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Biology rule
  • I'm not convinced that there's even a soft rule; I think it's just a case of the one or the other way of doing it nebulously sticking, like how sometimes you form a noun with -ness and sometimes you do it with -hood. Which now I think about it is more or less what you're saying, but I don't think it's done consciously at any rate.

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    Biology rule
  • I believe "the gays" used to be offensive, and I did notice that myself but it doesn't make sense to met that that would be the distinction!

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    Biology rule
  • adjectives as nouns are rarely a good sign in general

    I don't think that's true unless you mean within the context of referring to people or something, e.g. the blacks, the poors. But then stuff like "the rich" and "the unemployed" I don't really take issue with.

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    ! mod suppresses criticisms of fediverse spam campaign, using mass ban technique to silence opposing viewpoints
  • I think you're going on a bit of a tangent I'm not interested in, sorry, but otherwise I'm not really following, and if you say things like "veganazis" it just reminds me of when people used to write "feminazis".

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    What's your radical opinion?
  • Well like I say, I just read it somewhere a few years ago, and I've just had a brief search myself and found the same thing as you basically.

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    ! mod suppresses criticisms of fediverse spam campaign, using mass ban technique to silence opposing viewpoints
  • But then you're willingly admitting that you don't speak to enough vegans to have an informed idea of their ethos, which is something I wouldn't readily admit even if I did it. Not sure what your first point has to do with the matter at hand though.

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    What's your radical opinion?
  • I wouldn't say insane but that's defo against the rules for me. I often have chefs who want us to leave the bellybuttons on cherry tomatoes and I get this mildly niggling feeling because I read a few years ago that they're poisonous.

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    ! mod suppresses criticisms of fediverse spam campaign, using mass ban technique to silence opposing viewpoints
  • There are certainly vegan diets.

    Yes, and there are Muslim diets I'm sure, but Islam isn't a diet either, for example. Just stick "veganism" into your search engine of choice and the credible sources won't call it a diet.

    And I don’t think being part of a small community of a certain life choice isn’t really making you a minority in the political sense

    I'm arguing that they may not have meant that. The criticism should be "that's clumsy wording because it sounds like you mean minority in a political sense" or "surely you don't mean..." rather than "you're comparing yourself to (minorities in the political sense) and therefore vegans are bad".

    Also, ...

    Honestly, I suspect your willingness to assume the worst of what a vegan's said, and that you bring up a minority view even amongst vegans out of context, betrays a prejudgment that plays as much, if not more, of a role as how aggressively some vegans argue in how you're approaching the whole thing.

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    ! mod suppresses criticisms of fediverse spam campaign, using mass ban technique to silence opposing viewpoints
  • Again, veganism isn't a diet (this is painfully easy to find out if you just quickly look it up!) and if you interpret minority in a literal sense, it's true and relevant because it's easy to be overwhelmed by the majority if you're in the minority, which is what the person posting seems to be worried about.

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    ! mod suppresses criticisms of fediverse spam campaign, using mass ban technique to silence opposing viewpoints
  • No, English is my first language, and all I'm saying is that you could've interpreted it the other way, which is plausible at the end of the day, and it'd be true, which is what it means to read something charitably/in good faith.

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    ! mod suppresses criticisms of fediverse spam campaign, using mass ban technique to silence opposing viewpoints
  • Most people aren't vegan, so vegans are a minority. That's not difficult to understand, so we have to assume you're reading in bad faith. Stop it please.

    Edit: veganism isn't a diet either. Quite easy to find this out if you even stick the word into a search engine.

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    Queen behavior rule
  • Does it make a difference that it's under the section "Prescribed Prayers"? Because the New Testament has a similar rule written in it that women have to cover their heads while praying.

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    What are some of your ticks?
  • I did that a lot as a kid, as well as having to scratch e.g. my left arm if I'd just scratched my right arm. I had to put my first step on a new surface with my left foot and the last with my right, and I had a system of sort of aping something I'd just heard by grinding my teeth, which I still sort of do sometimes but only in my head because my teeth have grown in such a way that I can't really do it any more.

    I remember I used to eat a bag of crisps by holding the bag in my right hand and picking with my left, until one day I decided that was stupid, and rather than just giving up dictating which hand did what, I switched hands.

  • I've almost completely removed Google products from my life now, having recently decided to change the OS on my phone, delete Gmail, etc. etc. but only two things remain:

    I've looked at Invidious and at Piped and I just can't seem to get the same experience as on Youtube. It's fine if Google knows nothing about me except what I watch on Youtube and what dates I'd put the bins out in 2013, no? (Can't seem to delete that from the calendar) Or if anyone's managed to emulate the same kind of experience Youtube gives on one of the two, please share. I quite like the recommendations but I think it's only possible on the abovementioned by watching a video then looking at the side of the page?

