So Republicans come up with a completely shitty "deal" to kick it to the senate to make it look like Democrats are to blame for a shutdown, even though the loudest idiots in the party have voiced their preference to shut the gov down.
While I disagree with some if the points in the article, the conclusion that is reached in the article is valid. I am not saying that conservatives want it this way, but most conservatives seem to be so hyper focused in certain areas that other areas slip through the cracks ( except for school lunches, a lot of conservatives hate providing "free" school lunches to students who need them)
I am in my thirties and see the decisions these people are making will ensure that I never get to "retire". It partly their age but mostly their wealth, does Glitchy Mitch have to worry about money, fuck no. You be be sure that he is going to horde all the wealth he can and do his best to look like the Pale man from Pans Labyrinth
Well as far as I have heard he is a racist piece shit so I would expect nothing less from his "followers"
They going to impeach Hunter Biden?
I mean they used american planes to kill Americans and nobody seems to give a shit about that
I actual did miss that, but the purpose of doing what I said would be making sure they did not exceed the decibel limit
That's fair, it would be nice if he they gave him just a standard house on a base.
So see if the city has like a max db for speakers, get a device to measure the decibels and complain on that front. Let them know you are not arguing about the prayer ( sucks but I think that battle is lost for now) but the noise level is disruptive
If I get a notification that interrupts what I am watching on HBO Max I will never use it again
So republicans actively fighting against the will of the people.....sounds like a normal day
We can only hope, but I have zero trust in the justice system to sentence him to any jail time.
So if you do anything to avert a disaster of a shutdown we will try to remove you. The concessions they are asking for are crazy.
Just regular prison guards would do
Ah, so its just people defeating the system
You know what might work, program the car so that after the second unanswered "alert" the autopilot pulls the car over, or reduces speed and turns on the hazards. The third violation of this auto pilot is disabled for that car for a period of time.
Was it a "war" though? Tesla chose to keep the specs to themselves for years forcing the industry to come up with another standard.
You are right, if a bus ride was 17 or even 30 minutes to work I would take the bus. But in my area a bus ride is 2 hours one way.