Birds Aren’t Real? How a Conspiracy Takes Flight | Peter McIndoe | TED
Birds Aren’t Real? How a Conspiracy Takes Flight | Peter McIndoe | TED
Just go full Dyson Ring and have one in space around the sun, can even use all the surface area to power it with solar panels.
Wouldn't one race enslaving another already violate the Federation's Prime Directive?
It would also put an undue burden on people who need larger dogs for medical reasons...
Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger, may I take your order?
The arm of the chair/couch is just going to break your back anyway...
I got everything working great in Fedora with Proton, even my nvidia drivers. Then, a buddy had an idea that we all get and play MWII, which can not run in proton, now I'm back to windows