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Can't delete bad posts
  • Ok thanks, but that's not really what I was asking about

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    Can't delete bad posts
  • Nope, still the same error. Good suggestion though!

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    Can't delete bad posts
  • Interesting! Let me try

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    Can't delete bad posts
  • Ok, so trying to post THIS op I got that same error, refreshed and tried again and again the error but on my profile it showed as posted twice but somehow I had no problem deleting THAT duplicate so why can't I delete those on my own magazine? Strange

  • Can't delete bad posts

    Sometimes when I upload a link it doesn't load properly, it happens no big deal, but then I can't delete these buggy posts and then I end up unintentionally spamming a bunch of duplicates as I try to post again

    Here is an example of one of these attempts\_mouldy\_memes/t/445093/Title

    The error I get when trying to delete is

    We are working on resolving the issues Over the next few days, there will be a change in server infrastructure. Temporary problems with the website's functionality may occur during this time.

    Any suggestions?

  • Except the system isn't failing because it isn't broken. It's working exactly as designed.

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    How does kbin deal with bigots?
  • Yes, well said!

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    How does kbin deal with bigots?
  • I do the same (block/ban), the only reason I noticed them was because I caught a glimpse of the "active users" in my magazine and recognised the cat, and mostly was surprised and disappointed to see them still around..

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    How does kbin deal with bigots?
  • Thanks for the link!

    Definitely appreciate how busy ernest is and his past quick responses to bigotry, which is probably why I'm a little surprised that the TERF magazine has been up for as long as it has, and with as many people complaining.
    It'd just be good to know it's on his to do list..

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    How does kbin deal with bigots?
  • Well said

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    How does kbin deal with bigots?
  • Ok good to know others have also raised concerns, I know ernest and those helping run the site are already busy with a million other things, I just hope this is one of them.

  • How does kbin deal with bigots?

    This user runs this magazine which is entirely dedicated to transphobia under the guise of anti-misogyny (usual TERF bullshit).

    They came to spread hate on my magazine the first trans supportive post I made, and looks from my "most active users" that they never stopped despite being banned.

    Them ghost commenting on my stuff doesn't bother me as long as others don't see it, but this person is clearly dedicated to the sole purpose of spreading anti trans hate, and im wondering why they're still allowed a place on this platform? I don't doubt they've been reported multiple times.

    I get "block people you don't like and move on", which I generally do, but this is several levels beyond that, it isn't a personal disagreement, it's outright and intentional spreading of bigotry which I don't believe has a place here.

    So how do kbin deal with issues like this?

    Intersectionality is the only rule
  • I'd like to thank the folks who invested their time in providing some really great answers, and also to point out how clearly uninterested the trolls were in actually understanding the meme, since they all seem to have vanished now they can no longer feign ignorance.

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    Intersectionality is the only rule
  • Says the white person who upvoted pretty much every single comment opposing it (sorry, pretending to misunderstand).
    You're the equivalent of an incel calling any man capable of respectful interaction with a woman a white knight (which they do not because they want to be able to respectfully interact, but because they see respet as transactional).
    As always, once you peel back the pseudo intellectual bullshit, it's projection all the way down.

  • Magazine only I can post to?

    Continuing from my last post here I opened my magazine on kbin instead of but now I realise I never had the option to lock it so that only I could post to it like I did on blahaj, is that something I can do or is that what I'll have to sacrifice to have my preferred UI? In which case I'm really torn.

    This is my first experience with any sort of modding so bare with me lol


    Autistic kitten meme (tabby kitten head in centre of blue and purple background) Top text: CONDITIONED INTO ACTING NEUROTYPICAL IN PUBLIC DUE TO BULLYING Bottom text: "YOU DON'T ACT AUTISTIC"


    Post by thatpettyblackgirl: "The Internet is making my kid gay/trans!" The internet is giving your kid acceptance. That was supposed to be your job.

    valkyreskye replied: THIS.

    wolfblade222 replied: DAMN.

    pigknightwarrior replied with photo: Wendy Williams on the set of her show, drinking tea, saying: "who made this? Very delicious"


    A photo of Albert Einstein, around it is his quote:

    "Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands. The result is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society. This is true since the members of legislative bodies are selected by political parties, largely financed or otherwise influenced by private capitalists who, for all practical purposes, separate the electorate from the legislature. The consequence is that the representatives of the people do not in fact sufficiently protect the interests of the underprivileged sections of the population. Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights."

    If it brings out the bigots, stir on rule
  • My plan, it works!

  • Photo of Patsy from Ab Fab, holding up a bottle of vodka, looking excited

    We were optimistic back in the day
  • Omg is a fucking joke, why are people taking these so seriously?? 😂

  • 3 panel comic 1 photo of wipers on a car window that have had 6 crayons put in between the two Troll face drawn on top, saying "This will be hilarious!" "Mom turn on the windshield wipers!"

    2 top text: Expectation Photo from inside a car looking out at a rainbow created on the window by the crayons in the wiper Derpina is behind the wheel smiling saying "Oh you guys!" "lol lol"

    3 top text: reality Photo of car crashing

    I can haz metaphyzics experiment?
  • Oops, posted too soon.
    Image is a photo of two kittens playing in a paper tube, a white ones head popping out one end, and a tabby tail out the other

  • The lesser-known "Schrödinger's Tube" experiment.


    Photo of hover board from Back to the Future Bottom text: SCIENTISTS you have 3 years.


    Friend: don't post that, you're just going to stir the pot Me: Photo of smiling child, looking at the camera, literally stirring a pot


    3 panel comic 1 orange person in university cap and gown points at two pink people, one has the word "vulva" on their lower abdomen and the other has the word "penis" on theirs. Orange says: "you need to hide your genitals"

    2 orange says: "but only wear clothing that represents those genitals" pink people are now dressed one in a yellow dress the other in blue shirt and brown trousers and tie.

    3 orange leans close to pink people and says: "whenever people see your clothes they should really be thinking about your genitals" Pink people both say: "oh no"


    ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ rule
  • No worries I appreciate the help!

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    Ei ei oh...
  • Lol wow not thought of that in a long time!

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    ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ rule
  • Thanks though I don't seem to be having any issues, looks fine on kabin!

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    ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ rule
  • And don't forget women.
    Trans wonen are women. Simple as.

  • Photo of 2 cows in a field looking in to the camera, behind them is a big fire Top text: OLD MCDONALD HAD A FARM Bottom text: HAD


    Photo of Wolverine Top text: God help me.. Bottom text: My balls are so itchy


    Photo of a foot up on a kitchen counter next to a kettle and bottle of milk, it has a teabag and some loose sugar on it Text: "I'm sick of being treated like a mug..."


    Top text: "an actual picture of me in the future", bellow is photo of an angry looking babushka holding a ginger cat and giving the middle finger


    Photo of a tuxedo cat looking at itself in a bathroom mirror, text: you got this shit


    Picture of a person reading a book labelled ETHICS IN BUSINESS, bottom text: all the pages are blank wtf


    4 panel comic: 1 NPC says: A Lesbian? You just haven't had the right dick yet 2 person replies: But my gf has a dick 3 NPC with blank look 4 NPC looks angry


    Photo of a weightlifter with weight seemingly levitating in front of them, bottom text: weight lifting level: Jedi
