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The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates
  • This is interesting. It seems a fair resolution would be to pay the content owner what they would have made in ad revenue.

    As long as the AI is not reproducing original works to the extent that it violates fair use, I don't think copyright laws really apply. But there's definitely lost revenue.

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    The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates
  • While I am generally in the "copyright doesn't matter when it comes to AI" camp, I also work in advertising. Most people do not use ad blockers.

    This is an interesting point that I haven't previously considered.

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    You're not allowed to be lazy on your vacation
  • That was how I learned Boston has no good breakfast spots.

    Also the hotel only served breakfast on certain days of the week? What the fuck is that about. But they gave me a free glass of wine when I got back to the hotel one night.

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    Please vote
  • The people here are either delusional or trying to convince themselves they didn't see a disaster of a debate.

    "So he didn't somersault onto stage" That... That's not the issue here

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    Heatwave is no joke...
  • You are kinda missing the point.

    It's not about how energy efficient or inefficient a single ChatGPT prompt is.

    It's that A/C is arguably more important to an individual than your ability to use AI. But while the government asking people to reduce AC usage is not new, AI is.

    So we're introducing new and unnecessary ways to draw power while asking people to tolerate higher temperatures within their homes.

    My personal take is that we should be investing in nuclear power so we continue evolving as a society. But I guess we can hold back progress in the name of puttering along with other technology as the world slowly burns and people cook inside their homes

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    ✨️ Finish him. ✨️
  • Yeah who is Elon? I've never heard of him or SpaceX or Tesla. I guess this Musk guy will die in obscurity. Too bad he didn't publish a paper.

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    Teen rapper accidentally kills himself on social media video after pointing gun at his head and pulling trigger
  • I don't know, it wouldn't really make sense. It's not the behavior of someone that actually intends to commit suicide.

    I think it's profound stupidity. I know people here are calling it victim blaming, with the implication that he's a victim of, idk, illegal weapon sales? But you have to admit at 17 years old, it requires profound stupidity to turn off the safety and point a weapon at your own head with your finger on the trigger.

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    Teen who ate spicy tortilla chip died of high chile consumption and had a heart defect, autopsy says
  • Well that's true, you can get a lot of varieties of peppers.

    Can't believe that comment garnered so many down votes tho. Some habanero lovers in the comments were very upset

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    Teen who ate spicy tortilla chip died of high chile consumption and had a heart defect, autopsy says
  • Eh. Habanero tastes like ass. I've had spicier peppers with better flavor. And plenty of people, including myself, occasionally enjoy something hotter. I have a decent tolerance for spice, so I can dial things up and still enjoy it.

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    ABC News: DOJ releases proposed rule to reclassify marijuana
  • whole notion of just re-scheduling it to "de-criminalize it" is a misnomer.

    Has anyone suggested rescheduling it would be akin to decriminalizing? I mean, maybe if it was moved to schedule v.

    I think generally people have been reacting to this by pointing out it should just be descheduled.

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    Judge strikes down anti-trans sports ban after roller derby team fights for its members
  • Okay? So what are the rules then? Only trans people that started transitioning before a certain age? Or has been transitioning for a certain number of years? Or should we measure bone density, muscle density, estrogen, testosterone, other various hormones, etc? What if they were a competitive athlete before transitioning? Is it transphobic to ask a person to prove they meet these requirements? Because apparently, based on the mods here, it's transphobic to even consider that a person who was born a man might have a physical advantage over someone born a woman.

    It's not like all athletes taking PEDs are better than all of their natural counterparts. But it does afford them an unfair advantage. So we ban their use. A trans person could have an advantage that is the result of them being born a man. This is real and has happened. The existence of that possibility is no different than the possibility an athlete would be superior as a result of PEDs.

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    Judge strikes down anti-trans sports ban after roller derby team fights for its members
  • That must be why we've repeatedly seen instances where trans women set records within the women's category of their respective sport! Because it's all equal and impossible for a trans woman to have an advantage.

    Listen, I'm all for keeping things equal. And at the end of the day there are many cases where a cis gendered woman could beat a cis gendered man at a sport. But let me draw a parallel.

    Not all male athletes that use performance enhancing drugs are able to beat all of their natural male counterparts. Male athletes on PEDs that do beat their natural counterparts are not necessarily entirely dependent on those drugs to win. Skill still plays a massive role. Even in the world of powerlifting and bodybuilding, athletes on PEDs still need to train hard and put in a ton of work to achieve their results.

    So why are PEDs banned? Because we know that the individual taking them could have an advantage relative to themselves. If they had never taken PEDs in the first place, they likely wouldn't be as big/strong/fast.

    So how do you logically apply that same thought to someone who has transitioned from male to female? How long have they been transitioning? Are they taking estrogen? Has their body adapted? Should we start measuring bone and muscle density, testosterone levels, and other biomarkers just to determine if they get to participate? What about individuals who transitioned later in life vs early? What if most of their athletic training was before they transitioned, similar to a player taking steroids in the off season? How do you define the line, the point where you can confidently say this person is definitively on par with where they would be if they were born a woman?

    This is not a simple straight forward question. And while we try to figure it out, women who are just trying to enjoy their respective sport are occasionally dunked on by people who are the exception to the rule. Records are set that will likely not be broken. And that's not fair

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    Judge strikes down anti-trans sports ban after roller derby team fights for its members
  • Personally, I have competed in powerlifting, one sport that has gotten attention in the press for not letting trans women compete with cis women, particularly after a trans woman beat out other cis women by huge margin in competition.

    I will let the ladies know that the only reason they're in their own division is actually because of oppression and they should have no issue competing against men.

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    Do you leave a tip for housekeeping if you're only staying one night in a hotel?
  • I don't even let them in the room. Housekeeping left the door to my room open once for the entire day. I was across from the elevator. Thankfully nothing was stolen, but ya know, fool me once

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    Judge strikes down anti-trans sports ban after roller derby team fights for its members
  • This is not a violation of trans rights. People need to accept that men who identify or have transitioned to being women can have a physical advantage over other women.

    The entire reason for women's sports is so they can enjoy whatever their respective sport is without competing against men. Because the men would always win. Which is something we constantly see when trans people are allowed to compete in women's sports. They win, and even set records.
