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TIL In the 1800s, individuals secured government jobs through connections to presidents, not by merit. This practice ended after a disgruntled job-seeker assassinated President James A. Garfield,
  • Your sweet ass has about the same integrity as all the other bullshit I see (and sometimes even read) every motherfuckin day on this Internet we find one another on.. Source verified as original by way of alcohol.

    Nice fuckin job, eh..

  • Hey, everyone.. Sobernauts and all.. My Girl just made two months sober today after having a two week fuck-up and reset.

    I'm taking her to a little lake nearby and teaching her how to kayak. But, I'd like to get her a special gift of some sort, too and I absolutely fuckin suck ass at giving gifts.

    Anyone have any good ideas you can think of?

    Thanks, and I miss y'all. As for my sobriety, I'm fuckin it up at the moment, but trying to not go completely off the deep end. Staying away from liquor and I believe I'm ready to give it up entirely, again.. I'll be back soon.

    Rifles of Simo Häyhä: The World’s Greatest Sniper
  • There's a great episode of the Timesuck podcast (episode 165: Simo Hayha: White Death)

    I'm not going to link to it, because I'm not sure of the thread rules, but it's a seriously well done and researched podcast on the life of this sniper.

    (Edit: 22 MAR 2024 10:47 EST)

    Here's a link to "Timesuck episode 165: Simo Hayha: White Death" (I'll use a YouTube link, probably more widely accessible)

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    The Daily Checkin for Wednesday March 20th - Just for Today, We Are NOT Drinking!!!
  • Gray matter, brain, mind, The Boys In The Basement, etc.. The part of us that soaks everything up, mentally.. just something to focus on. The more immersed in something I get, the less I tend to crave getting shit-hammered to try to shut my thoughts down. (And, honestly, alcohol tends to do the opposite of that, anyways.. I would drink to "forget" but the effect was almost always to focus intensely on all the shittiest parts of whatever it was that I was trying to forget in the first place..) Just something I found funny for a moment.

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    The Daily Checkin for Wednesday March 20th - Just for Today, We Are NOT Drinking!!!
  • G'mornin! I will stay sober with this wonderful bunch of sweet-assed sober people this day! Mid-week humpday blues, maybe.. But, I'm gonna dig in and get the old gray sponge occupied this morning.

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    The Daily Checkin for Sunday March 17th - Just for Today, We Are NOT Drinking!
  • Hope y'all have as good a time or better than we did! And definitely wish ya better luck if you're fishing! That's pretty much the only kinda camping we do, no facilities, no worries. But, now the workweek is back and it's time to break the donuts.

  • Anyone else using the standard edition of DDDL having recent issues with the loss of Parameter access and other key features on Detroit / Freightliners?

    First issue I ran into a while back was with replacing an ACM on one of our trucks. The ability to have the ACM programmed at FL, shipped to me and then resetting the Ash Accumulator at our shop was removed from the Standard DDDL software. After nearly a week of dealing with that shit, Detroit finally temporarily upgraded our software to the Professional version and still, the option to 'Replace ACM' is no longer available in the Standard edition.

    Fast forward to now, I have a truck that I need to install fog lamps in. So, I need to turn on its Parameter options in the SAMCAB module. All of the parameters in the SAMCAB, SAMCHASSIS, MSF and ICU are no longer available in the Standard Edition software. This literally guts my ability to do many of my required duties at my job as a heavy truck mechanic. These were all modifiable parameters in Standard Edition in the fairly recent past. This really puts me at an unacceptable disadvantage for the work that I do. I'm turning a very significant amount of my outside labor time on work that requires me to have access to Parameters and Options. It's also killing the work I am able perform on our personal fleet trucks as well.

    Are any of you mechanics facing this dilemma, as well? Or have any information that may be helpful in my situation? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    If this is posted in the wrong place, any idea where I might better post it? I haven't found any heavy truck threads on Lemmy, yet.
