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Best wishes for Donald Trump after his latest assassination attempt
  • That's the thing about martyrs - nobody NEEDS to fill his shoes. They just need to claim to be "carrying on his legacy" and constantly refer back to him, and that's good enough for a large portion of the cult.

    We've seen this exact thing happen with a lot of cults that have gone mainstream - it happened with Mormonism, and it happened with Scientology.

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    Russia’s Medvedev threatens nuke strike would turn Kyiv into ‘gray spot’ on the map
  • Additionally, with the firepower at just the US' disposal, we could level almost every major pop center in Russia. Waves of Tomahawks, ICBMs and bombers could do it without the US putting boots on the ground. We nearly did this with Baghdad back in 02.

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    Hasbro CEO Says Everyone's Doing it, so They Need to use Generative AI to Keep Up
  • Worse, you know it's gonna be deployed into every sector. Better get ready to like your AI-designed Transformers toys, or your new My Little Pony lineup made possible by ChatGPT.

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    Third day of bomb threats inspired by Trump lies sends Springfield hospitals into lockdown
  • Yup, this is a pretty well-known tactic, sadly. It's effectively just paper terrorism - instead of doing the harder work of getting people incited to ACTUALLY kill people or do violence, you get them to do minor shit instead; bomb threats, assaults, etc, and use that as a smokescreen for the people who were already planning to do violence to go do violence effectively unchallenged.

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    The fun is mandatory
  • Bingo. If it's happening during work hours and I still get paid, sure. If I'm not getting paid or it's happening during my limited time away from work? I will move heaven and Earth to HAVE something to do.

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    Trump Supporters Spread Ridiculous Conspiracy Theory Kamala Harris Wore Audio-Enabled Earrings at Debate
  • Exactly this. Kamala Harris didn't necessarily WIN, so much as Donald Trump wadded the whole debate up and threw it in the fireplace. She made some arguably-innocuous jabs and Trump got INCREDIBLY bent out of shape about it, and looked incredibly unprofessional and non-presidential yelling about how immigrants were eating dogs and Democrats were executing babies in the ER.

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    Trump is 'hanging himself' with his own rope as campaign spirals out of control: analyst
  • I think this is what they're hoping for: Trump holds on until the election, then kicks the bucket a month into office so Vance, a far more naked and coherent authoritarian, can take his place and start signing whatever he wants, with little to no fanfare or recognition because he's happy to just have power.

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    Trump is 'hanging himself' with his own rope as campaign spirals out of control: analyst
  • Basically this. There's a lot of racists who assume that since they're not burning a cross or lynching every Black person they meet, they're JUST NOT RACISTS.

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    Elon is so creepy with his AI art. Looking forward to when he generates images of a happy family
  • Even better - that's not from Elon Musk. That image was tweeted out by a member of the House Judiciary Committee, USING THE COMMITTEE'S ACCOUNT, which arguably should be a violation of something but somehow isn't.

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    Ohio pets
  • According to my news feed here in Cincinnati, there have apparently been Springfielders going to town council meetings and saying this as well (specifically, they had one clip of a dude complaining about Haitians "cutting the heads off ducks and eating them"?) Snopes says no evidence, as well.
