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  • It's not a problem as long as the eggs weren't incubated for too long. It will take for a while before anything visible developes

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    How often do you feed your cat wet food compared to dry food?
  • We feed them primaly wet food 3 times a day. But if we are away over 9 hours, we give them dry food in toys to find.

    All three of them gain weight easily, so we have to control their food intake

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    What android keyboard app do you use and why?
  • That seems interesting, but it feels like it would be slower than thumb-key? How long have you been using it, and how high wpm do you have? For reference, I have used thumb-key for 6 months or so, and can achieve 40-45 wpm

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    What android keyboard app do you use and why?
  • Yeah you can't really "infer" where a letter is, it just takes time to learn the loiations by heart. I think I have used this for 6 months or so, and I'm able to write 40wpm without looking at the keyboard. But damn was it slow in beginning

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    On the Internet, what is a dead giveaway that someone is actually a kid?
  • It's interesting to meet someone else who also struggles with an overuse of parentheses and ellipses (I didn't know what they were called, thanks for that!).

    This is a complete shot in the dark, but do you also happen to be on the spectrum? (I have nothing to base this on expect my theory that overclarification could be more common among neurodivergent people)

    Edit: ellipsis -> ellipses

  • 2 Ensiasunnon verovapaus poistuu vuodenvaihteessa

    Hallitus esittää ensiasunnon ostajia koskevan varainsiirtoverovapauden poistamista.

    > Hallitus esittää ensiasunnon ostajia koskevan varainsiirtoverovapauden poistamista. Valtiovarainministeriön tiedotteessa todetaan, että tällä rahoitettaisiin osittain verokantojen alentamista. > Muutos tulisi voimaan ensi vuoden alusta. > Hallitus esittää myös varainsiirtoveron alentamista kiinteistöjen, asunto-osakkeiden ja muiden arvopapereiden osalta. > Juttu täydentyy.

    Herranen aika hallituksella on nyt kova meno; tehdään ensiasunnon ostamisesta kalliimpaa jotta voidaan laskea varainsiirtoveroa (pääosin) sijoittajilta.
