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Passing Through Gethsemane - B5:s3e4


Bonus gif from the same episode (censored for general viewing):


If love > tachyon, then nothing can overpower a love based generator

Higher FPS version of this gif:

Posting lower fps .gif file instead, as Lemmy currently supports gif auto load, but not imgur gifv

MRW someone says they hated the new Babylon 5 movie
  • I think it was fine. Not wow (as some say). It was nice to get new b5 content, which hopefully gets us more in the future if the numbers are good enough.

  • I'm a regular contributor to the subreddit /r/Babylon5GIFs. Do we want one here, or do people think its small enough still, they prefer I just post GIFs to ?


    Zatharas not Zatharas

    How does everyone feel about burgers?
  • And in the video ads where they do actually take a bite, they basically spit it out into a bucket. Because otherwise after take # whatever, they're probably going to feel sick

  • Jump
    What AI developments have surprised you the most?
  • The idea for so long was that creative professionals would be safe from automation (writing, drawing, painting, etc) has turned out to be so wrong it's sad.

    Nobody is safe. I'm only hoping to get ahead just a little bit to pay off my debts before I suddenly can't find good work.

  • Jump
    How does everyone feel about burgers?
  • It's been decades they made fake burgers, or burgers so carefully prepared for use in commercials, so we haven't really seen a real burger in an ad in a long time.

    So they are going to use AI burgers, and we won't notice it at all.

  • Jump
    But will it run Doom?
  • I get the joke. But I have it in my cart now, and I'm looking forward to making it work anyways.

    But still funny OP 😁
