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  • women are so bad in the tourney starting in the first victory in the tourney starting to in the first time and in moderation payment in the tourney tree

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    [SoP] IGN lists Stranger of Paradise 9th in its “10 Best Soulslike Games”
  • Played through all of it in co-op, and loved every minute of it. With DFFOO dead now, I hope Team Ninja gets another chance to continue on the Dissidia Final Fantasy story I've come to love.

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    Why is Contrapoints getting so much hate?
  • Have you tried not using twitter anymore? /s

    I totally get you, sometimes nazis co-opt the palestine issue to spout some racist shit about jewish people, and some of the real pro-palestine protestors I think are being/becoming anti-semitic because of their anger about the genocide Israel is currently conducting/ has been conducting since it's inception. (Not trying to justify the anti-semitism here btw.)

    From what my limited reading about it has shown me, is that this is a bigger issue online than in real-life protests.

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    Why is Contrapoints getting so much hate?
  • It would have cost you 0$ to just not post anything at all.


    posts a 27 page essay

    also, don't fucking lie, your initial post wasn't to help out OP like you claim, it was to complain about OP not providing info about a popular youtuber you do not know about.

    A little tip for next time: If you don't know the answer, you can just ignore the question :)

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    Why is Contrapoints getting so much hate?
  • Shamelessly stolen from r/youtubedrama I take no accountability:

    A couple of things happened that culminated in her going private. First, Anti-zionist folks have been accusing her for awhile of not being outspoken enough about the genocide (despite the fact she has made her stance on the topic known repeatedly). Next, she made a post this week condemning some actual anti-semitism, stating that it was harmful to the actual end-genocide movement. This post got her some backlash from anti-zionists once again, not sure why. Then she got kinda libbed up watching the DNC and made a short tweet about how good of a speaker Obama is. The Obama tweet caused a fresh wave of people attacking her due to Obama’s war crimes, and Contrapoints started being harassed with people sending her death threats and gorey videos of what’s going on in Palestine. She made a statement about how awful and unhelpful the harassment is, and then she deleted the tweets and went to private. You can see the deleted tweets by searching for the @ContraDeletes account on twitter.

    It seems like a case of chronically online people taking things way too far and eating their own. I feel bad for Natalie tbh, so I am a bit biased.

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    Chat is this real
  • Can't wait for posts that'll ask their "skibidi rizzlers" if the screenshot is "gyatt" or part of the "fanum tax", frfr

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    Chat is this real
  • I'm not, it's twitch streamer lingo, I know. Asking this how OP did, in a post, like people posting here are OP's parasocial fans, is just immensely disrespectful. Why not just ask "Is this real?"

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    Sprite aus China im Vergleich
  • Storytime: Als ich jünger war, hatten wir mal ne 1,5l Colaflasche aus dem Türkeiurlaub über, die ich mit zu einem Kollegen mitgenommen habe, bei dem wir Shisha rauchen wollten. In unserem jugendlichen Probierrausch haben wir die Kohlensäure aus der Cola geschüttelt, und in die Shishabowl geballert. Das war mit Abstand der beste Shishakopf, den ich je in meinem Leben geraucht habe, und dies war vor Cocobrickos und selbstgewaschenem Tabak und Kaminkopf und was es nicht alles gab und gibt. Wir haben oftmals, ohne Erfolg, versucht, dies zu rekonstruieren, aber mit Cola aus Deutschland ging es einfach nicht. Meine dumme Theorie, warum es nicht ging und warum Cola und andere Erfrischungsgetränke im Urlaub einfach besser schmecken, ist folgende: Dort wird eine andere Art von Zucker verwendet als hier, wahrscheinlich Rohrzucker oder so?

    Vielleicht jemand hier, der sich gut mit unterschiedlichen Arten von Zucker auskennt?

    Edit: Anscheinend wird in Deutschland Zucker aus Zuckerrüben verwendet,

    während in meinem Beispiel in der Türkei größtenteils Glucose-Fructose-Sirup (aus Kornsirup anscheinend) und ein generell erwähntes "Zucker/Hauszucker" verwendet wird.

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    Berlin: Thousands march in COVID-19 pandemic skeptic protest
  • No they aren't. They wre probably still protesting "the state made me wear a mask that one time" or "my conman of choice told me all vaxxed will die by september 2022 why are y'all not dead yet" or some stupid conspiracy they pulled out of their ass in the meantime. Above poster got no clue what they're talking about.

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    Berlin: Thousands march in COVID-19 pandemic skeptic protest
  • Why are you posting shit when you got no clue what you're talking about?

    These "Querdenker" are those kinda dumbfucks, vaccination deniers who couldn't be bothered to wear masks for 20 minutes while grocery shopping, who spread awful lies like "our children are dying because they can't breathe with their masks", who would risk the lives of their fellow humans for their own comfort.

    But you couldn't resist posting your shitty fanfic here and pretending to be an expert on something you have no single clue about, glazing up these right-wing extremist fucks when all you had to do was just inform yourself for a second before you post your shitty theory here.

    "I believe that's probably the real reason, yes" I believe you should log off forever
