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The real culprit behind all fascist movements
  • You're incredibly uneducated to be making the claims you are.

    Racism in the US south against black people looks different than racism in the midwest/Western states against Native Americans because the goals of the racism were different.

    The govt wanted to grow the black population so they could have a huge workforce to take from. Explicit racism helps a lot with this, because it's declaring people black and enforcing that they are less than and deserve to be a lower class. This is probably what you mean about how racist the south is.

    For Native Americans, the govt's goal is to take their land and destroy their claims to land - they want LESS Native Americans. That's why colorblindness is the racism in the midwest and west. That is also why those areas HATE Latino people, even though those people are generally just Native Americans who speak Spanish. That's why you hear stuff like "We speak English here." That's why old John Wayne movies were the way they were. That's why we had those Native American re-education schools. That's why we killed so mamy buffalo (to starve them) and the Great Plains to this day has never recovered fully from how many millions of herd animals were killed. It's why, TO THIS DAY, Christian organizations will adopt Native kids to explicitly white Christian families. It's why the Mormons are in Utah. It's why most Native reservations are in extremely inhospitable places (look at the Navajo lands versus nearby in Hatch, NM - the Native people would have lived near Hatch, near water, but we took that from them and gave them barren soil - to kill them).

    The racism against Native Americans is like smothering and starving a baby to death, whereas the racism in the south is more like screaming//beating at a baby to depression/"submission".

    Rec reading: Conquest: Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide by Smith, Andrea

    Old cowboys used to cut Native women's labia off and put it on their saddle horns to play with. The west is racist too.

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    The real culprit behind all fascist movements
  • Behind the Nazis is what they learned from Trail of Tears and US antebellum slavery. Behind that, you get Rome.

    It's war. War is behind all fascism.

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    A longtime GOP operative helped the Green Party’s Jill Stein get on the N.H. ballot. Democrats smell mischief.
  • Gee, wonder why Democrats have a likability issue. You don't need to alienate people for them. Unless you hate them? It's always so hard to tell with you all

    Most people I speak with, most average Americans, have a HUGE problem with the two party system and are open to things like approval or ranked choice voting. Go to any bar and talk to anyone. In terms of democracy, that's majority voters. Since I'm not authoritarian or fascist, I think it's important for representatives to hear issues like these and represent their people's wishes.

    Both parties benefit from preventing progress. That's why we are hashing out abortion issues from the fucking 70s. We're arguing about child care, something Republicans wanted originally in...again, the 70s.

    Democrat politicians are NOT making this a central talking point because they benefit from ignoring their base. You're right that they enjoy bypassing their civic duty as representatives of everyone. If they wanted to, they'd all be talking about it at every campaign to make it a theme/rally cry. They choose not to and to use old talking points that you can hear more eloquently said from the original trials and speeches of the 70s. It's a niche issue in the media. It's intentionally ignored by Democrat leadership. It's desired and known by most people.

    Unfortunately for you, I'm aware of the power I have as an individual. I will keep talking and keep advocating.

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    Three Democrats Re-Introduce Bill That Would Bring Ranked Choice Voting to Congressional Elections Across America
  • Yeah exactly, I was being a bit hyperbolic there but I do think this is a unifying issue for pretty much anyone from any party.

    Funny enough the other thing that really gets people under 50 going is talking about high speed rail done well and effectively here as public transportation. Something conservative men really like about trains lol, I'll take it

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    Black man found dead against tree with rope around his neck in NC: 'Not a lynching,' sheriff says
  • I had a man deliberately swerve at my car, stop in front of me so I couldn't move, and then when I argued back and he lost the argument, he blasted an illegal train whistle horn at me and drove off. I immediately reported him (attempted assault with a deadly weapon, false imprisonment, illegal attachment that cpupd also be considered assault), had the location and license plate and everything.

    The officer told me he couldn't do anything because I didn't have video proof. I knocked on doors and will continue to do so to see if anyone has a camera that overlooks the intersection or if anyone has a dash camera that caught it. The officer may think I'm cool with a 50 something year old man attempting to hunt down people and cause accidents, but I'm not.

    Cops are fucking USELESS, their ONE helpful role is to deal with violent offenders and they can't even do that.

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    Lawless society
  • Well, if you were someone playing a game with them, then you can incorporate this. The point is that it's not obligatory and is based on the people participating

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    A longtime GOP operative helped the Green Party’s Jill Stein get on the N.H. ballot. Democrats smell mischief.
  • Niche? I thought it was an idea the entire Dem group was putting forth legislation on, now it's an obscure idea we have to take time to explain? Your last paragraph contradicts your first one - is approval voting so niche that Dems don't know about it and can't talk about it and have to explain, or is it so well known that every Dem already has openly stated their support of it?

    Yes, Dems should take time during campaigns to talk about actual policy. That's what campaigns are for.

    99% of status quo talking points are boring because our representatives are bad at their jobs.

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    Three Democrats Re-Introduce Bill That Would Bring Ranked Choice Voting to Congressional Elections Across America
  • I actually think this is one issue that is okay to be a single issue voter on, because once it's achieved then all voting afterwards will be fairer.

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    Trump’s Weird, Low-Energy Speech Ends With an Even Stranger Twist
  • Omfg why are people STILL pretending Biden is totally fine? That debate performance literally convinced me to begin the process of renaturalizing to Germany. Both men exhibited signs of aphasia/dementia. Why MUST we be delusional and pretend Biden is/was fine to make our points?

    The media didn't even widely report on Biden, it was the general public freaking out that added so much pressure for him to drop out. We can all see he's not doing well. Stop fucking pretending that was media slant

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    A longtime GOP operative helped the Green Party’s Jill Stein get on the N.H. ballot. Democrats smell mischief.
  • Then the public should demand their representatives talk about it more

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    A longtime GOP operative helped the Green Party’s Jill Stein get on the N.H. ballot. Democrats smell mischief.
  • That's not ALL the democrats. That's not a message by the entire party.

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    A longtime GOP operative helped the Green Party’s Jill Stein get on the N.H. ballot. Democrats smell mischief.
  • The last time that was introduced was 2021. They WERE. They currently are not.

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    A longtime GOP operative helped the Green Party’s Jill Stein get on the N.H. ballot. Democrats smell mischief.
  • That's the thing about these viral talking points they're making though - this can be used as a launch pad for approval choice voting if we all bring it up every time it's mentioned in conversation. Using improv's "Yes, and," to further leftist causes. With enough peer pressure it's possible to change public policy.

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    A longtime GOP operative helped the Green Party’s Jill Stein get on the N.H. ballot. Democrats smell mischief.
  • Disagree, I think any Democrat worth voting for will bring this up. I think this is a "right now" topic which is a perfect rebuttal to their annoyance with third party candidates.

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    A longtime GOP operative helped the Green Party’s Jill Stein get on the N.H. ballot. Democrats smell mischief.
  • Democrats should combat this by advocating for ranked choice or approval choice voting which is a fairer voting system and won't allow for "spoilers"

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  • It is. Pregnancy cravings?

    Okay, think about this - women are growing an entire new entity. This entity is made of flesh. The easiest way to get components to build this flesh entity is other flesh entities.

    Eating flesh and blood is a woman thing in most species, yes, we agree. Glad you came around. terms of numbers of,documented and studied by scientists.

    In terms of numbers of species, insects certainly represent the largest percentage of the world's organisms. There are more than 1 million species of insects that have been documented and studied by scientists

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    Please stop the bus of life, I want to get off
  • Well, agree to disagree then.

    I never stated there was ultimate truth.

    Fallacies are intrinsic to philosophy, so much so they are incorporated into the legal system, math, and sciences.

    Bad faith is important all the time, not just during a debate. How many people would be in cults if they understood bad faith arguments? It would also be harder to scam people because most scams are also based on bad faith arguments.

    philosophy is essentially just a means to an end. It’s a structure that allows you to get from point A, to any externally defined point, in some structured and consistent manner.

    Yes, and that structured, "valid" manner has to do with logic, rationale, and fallacies. Fallacies are a failure of rationale or logic. They describe philosophical failures. I also disagree "philosophy is just a means to an end."

    On the z axis, a rock thrown exhibits the same downward forces as a rock dropped. If you took physics and calculus, you might know that.

    Bipedal motion is a little different than what dragonflies are doing, which is predictive math with an extremely high success rate.

    No, kids are taught that it's a fallacy. If your parents explained it as "it's not polite," rather than "it's nonsense," that's on your education. But it already sounds like you personally dislike learning about fallacies and are now projecting it onto me and the entire subject of philosophy rather than acknowledging I have validity (and I do, as I've been entirely consistent - unless you think you know some kind of ultimate truth that should dictate how others believe).

    By 'previous information,' what you meant originally and what I was addressing was previous formal philosophical info. Your original claim was that fallacies were too complex to teach to everyone. My point is that even children understand fallacies. It's not amd was never about whether you need language to understand communication, don't make up stupid stuff. Obviously if someone can't communicate at all, they would not take a course in any subject including logic and fallacies. Focus on your point and argue it. If you lose, maybe just accept that you're neglecting some education here in terms of fallacies and arguments.

    it’s probably not relevant enough to the majority of the public to warrant teaching everyone about them fully

    like i said i think teaching the basic tenants of fallacious thinking would be productive. Something that gives you a primer into the concepts would be largely beneficial.

    This is NOT what you said. Scroll up. Look at my first comment to you about this subject. You've spent days arguing against this.

    Here's my first comment to you, which you disagreed with:

    Just need courses on logic and fallacies and that would be 🤌

    Your response:

    i feel like fallacies are a bit of a golden goose, if you’re educated in the field of fallacies, you’re basically just educated in the field of debate, being educated in philosophy is going to allow you to generically recognize these fallacies, though without being able to identify them, as well as all of the additional benefits of engaging in philosophy (like understanding the concept of worldviews)

    another problem with fallacy, is that you can also just kinda, make shit up. Or accuse people of doing the same fallacy you’re doing, it’s sort of cyclic in nature like that. It’s interesting in theoretical thought though, i’ll give you that one

    But honestly, THANK YOU for demonstrating how properly identifying and refusing to accept fallacies wins an argument. I got you to change your mind according to your own comments. Maybe you should find fallacies a little less boring 🤷🏼‍♀️ Wouldn't have lost if you were arguing from a strong, rational position. Instead you were being reactive because it was about a subject you struggle in and find boring, by your own admission.

