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Solarpunk at the 37C3
  • Then I'm sure you're also familiar with the ransacking of Hirschfeld's Institute for Sexology in 1933, where some of the first treatment plans for trans people were developed. It was a place where gay people and trans people were accepted and treated with respect by medical personnel.

    That famous picture of the book burnings? Those were patient records and the research archives of the institute. So no, it did not just start with gay people, and trans people's persecution by nazis was relevant to bring up because it's one of the first kinds of persecution the nazis did. Dismissing that is ahistorical and dismissive of the history of oppression of trans people.

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    What countries could you realistically see Solarpunk becoming a reality in?
  • Definitely not the Netherlands, we've got a terrible case of American-style individualist brain-rot

    Union membership rates in the Netherlands are like 10% only. Ever since the end of 'Pillarisation' we've been mostly individualist. The only real exceptions are religious communities and local sports clubs.

    We'll need a massive cultural change first to make people care about their fellow citizens again. We're too alienated.

    I think Denmark has a much better chance, because their society favours collectivism a lot more. But then again Danish society has its own issues of course

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    Any book recommendations?
  • If you're looking for theory, The Ecology of Freedom by Murray Bookchin is where it's at

    Any sci fi novel by Ursula K. le Guin will have solarpunk elements, especially The Dispossessed

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    Europe cracks down after rise in 'direct action' climate protests
  • You're also supposing that this climate crisis that the governments are currently inflicting on their people is not violence. And that the police beating protesters is not violence.

    It is violence, and we should be able to defend ourselves.

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    Eating the bugs?
  • Bugs are always a trophic level above plants. It's always more efficient to 'cut out the middle man' and eat plants instead.

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    The Case Against Travel
  • There's travel and there's travel

    When people go to some place to see the sights and lie on the beach, that's not the same experience as when someone goes to an unfamiliar place to meet new people and really engage with their new location. The former is like junk food compared to an actual meal.
