weeds to find your way out through logic. I don't believe you can logic anyone out of a belief if they didn't logic their way into it and so the way they lurch back to their original nonsense is always more telling than the nonsense itself.

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    Jill Stein, Chase Oliver Could Cost Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania: Poll
  • "I'm voting for my values, and I'm not scared of Trump. I won't vote out of fear." This is the epitome of privilege, and why people dislike you. I think that warrants more introspection.

    [Pause for introspection]

    Do other people have things to fear about his idealogy? How precisely do you suggest that they deal with that risk? If you don't fear him and what he'll do to you, and you don't care what he'll do to other people who don't deserve it enough to lift a finger, or put your purity politics aside, then you are selfish and idiologically unfit for the 2 party system that we currently live in. A based person with your ideals would vote for what's better based on the system we have rather than the system they want, and then lobby, call, donate, and canvas for system that they want.

    So we arrive at two options, either you are a sociopath who doesn't understand why letting bad things happen to other people is bad, or you're incredibly uninformed about the ramnifications of your actions whether purposefully or unintentionally... or you're an AI bot wasting everyone's time being fed prompts by some shithead Jimmy Dore type. It doesn't really matter because the explanation has been given to you dozens of times and you some how read enough to respond to it all and then completely miss the point about other people being important, not just yourself. Anti-social bellyaching isn't going to get you any praise online in largely progressive circles.

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    Make this thread look like it's your first day on the internet
  • Thanks, but did you have to send me a pop-up to tell me that?! I'm at work and had to turn my phone off. I'll let my grandson figure it out

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    Make this thread look like it's your first day on the internet
  • Hi Jane, it's Martha. Let me know if you get this, I'm new to computers and the Facebook app but someone said you can talk to friends on here. Did I do it right?

    It said someone else liked this but I'm only talking to Jane. Can other people see this? Please don't eavesdrop, Jane has marriage issues so i wanted this to be private.

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    Jill Stein, Chase Oliver Could Cost Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania: Poll
  • It was a description of how calling you names won't change your mind, but neither does pretending that you have a point. You've clearly turtled up because people insult you on here, but consider how else someone is supposed to get through to you when the answer of why you're wrong is incredibly simple? You're completely walled off from reality.

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    Jill Stein, Chase Oliver Could Cost Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania: Poll
  • I feel like you've got a lot in common with Terrence Howard. Confidence galore without the basic math skills to know you're objectively misguided. Insulting people doesn't change any minds, but neither does coddling them, pretending they have a point.

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    Jill Stein, Chase Oliver Could Cost Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania: Poll
  • OP ain't beating the allegations with this thread... Never seen so much blue in the replies. Seems their primary goal is baiting people into bans. Major hallway monitor energy.
