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Everything is so expensive
  • Thanks. I'm not partial or full retirement age yet and I don't take any medications beyond aspirin or paracetamol. I'm supposed to, but I don't have funds for that or insurance either, right now. A lot of the meds I'm okay without anyway, afaict. But this is information I'll definitely look into. I'm okay being outside the city as long as I can get there or get what I need. I assume public transportation might be available, outside city or suburbs?

    Have you ever been to Laos, Cuba or Vietnam? Can you please tell me a bit about any of those you've visited? Thanks.

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    Everything is so expensive
  • “How would an older person even pay for required documents, let alone a living space, food, utilities, especially being monolingual?” can you clarify this question?

    Of course! My apologies, I just meant with the physical challenges, bursitis, arthritis, failing eyesight, etc.

    Thanks so much for your answers. I appreciate them.

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    Everything is so expensive
  • do you have a phone? easiest way is to teach English online for 10 hours a month If that’s all you have.

    Can I do this from the USA, because every listing I see requires degrees or certifications. Can you toss a few websites my way, please?

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    Everything is so expensive
  • How would someone with zero savings move to another country? Most have every barriers of highly skilled, unfilled professions. Like who move from extremely underprivileged nations to extremely wealthy nations often end up surrendering passport and other critical documents to their employers and end up severely mentally and physically abused, sexually abused, trafficked. How would an older person even pay for required documents, let alone a living space, food, utilities, especially being monolingual?

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    Everything is so expensive
  • Holy moly! According to this website that's over £9000 today! And teachers are risking their physical, mental health and lives, today.

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    UN says Israeli tanks burst through gates of peacekeeper base
  • In its version of events, the Israeli military said militants of the Iran-backed group Hezbollah had fired anti-tank missiles at Israeli troops, wounding 25 of them. The attack was very close to a UNIFIL post and a tank helping evacuate the casualties under fire then backed into the UNIFIL post, it said. "It is not storming a base. It is not trying to enter a base. It was a tank under heavy fire, mass casualty event, backing up to get out of harm's way," the military's international spokesperson Nadav Shoshani told reporters.

    .ml users called it over the weekend.

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    Lost and found
  • Jumping Jimminy! One of my college English lit courses spent 4 full weeks on Donne. It was all his religious poems, certainly not this.

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    Joy & Curiosity
  • This from the "we" who called Higgs-Boson the blasphemous gd particle but make the joke more popular as the misunderstood "god particle" that eventually became most conceptualized as "the God particle?