    I've got a tablet (Samsung SM-T335) from ten years ago running on Android 5.1.1. I've decided to root it to delete all the bollocks that came installed with it (I've recently factory reset it and only use it for ebooks and Firefox Focus), including the Google stuff. I have to wait a week or something apparently before it'll let me check the OEM-unlocking box but I was wondering if anyone's had any success with this (I've seen people saying you can change the date, you can fiddle with it in xyz manner, but I'm looking to hear people's experiences).

    The plan then is to root it, delete the shovelware, and sideload the two apps I want to use. Also curious to hear people's experiences with sideloading, because most of the articles I find on the internet were written by a robot or in the year dot. I've also read that it's impossible to install a custom OS on such an old tablet but I'd like to hear whether it's worth trying at the risk of bricking the thing.

    Edit: After waiting a week, the OEM-unlocking never became available, so after searching and searching and having no joy, I decided to just log out of Google on the tablet and it just let me without deleting the apps I'd downloaded. It turns out, too, that this particular version of Android 5 lets you just hide the apps in the list, so I've just hidden all the shovelware and that's good enough for me. I've ended up subscribing to those I was subscribed to on Youtube on Invidious and in doing so I've discovered that a load of videos just have never been recommended to me by Youtube, so I'll see how I go and if the subscriptions thing works, I just have to delete my Youtube account then I'm free of Google!


    They're in order of likelihood of being played. Craig is a mate of mine who I play with when time permits.


    We hebben een groepsappje aangemaakt voor mensen die in plantaardige keukens, bars, bakkerijen, productiekeukens enz. in Nederland werken. Stuur ff een privébericht als je wil meedoen!

    We've set up a Whatsapp group for people who work in plant-based kitchens, bakeries, production kitchens, etc. in the Netherlands. DM if you want to join!

    • Is it possible to use a hosting service I'm already paying for ( and a domain I've already bought to host a Mastodon/Pixelfed instance? All the websites that encourage me to selfhost advertise a new hosting service to me with the price in dollars.
    • Furthermore, is it possible to start an account on this instance that can be followed via either Mastodon or Pixelfed and vice versa, or are they just unrelated? I can see accounts from on my Mastodon Android app and I know you can post to Lemmy via Mastodon but I'm unsure on how it goes the other way.

    Sorry if I've made your eyes roll but we all shat green once.

    Edit: very happy with the responses, thanks all.


    Just wondering because I hear a lot of non-native speakers say things like "bend" instead of "band" and I find it a bit puzzling since native speakers don't say it that way (except in New Zealand and maybe London I suppose? Not sure) and many languages have the usual A-sound that I and many others use ( so it's not like it's difficult to pronounce. I've also seen it mentioned on that a particular word with an A is pronounced with an E "like in English" ("Bovendien spreek je app in het Nederlands nog enigszins op z’n Engels uit: als ‘ep’.": Actually I find myself quite often not understanding Dutch people speaking English if they do it.

    The other explanations would be that people can't get their mouths around the short A in standard American and learnèd English Englishes ( or that people have just sort of collectively, subconsciously decided to start saying it that way, or something else I haven't thought of. Maybe because the name of the letter A in English is more or less the same as the letter E in others?

    2 Ruben Bolling 🪲 (

    Attached: 1 image Here is that first comic I did after the attacks. I had a job in the World Financial Center and had to escape the financial district on that day. It's hard to convey my emotions as I reluctantly and resentfully cast about for comic ideas and came up with this.

    It sort of reads like a surrealist antijoke through modern eyes.


    What to do if you don't feel listened to at work?

    I'm a man myself, but I'm a foreigner where I live and work, so I sometimes get the impression that my intelligence is a bit underestimated by employers and coworkers. I'm a sous chef, so in a management position, and I often get this feeling like the chef de cuisine, the owner, and sometimes some of the cooks aren't listening to me. Like I'll have to reiterate my point two or even three times at a meeting before I get a relevant answer, or I'll send a memo out and the changes I've instated aren't being adopted after the fact, or someone I'm talking to might vacantly say "yes" as if they're occupied with something else.

    Yesterday I asked the chef a question about a recipe that only he could answer and he said I could google it. I'd already googled it just to be sure, wouldn't you know. The day before, the owner told a cook, who then told me, that we all together were planning to put all delivery receipts in a neat little box and adopt a system to check they're correct, but I'd already done it alone a week earlier, and told them all about it, with photos and everything. I feel like I'm going mad.

    I hear that this is a (more) common experience for women, so I wonder if any of you have any tips or tricks or whatever to make yourself heard, or to at least cope with not being heard, or even just a bit of commiseration is fine. Cheers!
