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Dad strips down at school board meeting to make ‘clear argument’ about dress code
  • his argument is the new dresscode would allow young girls to dress like that and he thinks the school should police it, instead of just raising his kids to be well adjusted and responsible. or it makes his pp hard and it makes it harder to hide that he's a pedo when he's in public

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I just wanna say no matter your opinion, as long as it is followed by the openmindedness you just showed, you're gonna be fine

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • it seems if you can't conform to other people's ideals of how you should be, don't try and instead try something else. you may find the answer elsewgere

  • NSFW
    You can't escape from the birds of the 82nd ODSHBr
  • something about sitting in a western country on my phone smoking weed and drinking a monster watching high res contemporary combat footage of humans spending millions to blow another human to bits because he was brainwashed the wrong way edited to ACDC is a little too 2023 for me dawg

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    My daughter's public school in Indiana is having "Hawaiian Day" today. That's offensive, isn't it?
  • Just make sure this is a teaching moment for your daughter. There's nothing wrong with diving into other peoples' cultures, but you may as well find out where all the apparel comes from traditionally, so you can help make her costume accurate and even add something the other kids probably don't have, and make sure you don't offend anyone in the process by drawing false parallels:)
