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Rain on Other Worlds
  • Yep. I found it fascinating. I think the version I had probably had a forward from Asimov talking about how we were wrong about guesses about Venus.

    I don't remember much else from the story except this, and the big reveal of the whodunnit. (Or more accurately the how).

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    Rain on Other Worlds
  • There was a young adult sci fi series by Asimov called 'Lucky Starr' and I remember Venus was Oceanic in that one. Old old series.

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    Beginner Distro recommendations
  • Thanks, I'm leaning towards getting started with Linux and then investigating options from there. The opensuse someone else recommended also looks interesting.

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    Beginner Distro recommendations
  • Thanks. I've heard of the bootloader issue so I was planning on separate drives for Linux vs windows.

    I love powershell, so I'm not afraid of the CLI, but it is daunting.

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    Beginner Distro recommendations
  • I meant to add... very long term goal if I get comfortable enough would be to maybe even try to convert my wife... but photoshop/Adobe Creative suite is a must have... how is that on Linux these days? Would this affect what distro I should aim for in that instance?

  • Long overdue, I know, but looking to start at least partially migrating and working with Dual boot, coming from Windows 10 (putting off 11 as much as possible)...

    I have limited Linux experience, mostly in college several years back.

    I work remotely with Windows software development, including Winforms,, .net core, etc. Not sure what I need to best work with these, particularly Winforms. That may not even be possible, I know.

    Looking for any general guidance/recommendations.

    Long term, I'm interested in migrating as much as possible, outside of whatever I have to keep up for work... starting with dual boot options then moving towards linux as a primary driver. I have an old media server (also win10, not win11 compatable) not really doing much but running plex when I need it... would love to also eventually poke around with Home Assistant or similar, maybe some LLM tinkering etc.

    If this isn't a good community for this, I apologize, and please point me to a better one if you know of one.

    "Spiders" by me
  • We had a Garden Spider for one summer on the corner of our porch.

    She was so chill and we loved having her around. They often rebuild that beautiful web every night.

    She laid a few sacs, but none of her children stuck in our yard, sadly.

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  • Did some checking, out of curiosity.

    And yeah. Interesting as hell.

    We recorded 65 dBSPL (dB of sound pressure level) ultrasonic sounds 4 inches (10 cm) from tomato and tobacco plants, implying that these sounds could be detected by some organisms from up to several feet (meters) away.

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  • Did some searching. The paper from 2019 that discussed this -

    We recorded 65 dBSPL (dB of sound pressure level) ultrasonic sounds 4 inches (10 cm) from tomato and tobacco plants, implying that these sounds could be detected by some organisms from up to several feet (meters) away.

  • I see him nearly every day. I don't post a lot online, but felt like sharing him today.
