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Don’t Be Surprised if Trump Starts Attacking the Fed
  • I'm in the dumbest situation. I was a federal employee so I don't know what normal people mean when they say the Fed.

    Every comment is only calling it the Fed.

    I've read too many New York Time articles to see what we are talking about because I'm not subscribed.

    Not just asking for me but for anybody in a similar situation; what is the full organization name of the Fed?

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    Wearable solar-powered gadget automatically regulates body temperature
  • No, just a topper. Less expenses and most people can keep their current mattresses which is better for the environment.

    (I'm with you just brainstorming, lol)

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    "When you see things like 'kill cops', 'all cops are bastards' painted on your walls, it makes it pretty hard to show up to work."
  • I'm a veteran.

    PTSD from combat and gun stuff.

    I call the crisis line due to PTSD episode and panic attack.

    Cops with guns drawn show up to determine if I should be committed against my will.

    I have to fake my way through a panic attack to convince them I'm fine.

    They believe me and leave me alone.

    I wonder what the next steps are.

    Fuck cops.

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    The Steam Awards 2023 nominees sure seem weird to me
  • "Portion Craft" is supposed to be Potion Craft unless they have released a game about properly portioning meals for people.

    I'm glad they are calling this out publicly. It's helpful to know which awards aren't worth considering.

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    DeSantis vows to help man charged with beheading Iowa Capitol’s Satanic Temple statue
  • The fact that the supreme Court can use that argument is insane. Is not washing our hands before surgery American tradition? Is slavery American tradition? Just because we've done something before, doesn't make it legal in any other topic area.

    Americans also just renamed some of their Christian holidays in order to pretend that there's equality. My daughter still has to do homework during Chanukkah every night but gets the week of Christmas off but now the same exact vacation from school is called "winter break" so it's totally "not religious now."

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • This is a troll, or somebody so rude that they would give a passive aggressive answer like that. Either way it is worthy of being ignored.

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    Pentagon Has Investigated Dozens of Extremism Cases Within Its Ranks
  • No they haven't. Even if you report them to the FBI, they will get referred to the military's counterintelligence commands, like the Army's 902nd military intelligence group. These are mostly the right leaning folk who joined the military to be cops. In one of my interviews with the counterintelligence agents he basically started answering his own questions and then just told me he was going to get somebody to vouch for the person. My identity was apparently leaked because multiple people know, including the commander, the investigator, the other people who work in the office where the person being reported also works. I'm sure I'll find out later that he knows as well. It's all a shell game. The exception to FBI policy was specifically built so that the military could hide these things. Giving commanders the ability to look the other way on crimes gives them a special power over people and a special knowledge of how to get away with illegal acts. The people they want to succeed can get away with anything and the people that are the wrong race or religion or whatever. Just get to deal with some dude that joined the army and now has power over him. The rules were written this way on purpose.

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    Texas judge orders release of Uvalde shooting records
  • The fact that the US government can hide or withhold information from its citizens that are not state secrets is mind-blowingly immoral. We need a fucking constitutional rewrite.

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    Abandoned babies found decomposing in Gaza hospital weeks after it was evacuated
  • I went down that rabbit hole when I was trying to understand why the far right was interested in supporting Israel while simultaneously being anti-semitic and working alongside Nazis. Most people in the middle or left don't understand how crazy this is. Many members of our government are literally trying to enact some biblical nestradamus bullshit to bring forth the end of times as described in the book of Revelations.

    I'm a liberal Jew so it took a lot of reading to understand what the fuck they wanted end times to come for, but I guess it is so that they are then saved? As a non-Christian this seems weird and obviously cult-like but here we are.

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    Trump Is Still Obsessed With the ‘Golden Showers’ Rumor
  • The only optimistic point I have is that Russia doesn't respect its assets and sees them as traders to their countries. That means when they are past their usefulness Russia will burn them and brag about how powerful they are. For once in an intelligence operation we may actually get to see the dirty details revealed about these bastards.

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    Ultra-white ceramic cools buildings with record-high 99.6% reflectivity
  • I would bet there are reasons other than aesthetics at play. That's the kind of paint you would want to use on your house in the Arizona desert, but I imagine driving by a bunch of houses with 99.9% reflectivity at the wrong time of day would be blinding.

    Optimistically, this may be the discovery that leads to our future when everything looks like an iPhone.
