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The cycle continues [beetlemoses]
  • You're also lazy!

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    The right is getting weirder about sex
  • I like you.

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    Which CLI app/utility you wish there was a GUI for?
  • Check out openconnect to connect to anyconnect VPNs

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    Aparrently Badgy sold out for the EM
  • I need this template.

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    Lower Decks & the curse of ending too soon
  • What I read is that the writers are sad it's ending so soon, they wanted to go for longer, but they are setting things up to be open for possible spin-offs, so maybe we'll get something new in the future in the same vein.

    I agree that its wild paramount is canceling a successful, and very cheap to produce show, their entire business model as of late seems to be shooting themselves in the foot and then wondering why they keep losing blood.

    Edit: clearly vim.

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    Give yourselves a round of applause 🖖
  • The lower decks should have done a joke about the three ensigns on Voyager who did nothing except build shuttles the entire seven years.

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    Has anyone here ever tried Linux From Scratch?
  • I ran it as my primary distro on my main machine for a while way back when. I don't recommend that.

    What I do recommend is going though the entire process even if it's just in a VM. It's incredibly educational and will teach you a ton about Linux and OS construction in general. I used to recommend it to everyone I was teaching linux/ Unix too and all the students who actually went through it and completed it now have successful IT careers. 100% an incredibly valuable teaching resource, you will look at all OS's with new eyes after you've built one bit by bit from source by hand.

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    Modern alternatives to FreeIPA
  • I prefer FreeLager myself.

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    George Takei was on Colbert yesterday
  • For real? That's hilarious.

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    OpenAI transcribed over a million hours of YouTube videos to train GPT-4
  • Well there's your problem right there.

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    Fourteen LLMs fight it out in Street Fighter III — Faster models make the best street fighters.
  • LLMs don't make decisions or understand things at all, they just regurgitate text in a human like manner.

    I say this as someone who sees a lot of potential in the technology, though, but like this, or like most people are claiming we can use them.

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    ‘Section 31’ Movie Director Says It’s A “Different” Star Trek + New Character Details Revealed
  • Translation: it's another formulaic action film with a Star Trek coat of paint.

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    A very thorough investigation that has found no evidence of foul play.
  • Exceptionally top notch star trek meme meme. 👌

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    You Trekkies sure are a contentious bunch
  • You've just made an enemy for life!

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    What Do People Think of Apple's Vision Pro Headsets?
  • Thank you very much for your thoughtful and detailed replies, it is much appreciated. This headset finally makes some kind of sense for what it is.

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    What Do People Think of Apple's Vision Pro Headsets?
  • Ok cool, if I may take a swing at summarizing what you said?

    What you are really talking about are the potential applications of AR (Augmented Reality), which I will totally agree with, that is a future state that is coming, unfortunately those apps mostly don't exist for the consumer space yet, but they will.

    The apple headset being the first commercially available headset that does AR well.

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    What Do People Think of Apple's Vision Pro Headsets?
  • What would you use it for? Honest question.

    I can't see using it for work. Writing a long email with an onscreen keyboard is not realistic.

    It doesn't really play games.

    So it's for watching YouTube on your face? I have a TV and couch that do that, and a phone in my pocket 24/7 that will do that. I honestly can't figure out the use case.

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    Meowdy rule
  • Please, not in front of everyone.

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    With AI looming, is there still space for new coders?
  • Thank you for not being the rare rational outlook on AI and buying into the AI fear mongering, or the AI hype train.

    AI is the new auto hammer, it can do things faster and sometimes better. Why you can build a house faster and with less effort! Or you can bash someone's skull in faster and with less effort! It's just a new tool we can use, for better or for worse, like every other new tool before it.

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    Just heard about the "folder leak" and thought it was funny
  • "You don't agree with me politically, therefore you must be a child abuser"

    Ah, the mark of the mature argument.

  • Direct link:
