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  • Early 20s!

    I glaned through your post history but I’m not sure how spot on I am at all.

    Since we’re in casual conversation I gotta say something regarding the “girls taking a shit” post. That has always been a personal mind trick for me when I’ve caught myself idolizing people I’m attracted to or thinking they are out of my league. I just remember “hey, she takes nasty shits just like the rest of us. Probably even nastier.” Puts me in check and brings me back down to reality if I’m nervous when interacting with someone. Anyways, thought I would just over share.

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    Let's play a game
  • Actually it was a different hobby but I certainly enjoy that one too. Maybe I should try to guess your age?

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    Let's play a game
  • One my favorite hobbies begins with the letter “J”. Guess the hobby and also my age!

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    What happened to
  • There’s a post somewhere and one of the admins replied. I believe it’s temp disabled for now while they fix some things on the back end.

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    20 Of The Best Movies Featuring Surveillance
  • Oh gosh I was just thinking the same thing but had to research to remember the name of the movie since it’s been quite a long time since I watched. The Lives Of Others needs to be at the top of the list. I also need to revisit it.

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    What movie have you rewatched the most?
  • Smiley Face. Great Anna Farris stoner flick!

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    357-Unit Luxury Apartment Opens In Frisco, Texas
  • Toll Brothers Apartment Living

    Fitting name for a town surrounded by tollways.

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    How many pairs of sunglasses do you think you've owned in your lifetime?
  • Impressive. Sounds like you take your sunglasses game very seriously - especially if you have some on lock down for the future.

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    Trump calls Elon Musk by wrong name as his biographer says the candidate is 'hyper-aware' voters are doubting his mental acuity
  • Oh gosh. I now want to know what all the Leon Musks of the world are going through.

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    Why is everybody mad
  • I laughed! As a late born Gen X’er though and watching the Jetsons growing up, having a robot vacuum in my house is pretty amazing. I always think back to the show about how the kids would complain about doing their chores even though all they had to do is press a button lol

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    How many pairs of sunglasses do you think you've owned in your lifetime?
  • Well, I wear my sunglasses at night

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    How many pairs of sunglasses do you think you've owned in your lifetime?
  • Wow you’ve got a good track record compared to me lol.

    Countless times, I’ve just lost them randomly or misplaced them or broken them.

    I was actually a lot more of a socialite before covid, so I think that could’ve been a big factor. I think the favorite pair I had(that I just broke) would probably got at the beginning of lockdown. I guess my point is I haven’t been losing/breaking shades as much as I did when I was out doing more stuff.

    The last fancy shades I had were a gift given to me. I ended up accidentally leaving them at a restaurant/gaming center. Just one of my many examples of sunglasses mishaps.

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    How many pairs of sunglasses do you think you've owned in your lifetime?
  • Ok I would think you might be somewhat younger. This has been my philosophy for years but you start to rack up the numbers as time goes on!

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    How many pairs of sunglasses do you think you've owned in your lifetime?
  • Ok we’re in the same camp here lol. I guess age could also be a definite factor for this question.

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    How many pairs of sunglasses do you think you've owned in your lifetime?
  • I mean I just broke a pair and I have at least 5 other pairs in the house right now - although I hate most of them so probably will get a new pair.

  • After accidentally sitting on my favorite pair today and destroying them, it got me wondering how many pair of shades I’ve owned in my lifetime.

    I’m just gonna go with a round number and say about 50. I only buy cheap sunglasses btw

    Supporters of Israel's actions in Gaza - why do you think the Geneva convention should not apply?
  • Israel will pay for this down the road. People who did not know wtf that trash was, surely learning now.

    Well you’re not wrong there. I’ve certainly tried to educate myself more regarding this decades old conflict because of the current nonsense.

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    Supporters of Israel's actions in Gaza - why do you think the Geneva convention should not apply?
  • Well you’re part of the brainbin. What’s your ideal solution?

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    What instances do you block and/or contain the most trolls?
  • Are you saying when you disagree with one of said mods there’s some kind of downvote campaign for your posts for a certain amount of time?

  • Venezuelan gangs are taking over apartment complexes or something? I know right wing and conspiracy theorists are buzzing about it like crazy today.

    Axios article:


    The art of being discreet

    And then busted by chat because.. streaming.

    Tap for spoiler

    Watch the blonde girl closely at the beginning of the vid


    Drunk Hulk Hogan wants to body slam Kamala Harris


    Vid from a friend. The guy is in full on winter attire in the Dallas heat


    Speeding ticket goes from 0 to 100 with the quickness.

    This guy certainly has some zingers


    I have an acquaintance that is having their life ended next month due to constant medical suffering and just had this morbid thought. Care Now could have a spinoff business called Death Now.


    I am getting tired of Topo Chico’s antics. What are your alternatives that you enjoy?


    Fast Food Worker Serves Bullets Instead of Curly Fries

    Article here:


    Jen randomly maces her Uber driver.

    WTF Jen?!?


    A very new obsession for me. Been trying to make the perfect smashburger in my cast iron.

    Nothing fancy. Store bought buns and frozen fries cooked in the air fryer. I hope to step up my game!


    Man suffers mental breakdown after taking a wrong turn


    This just happened to me and I am a little shook. Very weird. I was talking to my friend in NYC and randomly this voice came on the line saying “this call is being recorded”

    He heard it as well. We both have iPhones and were just talking over the PSTN. Wtf


    Who was in the wrong here?

    Probably technically the shop keeper but camera dude seems like douchebag
