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"And my bolter!"
  • Yeah but 40k Fantasy is it's own thing and doesn't have sweet Space Marines, unless you acknowledge the Timescape. And cool kids don't do that. You wanna be cool right?

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    From Chinese to Italians and beyond, maligning a culture via its foods is a longtime American habit
  • It's so silly when people act like the US has zero culture.

    1. Hamburger

    The modern hamburger is widely considered to have been popularized in the U.S. in the late 19th or early 20th century.


    1. Hot Dogs

    Hot dogs, or frankfurters, were popularized in the U.S., particularly at baseball games, with the modern version emerging here.


    1. Buffalo Wings

    Buffalo wings were invented at the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, New York, in 1964.


    1. Macaroni and Cheese

    The boxed version of macaroni and cheese was popularized in the U.S., particularly by Kraft.


    1. Peanut Butter

    Modern peanut butter was developed in the U.S. by several inventors, including Dr. John Harvey Kellogg.


    1. Cornbread

    Cornbread has roots in Native American cuisine and was developed further in the U.S., especially in Southern cooking.


    1. Cobb Salad

    The Cobb salad was invented at the Brown Derby restaurant in Hollywood, California, in the 1930s.


    1. Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Chocolate chip cookies were invented by Ruth Wakefield at the Toll House Inn in Whitman, Massachusetts, in 1938.


    1. Barbecue (American Style)

    American-style barbecue originated in the U.S., with distinct regional varieties such as Texas, Carolina, and Kansas City BBQ.


    1. Jell-O

    Jell-O was invented in 1897 by Pearle Bixby Wait in LeRoy, New York.


    These URLs link directly to each source where you can explore more about these iconic American foods.

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    Anybody watching the US Presidential debate right now?
  • A 20% tariff on imported goods?

    More tax breaks for the rich?

    Come on man. Harris is against those.

    So being for a tax break for the rich is wrong. And being against a tax break for the rich is wrong? What other option even is there?

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    Trump refuses to say if he wants Ukraine to win the war
  • If I'm being honest, I don't really feel like going back and forth anymore, it's pointless. You're free to think I'm wrong, I think you came across poorly and are wrong too.

    Neither one of us are going to change our minds and we've decended into responses with cut quotes and countless questions. Things like "I didn't call them a drone I said they'd act like one." It's silly. There's really no point in either one of us going back and forth, to do what? Are you really open to the idea that the war in the Ukraine is important, it doesn't seem like it, and me spending time writing up response after response just wastes my time writing it and your time reading it.

    I hope you're well man.

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    Trump refuses to say if he wants Ukraine to win the war
  • You've been trying? Your initial rant seemed very targeted at people and insulting, with plenty of name calling.

    You've been disrespecting people from the jump, saying only like 4 people will be able to understand you. You reject the idea that you might be wrong and that other people might have a point. You simply dismiss and attack people who disagree with you. You've had chances to prove your point and didn't, at all, you just attacked people.

    Also saying you don't care what's happens in Ukraine is just heartless on a human level. If you don't care if a country gets invaded and their people raped and murdered, well it seems like you don't have any morals. You can say we should support them with money or weapons, I disagree but I can understand that stance. Saying you don't care if they win it's some cold shit.

    But regardless, when you enter the conversation saying people won't be able you because they don't get it and attacking groups of people, you don't really have a lot of room to complain about people being disrespectful. You called people who might disagree with you "parrots" and "drones" and here you are talking about disrespect? Then you edited it and called people fragile, just doubling down on the insults. For a guy so upset that people are attacking him for a different opinion, you are did come out of the gate attacking anyone who might disagree with you. Get the fuck out of here with this victim bs.

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    Trump refuses to say if he wants Ukraine to win the war
  • Trying to take the high road after being a pretty awful jerk to people is a bold move. Either way, it's not an attack, it's the reality of whatever that was.

    I'm all about opposing opinions they just need to have, ya know, a single coherent thought in them. Just because I don't want to here some cry/rambling nonsense doesn't make me close minded, it shows in value my time lol.

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    Trump refuses to say if he wants Ukraine to win the war
  • You... I don't even know where to begin. You don't understand how inflation works or how things on the other side of the world can impact us due to a global economy. You should care if Ukraine wins, because burying our head in the sand and carrying about only the US means we're left to feel the impact of global events were not engaging in.

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    What would your political compromise be?
  • One side has stats that have down that Roe V Wade massively reduced crime as less children were born into the system or unwanted. The burden of an unwanted child can ruin both the parents and childs life. We've seen how abortion bans can lead to doctors being scared to do anything in some situations causing the mother to die.

    The other side is people saying a fetus has a soul because an old book told them so.

    It's pretty clear which side should be backed. Not saying either side is perfect, but one side has a lot more supporting evidence than the other.

    Let's not forget, the pro choice side is just that, you have a choice. No one is forcing anything, the other side is. Again, the choice is clear to me.

    The example of pushing a woman down the stairs is silly. The reason why it's worse if she's pregnant is because you took away her choice and opportunity to have that baby, after she is dealing with all that comes with being pregnant. That is not the same as a person who is a month in and doesn't want it, by her choice.

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    What would your political compromise be?
  • There is no room for a discussion. It's like one side saying "kill everyone" and the other side is saying "let's not kill people" then people are like "well, let's compromise and kill just some people, it's only fair." No, I'm done. Democrats have been way too tame and compromising for too long, I'm done entertaining this BS.

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    Democrats be like
  • Surely you can see tha difference between "conflict," which implies roughly equal power and moral responsibility

    It does not imply that at all, that's a massive assumption on your end that you use as a point to press. Throughout history the term conflict has be used to talk about many wars/battles and not all of them were equal, at all.

    I'm saying I'm a conflict there can be genocide. But if anything genocide doesn't even capture the full scale of what's happening beyond the pointless killings. Conflict is a much broader scope, including things like economic impact, infrastructure damage to the county, etc. It's not one or three other. I agree genocide is bad and this conflict is bad and you're arguing with me about how I'm not saying it's bad enough because I used a word you don't fully understand. What are you even doing?

    You need to educate yourself on the terms being used and stop making assumptions then using those assumptions to label people. You're mindset, while focused on something different, is bordering on MAGA.

  • Judge Delays Trump’s Sentencing Until Nov. 26, After Election Day

    The decision by Justice Juan M. Merchan means voters will be left in the dark about whether the former president will face time behind bars.

    It wouldn't be fair to have your felony conviction negatively impact your opportunities. This is how justice works right?
