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The US finally takes aim at truck bloat
  • I'm a compact sedan kind of guy, but man a truck would be nice during particularly snowy days trying to get where I'm going before it gets too much that the car gets stuck.

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    Anon misses something
  • Yeah, if I was smoother with women, I'd have probably gone with 'is that you trying to make weekend plans, or telling me to gtfo?' but in a casual way so she knows I'm not offended.

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    Anon misses something
  • Yeah, if I was smoother with women, I'd have probably gone with 'is that you trying to make weekend plans, or telling me to gtfo?' but in a casual way so she knows I'm not offended.

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    Noob Question Thread: Ask Any Questions About Linux!
  • I've got one progam that I need for work that I cannot get to run on Linux. I've tried WINE on both Ubuntu and Zorin (and winlator for android). I have the installer exe file and try to launch with WINE but then nothing happens. Is that a program problem, WINE limitation, or something else? Is there a different program I should try to launch it?

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    so what's your threshold for calling police on random situations in your area that appear strange and potentially violent?
  • I might call the non-emergency line for things, like if my car was stolen or house broken into. I think the only time I'd call the emergency line is if I felt actively in danger.

    Calling the police is a lot like firearm training, never call them on something you don't intend to kill.

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    Under Meredith Whittaker, Signal Is Out to Prove Surveillance Capitalism Wrong
  • I'd be more interested in allowing more than one Android device at a time like MySudo. They let you link Windows with a phone so I wouldn't think it would be too hard to implement.

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    What is your motto?
  • Reminds me of a line out of a book, don't remember which one, but it was along the lines of 'if you can't say yes, then answer anyway, because I'd rather die with the answer than live with the question'

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    Microsoft formally deprecates the 39-year-old Windows Control Panel
  • I hate the settings app so much that I've just learned the powershell commands for setting up printers and changing NIC settings. Honestly it wouldn't be as bad if a. It didn't take forever to load on occasion and b. I could have two settings windows open at once.

    It's so hard to find settings there that jumping between network center and add device is not intuitive. If they remove control panel from servers too I might quite my msp job and go work at a grocery store.

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    Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse.
  • The annoying thing is that even without it connected to the internet, it's still slowed down by the OS. I did the same and it's still not as responsive to things like switching inputs as the projector I was using before it.

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    Flock Surveillance company is expanding
  • Would love an OSM map that had surveilance camera locations listed. Looked on organic maps, but that's not an option to place.

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    There's so much room!
  • This is how we get right-wing patriots to care about global warming. 'not only will Canada still be bigger than us, they'll have better resorts'
