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Nurl makes D&D Encounters easy for everyone! 🔥⚔️🔥
  • Their site hasnt changed since it was hosted, they list "critical role" as an RPG system they support, they talk entirely in industry buzzwords. They're either a data harvesting scam or a tech startup that hopes someone will buy them before they waste too much effort putting together a product.

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    Nurl Voted "Best TTRPG Gaming App" by Netty Awards 🏆
  • Oh nice, fake awards for ugly AI driven trash.

    Might want to get someone with eyes to test your colour scheme on lads, keep adjusting it until the eyes at least stop bleeding.

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    Make it hurt
  • ... this list contains like 3 items phrased differently ~7 times each.

    "This person had a family/friends" "This person was supporting someone else" "This person liked their pets"

    repeat ...

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    I fear what he's going to throw at us next fight
  • 5 level 3+ characters vs 3 CR 1 bugbears and a handful of CR 1/4 goblins.

    That is a trivial encounter. Of course you wrecked them.

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    Reposting my old stuff from Reddit #3: This isn't a jab, this is a warning.
  • NGL I keep reading posts and wanting to try pf2e. But then I read the rules and realise the system is garbage.

    I love the only meaningful challenges being within a 2 CR range of the party. No really I do. the restricted pool of creatures to build from is just great.
