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America's #1 Cult
  • You implied that i have none. Proving my point that you are inflicted with a false sense of moral superiority because you dont use a bad word.

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    America's #1 Cult
  • There is nothing to get. You want to pretend that you can make the world a happy place for everybody by censorship. You cant. It doesnt work tbat way.

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    Time for it
  • Fuck that noise. Raise your own damn kids. Seriously your neighbours are not surrogate parents by right of happening to live near you.

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    America's #1 Cult
  • So much for being inclusive. It's your small mind that can't let go of the fact that i can use whatever words i want to. But you don't care about liberty you only care about subservience to the hive mind. I have been a social democrat my entire life and have voted as such but i guess i can't do that anymore because i called a racist imbicile a removedon the internet. Fuck off woth your smug stupid moral superior bullshit. This bullshit is why social democratic parties cant pull in the polls because assholes like you seem to think this culture war bullshit about policing language is more important than fucking winning fucking elections.

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    America's #1 Cult
  • So if we all stop using bad words then we can all come together and sing kumbya while sunshine and rainbows fall out of our asses and nobody says anything offensive and no feelings get hurt?

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    America's #1 Cult
  • So you think progress is made by not using a bad word to describe bad people? Gotcha. This is fucking rediculous that you expect me to adjust my language to protect the feelings of people who don't and wont care about my feelings.

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    America's #1 Cult
  • Stupid. Idiot. Sompleton. Half wit. Shit for brains. Bufoon. Moron. Mentally handicapped. Fucked in the head. Dimwit. Dullard. Ibecile. Luddite. Pin head. Slow. Thick. Mental. Thats just off the top of my head and all i would ascribe to you. Now i know why this is so important to you, You self identify as [pick one of the above].

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    America's #1 Cult
  • Your argument is absurd. Your facts are probably correct yet your logic is flawed. Im ok with being an asshole in the perspective of idiots, it just means idiots are less likely to want to engage with me, sounds like a win.

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    America's #1 Cult
  • Absolutely nothing wrong with being retarded. Its not a choice, just like being gay isnt a choice or gender disphoria isnt a choice. Racism is a choice and its holding back society therefore it is retarded.
