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In Sachsen und Brandenburg: Grüne beim Anbringen von Wahlplakaten überfallen -
  • Ein angetrunkener 14-Jähriger wurde als Hauptverdächtiger festgenommen, wie ein Polizeisprecher sagte. Es sei auch "ein Slogan aus der rechten Szene" gefallen.

    Weiß nicht was ich erwartet habe, aber alkoholisierte 14-jährige Nazis hatte ich nicht auf der Liste.

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  • Musste direkt an diesen Pfosten denken. Ein Beitrag von 1999 oder so, der beschreibt wie man mit nicht Computer Menschen über Computer spricht. Schätze auch oft massiv falsch ein was "Grundwissen" oder "Allgemeinwissen" ist.

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    Jobcenter-Sprecher: "Totalverweigerer" gibt es kaum
  • Was eine Überraschung! /s

    Wird die Leute welche sich darüber aufregen nur kaum interessieren. Ebenso wie die Rechnung zur Höhe des Bürgergeldes. Faszinierend, dass Leute lieber glauben andere hätten zu viel. Immer schön nach unten treten.

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    US-Regierung bereitete sich Ende 2022 auf russischen Atomschlag in der Ukraine vor
  • Wo wird denn genau thematisiert was Scholz tut? Zwei Posts weiter oben hat Scholz "einen Pflock gegen Atomkrieg" eingeschlagen. Aber eigentlich steht im Artikel nur, dass Scholz einen Atomschlag für unwahrscheinlich hält. Vielleicht hab ich es auch zu schnell überflogen.

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    No more Pornhub? That will depend on what happens with a Senate bill
  • As some wise man once said:

    I'm fairly sure if they took porn off the internet, there'd only be one website left, and it'd be called "Bring back the porn!"

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    First exp with a split ANSI keyboard
  • My biggest issue was the F1-12 keys on macOS. But then realized I can just turn of the macOS mode and use them like normal. Which keys did you use for macros? Do you switch layers? Have never really used them but always wanted to look into it

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    First exp with a split ANSI keyboard
  • It is! Went on super nice, and with a sharp chisel I got a nice surface. Beats messing around with resin easily. I doubt it will hold up as good as resin, but that's fine for now.

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    First exp with a split ANSI keyboard
  • Tyvm! It's some oak with danish oil. Also I had my first attempt at filling some cracks with black hot glue, which I am really happy with

  • Working as a developer, I spend quite some time in front of my keyboard. So after years of lurking and checking out keebs, I am finally typing these sentences on my first mechanical keyboard - a Mistel Barocco MD770 RGB BT Glaze Blue ANSI. I want to use this post to share some of my thoughts and experienc, to maybe help others along their path.


    • being from Europe, I am used to ISO layouts (ISO-DE to be precise). The reason I went for ANSI is the general availability of keebs and caps + the layout might be nice for developing. And so far I love it! Apart from the Umlauts, everything feels nicer to reach and within 1-2 weeks I managed to get somewhat used to it (for the Umlauts I use a custom MacOS layout, which makes them available via Alt combinations). Might never be as fast on normal german text, but spamming CTRL+Z with one hand already makes up for that.
    • split is awesome! No regrets here, although it had me work on my touchtyping again!
    • TKL is not a problem so far, although I don’t do much number stuff

    Keyboard itself:

    • love the clean look and everything feels pretty solid
    • I am missing a tilt option. The keyboard comes with some feet you can screw on, but e.g. Keychron flip out feet look way nicer an easier to use
    • wristrest is a must for me! The one on the photo was made by myself (and yes, I made it symetric on the first try. Couldn’t bear it, so I had to saw it apart and re-glue it)
    • there is no extra B. Before then, I didn’t know that I was using the wrong hand to type it.


    • no GUI/software for the computer. I am fine without, but would have been nice and easier to configure the board

    All in all, I am happy to finally have made a move and I am looking forward to typing on the board every day. It is a very nice first keyboard to me, but looking at ortho layouts I am afraid it’s not the last.
