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I have the magical ability to get nose bleeds spontaneously, and often enough that the school nurse saw me in the hallway of the school's office building today and knew exactly why I was there.

Anywho, it just happened during math class today and now I just stained my math notebook, great.

Fortunately, the blood didn't bleed through the other pages (It was a bit pricey for a notebook after all), but it's blood, and for obvious reasons, I would definitely prefer not to have it :)

Does anyone know how to get the stains out :')


P.S. I forgot to get my batteries recycled.

Sunbird / ‘Nothing Chats’ is Not Secure.
  • for a mass market solution though, that's not scalable at all, even if you try to get the cheapest, used macs possible so I can see why sunbird would claim to do this

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    Sunbird / ‘Nothing Chats’ is Not Secure.
  • pretty sure sunbird claimed they were able to get thousands of apple IDs to be able to work on one mac, which is something matrix bridge based iMessage solutions like Beeper don't do

    whether they're actually being truthful about that, i would personally doubt it

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    Samsung expects the Galaxy S24 to sell like hotcakes thanks to AI
  • yeah but hearing about ai kind of gets boring the more I see people use it to make a quick buck and the more it spreads around onto stuff that doesn't need it :/

    I've become very leery of any youtube videos (esp. shorts) with advanced sounding tts now because I don't want to support creators who make videos with mostly AI

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    New restrictions placed on Xiaomi's bootloader unlocking process
  • That's pretty fucking wild, it's like the illusion of choice. Like staying in jail, or going out free, but to do so, you have to reach Mount Everest without a Sherpa.

    It's really making me consider sticking with Google for my next phone.

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    New restrictions placed on Xiaomi's bootloader unlocking process
  • That's foul, I was considering getting a Poco Flagship for my next phone. Though I guess if you manage to unlock the bootloader and run a custom rom, perhaps it doesn't matter as much if you don't get "HyperOS" updates?

    This doesn't really bode well for Xiaomi's future though.

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    Best Nova Launcher substitute?
  • Agree, it's not particularly customizable, but I've been using it for a week now, and it's been the launcher I've been looking for.

    Only issue I've had with it is that sometimes, the web search tries to search as if the query was a domain and not a question. Though that's not a deal breaker.

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    Best Nova Launcher substitute?
  • Proprietary isn't always a bad thing, but the developer(s) of the proprietary product have to have decent intentions which is not usually the case.

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    ownCloud Infinite Scale 4.0 is released!
  • This looks nice, I'd like to try it soon. I have a Nextcloud instance setup on my mini pc, but I don't know if it's my mini pc (audiobookshelf for instance runs with no problems), but NextCloud is just really slow.

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    How do I like... dispose lipo & li-ion batteries?
  • Got it! I’ll wrap the ends with electrical tape then (I assume that’s what you use electric tape for), thank you for the tip!

  • So I replaced the battery of my Graphing Calculator and my Headphones just recently, and now i’m left with 2 batteries that I don’t how to dispose of.

    As far as I am aware, there are no battery recycling stations around me (if that’s a thing, I heard it is), and If there are any, I kind of need to be told where lol!

    The Headphone Battery was full capacity when I replaced it, oh and because it was attached via adhesive, it flexed a good amount during removal so i’m afraid to keep it.

    Graphing Calculator Battery doesn’t hold a charge anymore.

    Please help? Thanks :)

    Edit: I currently live in California if that helps :)


    Hey all!

    I'm upgrading my PC with a new Ryzen CPU, cooler, and case and so I'm giving my brother my old parts (I5-8400 & Stock Cooler -> I5-9600KF & Noctua NH-U12s Redux).

    However, I don't know whether he should continue using his current motherboard, the MSI B360M Bazooka (which will require some work transferring the motherboard into the new PC Case and installing the Noctua cooler) or if he should use the Motherboard I was using (ASRock H370 Performance)

    Is one any better than the other? Are they comparable and should I save time by making him use my Motherboard?
