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Profit, by definition, is the money stolen from the value of our labor
  • No you idiot, the resources are all held collectively instead of individually. You are so stuck in your individualist world view that you seem to be entirely incapable of understanding the premise of collective ownership.

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    A reminder to all you far left and far right nutjobs that think Joe Biden has done nothing significant in office
  • Yeah, do you not know how Israel was formed? The western European powers stole land from Palestinians to form the state of Israel. It's extremely well documented and was done at the behest of Zionists and also gave the Nazis exactly what they had originally wanted in the lead up to WWII. Israel is not a Jewish project, but, in fact, a Zionist project.

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    A reminder to all you far left and far right nutjobs that think Joe Biden has done nothing significant in office
  • That's not the argument in either of these cases. We should not purge Jews from Palestine, but we should destroy and dismantle the state of Israel. Jews have lived there peacefully with Muslims for hundreds of years until the west stole land from the Palestinians to give create Israel and watched as the Israeli government committed part one of their genocide decades ago. Now the state of Israel is finishing the job.

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    Coffee is too strong, dial it back, tankie
  • I don't know enough about the houthis to come to a conclusion about them as a whole, but the specific action of blocking shipping in response to the genocide of Palestinians is based.
