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"Socialism doesn't work"
  • Ive been reading a lot of Russian history lately. The Bolsheviks basically swan dived into an opressive surveillance state right from the starting gun, loooong before any relations with america. The west didnt cause Stalin's purges and they had nothing to do with the Holodomor. People seriously suffered under communism, its genuinely atrocious.

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    I thought what we had was SPECIAL
  • "Listen I don't want people to know about this art project because i don't know if its any good or what i want to do with it"

    Cut to the next family gathering and every single one of my aunts is like "So i hear your an artist now?"

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    A Cool Guide about 12 myths that movies made us believe
  • So reading through these comments and also based on what i already know, it seems like this coolguide is pretty much bullshit.

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  • I had a really similar experience playing cyberpunk weirdly. Like, you think you're being clever by doing something that logically should save you based on the established rules of the world, then the writers decide to pull the rug out right at the end and say "nope, sorry we've got a thematic ending in mind and you have to die no matter what". Really left a sour taste in my mouth.

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    Avowed: We Finally Played Obsidian’s First-Person RPG and It’s Fantastic
  • To be honest, I'm not even sure if I am criticizing it, in the same sense that i don't really have any criticisms of the colour beige...

    It made no impression on me, it had no memorable characters or interesting ideas, I can't even remember the plot despite the fact that im sure i played through the whole thing. The only take away i had was a string of marvel level quips and an extremely thorough understanding that evil corporations are bad...

    I was just, disappointed. Thats all. But my impressions are coloured by how much i wanted it to be good after playing falliut 4. Definitely do not let that influence your experience, if you loved it then i believe you 100%

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    Avowed: We Finally Played Obsidian’s First-Person RPG and It’s Fantastic
  • I hope so, but I'm nervous. The Outer Worlds also seemed really promising at first but turned out to be so disappointingly bland. Fingers crossed though

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  • I've been reading about Russian history lately.... Life really does just keep getting worse and worse for these guys throughout time

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    Argentina Rule
  • Honestly its bizzare that the original phrase gets said so often. There aren't really that many scenarios in history where "hard times" didn't just lead to corrupt people making times harder.

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    '#BigDadEnergy': Internet claps as Walz pauses event to help rally-goer and pass out water
  • There are certain people on the internet who have been conditioned to impulsively post any recognizable reference even if only tangentially related to a topic in hopes of getting some sort of response. It's the redditor syndrome

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    Why is music so loud in restaurants? (Serious)
    1. Create environment actively hostile to remain in for long periods of time
    2. Expect people to work and be productive in said environment for hours on end