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  • Where am I backtracking?

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    Video shows officers dragged [NFL Star] Tyreek Hill out of his car after he put his window back up
  • I'm not a Democrat.

    Taxes provide a legal precedent for what you claim is "unconstitutional" regarding scaling fines.

    This is honestly stupid. The capitalists are the problem in capitalism because it affords them too much power.

    That poem you quoted is about Nazis, the oppressors. The poem doesn't go "they killed everyone and it is morally wrong for me to kill them back." Lol. You'll notice the Nazis aren't included in the poem? It's Jews, sure, but not Nazis? Why do you think that, oh brilliant one?

  • Organized Left


    Came across the above link (view in Desktop mode) claiming to be an article from 1990 saying that Robert Maxwell not only intervened with these children, they put them on his plane. I was trying to find more information and stumbled on this link after reading the below article which said that Maxwell "may also have helped Jews get out of Romania in the 1980s."

    It struck me at the time, with how many similarities Robert Maxwell had to Epstein ...including a love of Ghilsaine, huge financial fraud concerns, and a death that many think could have been murder. And how many people who fight trafficking end up as human traffickers themselves because it allowed them access to victims. It's just so strange that THAT man would have access to these victim networks, and that it would be so difficult to find since he allegedly was doing a good thing, right? It's not even in his obituary in the Time from 1991. But that's some Nobel Peace prize stuff, right? So why is it so hard to find except in passing mentions in articles?

    It would be interesting if he really was human trafficking those kids, and it would mean that Ghilsaine wasn't likely recruited by Epstein after her father died, but rather she recruited him to continue her work.

    > Maxwell told the 2016 deposition that after Epstein was jailed she continued to occasionally work at his properties and kept her ties with him.

    > “I’m a very loyal person and Jeffrey was very good to me when my father passed away,” she said in the 2016 deposition.

    > “I felt that it was a very thoughtful, nice thing for me to do to help in a very limited fashion.”

    Maybe she was loyal to him because he was her employee.

    > [Giuffre] claimed that Maxwell had directed her on three occasions to have sex with Prince Andrew.

    > According to Forbes, Maxwell and Epstein met through her father, convicted fraudster and tabloid king, Robert Maxwell. The pair was introduced as early as 1988, with Robert Maxwell reportedly providing funds for Epstein.

    > The claim that Robert Maxwell introduced his beloved daughter to Epstein comes from a convicted Ponzi schemer who had dealings with the men, according to Distractify. Other sources have Ghislaine Maxwell meeting Epstein through mutual friends around 1991, the year when Robert Maxwell died after suffering a heart attack and drowning.

    Finding out how those two met is likewise quite difficult, which is crazy since both of them went through several trials detailing their crimes. The Forbes article even notes that its likely they knew each other before Robert's death because of a photo of them together around 19 days after he died.

    7 Navajo Nation sends police to stop illegal uranium shipment

    Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren sent tribal police to turn away a shipment of uranium that he says violates tribal laws.

    > WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. — The President of the Navajo Nation announced earlier today that he was sending police to stop the transport of uranium across tribal lands. In his statement, President Buu Nygren said that the shipment was being done illegally. He also stated the lack of notice from the mining company posed a danger to his people.

    >"The lack of notification to the Navajo Nation is a blatant disregard for our tribal sovereignty and exposes our Diné people to toxic uranium,” Nygren said. “A substance that has devastated our community for decades.”

    >During the development of the first nuclear bomb and the subsequent nuclear arms race, Navajo lands were home to a large number of uranium mines. Sites across the Colorado Plateau, many of them on the Navajo reservation, were used to extract millions of tons of high-grade uranium ore.

    > Energy Fuels Inc., the largest uranium provider in the United States, agreed to give the tribe notice before hauling uranium across exempted highways. According to Nygren, the tribe only found out about the shipment after trucks had departed.

    [Nygren dispatched tribal police to turn away the shipment. But, according to the Associated Press, the trucks left tribal lands before police could intercept them.

    >"As president, I do not approve of this transport and will continue to fight to ensure our people are protected from the actions of Energy Fuels,” Nygren said.

    > While Tuesday’s shipment quickly left tribal lands, no guarantee exists that Energy Fuels will honor their agreement in the future. President Nygren has vowed to use roadblocks to prevent further shipments of uranium while the tribe develops regulations.


    This has been a doozy of a year. And it's the best year so far blah blah. So how are you all coping? Does it hit anyone else like a bolt of lightning that probably I - we - won't die of old age?

    176 Donald Trump photo without ear bandage raises eyebrows

    Famous photographer Pete Souza has seemingly deleted his X account after a post doubting whether Trump was shot in the ear.
