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Capitalism creates its own gravediggers
  • Marx manifest is 23 pages long. And i wouldn't take Lenin as someone to refer to...his "red terror" says enough. Of course one could say that doesn't mean he was wrong about other things, yeah but where does that leave us?

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    Capitalism creates its own gravediggers
  • yeah...23 pages from 1848 surely have all the right answers for the problems of a globalized economy and a society which is so fed up that it is creating its own problems.

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    Idee: Angriff am Warn-Tag
  • Naja dann muss man die Truppen halt ständig bereit halten. Glaube die Warntage werden nicht weit im Voraus öffentlich angekündigt.

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    Reddit is a disaster and it's ban/appeal system is a joke
  • I was banned from Reddit for allegedly promoting "hate".

    Story: There was post about convicted criminals being send bacl to Afghanistan and that they were released there and are, in fact, not in prison. After a little discussion if that is good or bad i wrote that imho the cutural background CAN be a factor for not fitting well into western society. Backed by the fact that there are people considered criminals here in Germany but not in Afghanistan. I also wrote in a follow up comment that i don't see any culture as better or worse baseline...only that there are some that CAN crash with western worldview.

    That got me banned and my appeal, stating that i didn't sold my opinion as a fact is being ignored.

    The really sad thing is that i made the mistake of engaging a political topic online and it seems that mistake is iredeemable in the eyes of some faceless Reddit mod. I srsly liked it there for my interests in the other communities.

    So now i found Lemmy.World and hope to can engage in the same stuff as there....except for the hot topics of politics....
