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UK General Election results megathread
  • This year's general election, after all the votes counted, has a

    • Sainte-Laguë index of 48.36, and a
    • Gallagher index of 23.75.

    This makes the (dis)proportionality worse than HUNGARY's (my home) FPTP component (SLI = 36.96) – a component of the mixed system which allows our ruling party to get 2/3 supermajorities each time, every time, with sometimes less than 50% of the votes, and which ultimately transformed our country to an "electoral autocracy"

    You guys need electoral reform desperately. And do it before someone cheats with the current rules deliberately.

    (PS: I calculated the electoral indices using the python package voting)

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    Switzerland vs Italy (Berlin, 18:00)
  • Jesus Christ almighty… This was on the same level as Portugal's shocker. Complete wipeout in the defence, midfield, and attack in every minute. ._.

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    Czechia vs Türkiye (Hamburg, 21:00)
  • I'm pretty sure that Turkey and Portugal both drawing or winning would have been enough, but damn Portugal just didn't get it today. Oh well, at least I can hate on Southgate now.

    PS: Please ignore the first part of the comment, I didn't realise what I was replying to. But yes, Turkey losing by 3 or more points would have been it.

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    I built the first 100% private, on-device "For You" feed on the fediverse
  • This is flipping amazing. UX beats big corps hands down, recommendations are greatly innovative. One little thing: can we have a back button? It's a bit clunky when I have to go to the top of my browser every time I go back from a post. Other than that, it looks great!

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    USB tunneling
  • Here's the way: look at the little "crack" on the middle of the plug on one side (the vast vast vast majority have one) – that should be facing down. I haven't used a vertical plug in a while but I think it faces left there.

    For the forsaken anguish of God, microUSB, it's reversed, so crack up.

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    Emergency First Aid
  • The poster's 2014. And yeah, Oz does seem to advise against abdominal thrusts (Heimlich), instead recommending chest thrusts. However, the US and European agencies recommend back slaps/coughing and then the Heimlich.

    Also yeah, breathing in CPR doesn't really show benefits that outweigh lost time, so probably just compress.

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  • Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft.

    Even more impressive because of it's unholy pronunciation, the Hungarian „longest” word: ’megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért’


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    Orbán to Brussels: Time to shake up ‘bad’ EU leadership
  • Well first a new voting system would be required because Orbán, after winning in an unproportional system, decided to make the system even worse. So now, even if he only gets 45-54% of the vote, the same exact 68% supermajority is guaranteed.

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  • Aber Newton war die der Beste: "14 (1 1/4) Grad: Die größte Hitze eines Bades, die man für etwas Zeit aushalten kann, wenn die Hände eintauchen wird und wird in konstanter Bewegung halten." Wissenschaftlich.

    English PS:

    I'm just learning German and though I checked with Google Translate and Duden Mentor, it might make no sense or whatever else.

  • I am in the opinion that some alternative UIs should be available on the instance (domain) – if possible, of course. already has many alt. UIs, I think we should have something like that. So, here's a list:

    … and more, check out

    What do you think?
