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Please stop the bus of life, I want to get off
  • Where does it say you don't get paid?

    Also, in terms of understanding how things happen, this is definitely not a bad thing.

    So many people take everything for granted. I worked a couple of years in agriculture. Long days, tough work. I will never look down on a farmer, and it thought me some neat lessons in life too.

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    The MAGA plan to stop forest fires: Remove the forest | Project 2025 plans to increase commercial logging to fight wildfires. Ecologists and fire experts say this will make fires worse.
  • Honestly you must be dumber than sticks to not understand what is being said here.

    There are ways to cut trees to make forest fires spread slower, like for example a firebreak. It can slow firespread to critical areas or even stop it from advancing altogether. There is thought put into a firebreak. Not just reckless cutting.

    Drumpf wants to cut "all the trees", because no trees is no forest, and no forest is no forest fires.... Some Idiocracy type thinking if you could even call it that.

    Get better.

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  • But embarrassing oneself is one thing, taking away chances from people that actually try really hard.... Kinda mean

    Whatever I've spent enough time on her now. Time to live life again.

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  • Imho someone should have warned her..

    I think she is someone who has been lied to. Like a girl who had never been told she cannot sing, and when she finally hits the talentshow, Simon Cowell has to break it to her. He's a dick, but he's not wrong.

    And now a real, good breakdancer is missing out on this chance. We're talking about the Olympics for crying out loud. Not some tournament with all sorts of people joining. She does not have the skill to compete with the breakdancing going on, clearly, compared to others in this competition.

    If she doesn't like the hate, then don't seek this spotlight. It's great to have a passion, yay you! It's not okay to force the world to enjoy your passion. It's that type of entitlement that gets people to support someone who clearly doesn't have what it takes to join the Olympics.

    For real, as I'm writing this I don't get why people accept this. It's not fair to people ACTUALLY being good at this.

    End of rant. Cannot wait to see people get mad at me for not accepting her on that stage.

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    violently cries and sobs
  • Guess you're right. But the part about the trans community is something I've seen happen to my friend, not myself.

    They were so unfair. Like you say. They were victims and very bitter about it.

    I really cannot care about most of the drama. That's too time consuming. Old men probably feel threatened, I don't. Regardless, we will never meet eachother but a discussion keeps the mind fresh, thank you.

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    violently cries and sobs
  • I'm not trans but don't understand why I have to accept being called cis.

    My gaming friend who's m-f is a female now, sure, whatever works for her. But why must I suddenly have a name for something I am. I didn't choose any of this? Is it actually made to anoy me, it doesn't. Is it something that happens because, in the modern day we live in, this is just a change that has to happen? I don't know, probably.

    What I do know is that the trans community is, in many cases, so unrelentingly hostile towards cis, because many don't understand. Even against trans people, some communities create so many rules. My friend had trouble trying to fit in because she wasn't trans enough for her discord group. Wtf?

    Bottom line for me is; were all human, and that is more a problem than gender. Jealousy, pride, ego, it's all part of a human and that goes for cis/trans and the lot.

    And I think alot of cis people hate being called that because it's new and it feels aggressive.

    Can't wait for someone to smack me down for my opinion

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  • You are right, sadly some are knowingly in it for the hatred and not because of a bad life or pressure.

    Some are just racist and want to watch people suffer.

    I have struggled with this fact myself because it's alien to me to hate someone, just because. Sadly I realize that a whole bunch of people on this earth will simply not change because they really want to be like this.
