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What DAW are you using?
  • Been using LMMS for a while now! I'm sure there's better options, maybe better free options, but for a small time dork working on electronic stuff, looking to branch into recording a garage band I'm forming, it's doing me just fine for now.

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    Time for it
  • I think I get what they're saying. Basically "What if we collectively sought to bring each other up instead of engaging in competitive individualism?"

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    Happy Birthday America!
  • It's also apt, in it's own weird way. There's absolutely a difference between pre-9/11 and post-9/11 America. One could consider it a rebirth of sorts.

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    Marcus Aurelius rule
  • Heck, any chance you've got the full comic that panel is from? I've been looking for it for a while now, actually.

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    To those who hate anime, why do you hate it?
  • Not in the "hate" camp, but I'm very picky with anime. I recognize it's a wide genre with tons of legitimately great productions.

    There's a lot of anime stuff that just irritates me for reasons I've not been able to put into words other than "it makes me cringe from embarrassment." Female characters that are less an interesting or fun character and more like an endless void of cutesy vibes and nothing more, the anime pratfalls to punctuate a joke, weird creepy stuff towards women, laughably edgy characters, changing art styles to something tonally clashing for comedic effect (only example I know off the top of my head is in Hellsing Ultimate, which I'll admit I've only seen in the form of the abridged series), overtly blatant fan service, all the characters being teenagers, etc. Tropes like these tend to irritate me to the point of getting in the way of my enjoyment of a show and it kills a lot of anime for me.

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    Music Monday - what have you been listening to?
  • Been running through the Shaolin Afronauts' five album suite The Fundamental Nature of Being. If you like jazzy things and wanna step into something new - I'd still recommend Fela Kuti as one's intro to afrobeat, but the Shaolin Afronauts are damn incredible in their own right and absolutely worth a listen. Here's the opening song from the first part!

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    Ford Patents In-Car System That Eavesdrops So It Can Play You Ads
  • Not always. I've been to a couple pumps where none of the buttons did anything. At that point I'm tempted to get a squirt gun to spray into the speakers, hope it does something useful to the speakers.

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    Anon is a good samaritan
  • Yes, and the reasoning behind why it's considered such is also detailed in the link itself. I figured I'd leave that link as a way for folks to read into it and learn where the claim originated from.

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    Anon is a good samaritan
  • I vaguely recall having heard that before of somewhere out in eastern Asia, but I can't recall where at. I'd be curious to see what that's about.


    Found this.

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    Who ever thought it sounded good this way? I think it's because headphones weren't widely used back then.
  • It was a pain in the ass but me and a buddy got it working once. I was a young teen and this was long before weed helped me see more beauty in music, so I didn't get much out of it, but as an adult it'd probably be different.

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    Anon boots up a game
  • First one that I heard that comes to my mind is Super Smash TV on the SNES.




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    I never skip the OP
  • Lupin III is like that with me. Been running through Part 2 and it's just as unskippable as Cowboy Bebop's intro, maybe even more so.

  • Inspired by the very similar thread about school incidents.


    Apologies if this post ain't right for this community! I'm admittedly not interested in self-hosting myself, but I've a close buddy who's wanting to get back to streaming, but rightfully hates Amazon. He's wanting to self-host with Owncast to do video streaming with his pals, but lives in a very small flat with very little free space - hence the request for a laptop.

    Ideally he's needing something great for video encoding, and Linux friendly to boot. No Windows. Mate's got a budget of ~£1,000.

    If there's a better community for this lemme know!


    After a best mate of mine introduced me to Fela Kuti's works I've been real interested in hearing music from other cultures you don't hear much stuff from. Doesn't have to be traditional music styles (love it when genres and cultures fuse together, like Masayoshi Takanaka taking influence from Brazilian music), but I'd love to hear that as well!


    (I know Linux is better than Windows, there's a better time and place for that talk)

    SPECS: OS: Windows 10 Pro N Motherboard: MSI MPG B550 Gaming Plus CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X GPU: NVidia GeForce RTX 4060 Ti RAM: 4x HyperX Fury DDR4 8GB sticks (two rated for one clock speed, the other two rated for another. As I understand it the faster sticks will just run at the speed of the lower two, and it deffo ain't causing issues cause I've tested games with just one pair or the other. Both gave me crashes)

    Minidump file:

    Simply put, built a custom Windows machine and it gives me BSODs on many more recent games. Deep Rock Galactic, crashes within seconds to minutes of actual gameplay (not including the hub). Remnant: From the Ashes, crashes within minutes on the overworld. Starfield, crashes within minutes to two hours. Blood West, crashes within five minutes of gameplay. Helldivers 2 works fine ingame, but once I quit the game it blue screens within seconds of returning to the desktop.

    I've reinstalled drivers. I've disabled sound drivers. I've popped the computer open and reseated everything at least two or three times so far. RAM was tested using MemTest86, no issues at all. CPU temps tend not to exceed anything higher than the 70-75 range ingame (hot, but my processor is rated for up to 90 Celsius). I've reapplied thermal paste four times. I'm on my third install of Windows so far, with this being the Pro N version rather than the Pro version I tried the first two installs. I've had a bit of a go at googling the highlighted files in the Minidump file, but at this point I'm all but giving up. If the Internet can't fix this shit, I'll just sell the components or machine at a loss and stick with an older gaming laptop.


    One of my favorite things to do while stoned is listen to albums that are really unique, artful, and/or jam packed with soul and energy, as in that head space music just hits completely differently and it just lends to me finding a deep love and appreciation for the art of music. What're some of your favorites?
