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Sheriff says he is ‘ashamed’ after five of his former deputies plead guilty to torture of two Black men
  • If they were ashamed they never would've let this happen to begin with, but records now show it's been a constant theme with cops all across America

    They're just ashamed they were caught, as always

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    How the U.S. Fumbled Niger’s Coup and Gave Russia an Opening
  • I agree, lets leave Ukraine......or wait, that's different because they're white right?

    I love this racist pattern, the US should only intervene in white countries according to people with that mindset

    Well as a black man, the US should do more in Africa, as those are MY people and I want them to succeed, but this attitude you people have about abandoning people of color all the time shows a very strange pattern

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    Democrats worry their most loyal voters won’t turn out for Biden in 2024
  • It's insane that racist people like you aren't banned from here yet, you're the same anti-black racist that made me leave reddit years ago and now you're here to spread your anti-black garbage again

    You people need to join the nazi party because that's all you represent anymore, you're literally siding with White Nationalism and repeating their same rhetoric

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    Democrats worry their most loyal voters won’t turn out for Biden in 2024
  • Having standards is not a "privileged position", it couldn't be more opposite

    Also having lived through the 1990's, Joe Biden couldn't be more conservative if he wanted to be, he's a classic Dixiecrat from the South larping as a progressive for votes
