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Youtube or Spotify?
  • Are you on android? So this exists It is the app you're talking about, they just carefully don't mention that to avoid obvious illegality. I'd also check out for YT. The patcher also supports a number of other apps these days, including Spotify and Twitch.

    These are slightly technical tools that will probably take you 10-20min of reading to understand. In think that is worthwhile to not hear ads and not pay a monthly subscription. But everyone has their tolerance levels.

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    What are questions that will make it sound like I can afford a million euro house?
  • Yeah dude. I'm in Boston. It isn't San Fran levels yet but if you want a lot (with a rotting house on it) that will be a nice $2mil and then you can enjoy removing the rotted house.

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    If Lemmy was a physical place, what would it look like?
  • Ever walk into your college campus center at 11:45pm on a Saturday and discover the 25 unwashed dudes that are in there playing Smash Bros in a massive LAN party while drinking a mix of Mt. Dew and beer?

    It would look like that.

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    What would your political compromise be?
  • The sad hilariousness of this really comes into play when you look at the compromises of the opposite three points that OP suggested. If I try to do the same style of justification explanations you gave as to why those would be uncompromisable:

    Immigration: people have a right to... Jobs? (Firmly debunked that immigrants are "taking American jobs"). People have a right to not have to see non-Americans in "their" country?

    Culture war: people have a right to... Ignore racism? People have a right to be as ignorant as they please? People have a right to be saved from others confirming their sexual identity and feeling peer pressure to do the same?

    Trump gets to be president: people have a right to... Fascist leadership if they willingly elect it? People deserve the "best president ever"?

    It's absurd that these are political issues if you take a half a step back and examine the 6 points in isolation. 3 of them are concerned with individuals making their own choices or the safety of humanity as a whole. 3 of them are about nationalism or controlling information and education, basically the definition of "putting myself and my beliefs above the rights of others". How the hell did we even get into a situation where this is what we are choosing between? Or rather, a situation where roughly half our country actually thinks this is a choice and not just blatantly obvious based on basic morality.

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    Besides money or valuables, what items or info would you be pleasantly surprised to find?
  • Motivation is fleeting. Discipline is a trained skill.

    Whatever thing you wish you had motivation for, make a schedule for yourself and start doing it. Pair it with something you like ("I run each morning and I get my morning coffee after I finish my run") and stick to it.

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    [Unpopular opinion] Linux is not a good choice for regular users
  • You were fucking with your GPU drivers, lost access to your GPU, and you have concluded from that that "regular users" (who don't know what a driver is or does) should not use Linux?

    EDIT: Stick a "normal" user on a stable distro with a clean UI like Mint or Fedora, keep in mind they probably don't know what a terminal is and will probably never use it, and they will be fine for almost all cases.

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    What is something you SHOULD cheap out on?
  • $20k?

    Damn dude, all my friends getting married are spending a minimum of $50k. $15k gets you the venue for the night without anything else included or factored in (food, music, fucking chairs or tables or lights, etc)

    Weddings are a predatory business.

  • I torrent to a seedbox, and said seedbox has great access tools and you can install plenty of useful applications like Resilio Sync, Syncthing, etc.

    My local server is running Fedora Server OS. I'd like to get an automated 1-way sync up and running, but I'm having a lot of trouble. I was using Syncthing in the past, but it's really not meant for one way syncs and caused some issues. I've been trying to set up Resilio Sync, but on Linux I cannot figure out how to get access to the web UI. Resilio's own documentation is frustratingly obtuse - it's great for setting up the service under systemd but then basically has nothing about how to actually get webui access from another machine on the local network, excrot for a reference to a command that doesn't actually exist.

    If anyone either 1) knows how to set up Resilio Sync on a Linux machine such that I can hit the web UI from another machine on my local network or 2) had a better way to set up 1-way sync between my seedbox and my local server, I would love to learn!
