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Your first time

It's a beautiful game with amazing music and gameplay like 2D Zelda. I still think about it a lot.
  • I found the unresolved plot insanely unsatisfying.

    It was an interesting game for sure, good game play, art was excellent, story was kinda.. all over the place. I really wanted to have some of the mysteries explained and wrapped up because that was the most compelling part and when they weren't I was quite unhappy.

  • A talented musician


    I am not certain if they should be praised, or condemned, only that they should be left alone.


    Write your local representatives today!


    Coffee first


    I don't want to hear any complaining about that metaphysical mumbo-jumbo either.


    You may be entitled to compensation!

    2 authors say OpenAI 'ingested' their books to train ChatGPT. Now they're suing, and a 'wave' of similar court cases may follow.
  • Well, while I do agree that it sucks that some jobs may get replaced history has shown that it always leads to creating more jobs in place. The weavers lost their jobs when the loom came about, but far more jobs were created because of it, same with the printing press and every other advancement, the nature of advancing technology is to replace the old with the new.

    Ugh, the robot phone calls are going to get a hundred times worse, that one is true, I'm not sure if it'll make the standard corporate phone maze better or worse, maybe better because at least you can screw with the robot while you wait instead of having the same 30 seconds of highly compressed garbage elevator music blasted into your ear on repeat.

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    US religious right at center of anti-LGBTQ+ message pushed around the world
  • So you literally ignored what I had to say entirely.

    You are voting for that party, you are voting to support these people, you are voting to support these agendas, agendas that are meant to take away rights and hurt or criminalize or murder people. You might as well say "Well I don't agree with Hitler at all, I vote Nazi because of their economic policies"

    So I guess the real question is, do you agree with these positions? Do you want gay and trans people to be eliminated from society? Do you want women to be forced to give birth to headless fetuses even if it kills them? Cause if the answer is yes, then you are voting the right party! And they are fucking monsters!

    Otherwise I'm starting to think you are just trolling and don't actually have an interest in considering why people keep "lumping you in" with Nazis (I guess voting for them isn't enough).

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    US religious right at center of anti-LGBTQ+ message pushed around the world
  • I'm not going to go well into the details because it's getting off the point but as a few examples:

    "A Republican candidate running for a seat in Oklahoma's state House once said it is 'totally just' to kill gay people in comments that have resurfaced amid his campaign."

    "The Trump-endorsed Republican candidate in South Carolina's4th Congressional District called for the arrest and execution of those who advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and the protection of trans children."

    former Republican state representative Robert Foster: "I think they need to be lined up against [a] wall before a firing squad to be sent to an early judgment."

    There are plenty more out there like this, and an absolute avalanche of them couched in the standard political double speak and dog whistles that we are all used to.

    Now I'm sure you PERSONALLY did not vote for any of these people directly, but these are the representatives of the GOP, this is what I mean by you being on the ship with them. You may not be the person steering the ship, or loading the guns, or pulling the trigger, but you are on the ship advocating for violence and murder, passing laws that are leading to death and suffer and pushing to make more of them. You are saying that because you are swabbing the deck and cooking the meals you don't deserve to be lumped in with nazis who are running the ship.

    Get off the ship.

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    US religious right at center of anti-LGBTQ+ message pushed around the world
  • The people you are supporting and voting for have openly called for violence and death to be visited upon myself and my family simply because of who we are andwho we love.

    The GOP is a ship, and you are voluntarily on that, working to help that ship, the people steering that ship, setting it's direction, aiming it's guns, they are literally fascists, bigots, and often literal nazis. You work on that ship, do you not see why you are seen as one of them irregardless of weather or not you directly believe such hateful things?

    Get off that ship, you can still be a "conservative" but you have to stop supporting those people or you are one of them.

  • Tea, Earl Grey..


    And that's why he became chancellor


    I'm more of a dog person myself.


    When you meet someone new

    I always hope they will understand my language.
