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What alternative ways can you think of to handle making legislation and passing laws that would negate the increasingly polarized political climate that is happening in more and more countries?

  • It is well know that isreal supported hamas to weaken the Palestinian authority. That's just one link. You can find many others, even ones predating the current situation. So your full stop is more like a california roll at best. The world has very few absolutes.

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  • Did you read what I wrote? Seems like you are just looking for someone to argue with. If I attack a guy and he pulls out a gun and shoots me, he still committed murder, but I share some of the blame. It's not just one or the other. In the middle east it is more like Isreal goaded hamas into attacking it, then pulled out a bazooka instead of a gun. Hamas gets the blame for attacking civilians, and for knowing it would cost it's own civilian lives. Also for letting Isreal goad them into it. Isreal gets the blame for everything they are doing in response, which is of course a lot more. Anyone intentionally targeting civilians is simply not okay.

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  • Are you replying to the right comment. No one on this comment thread has said that there wasn't large scale destruction or that any of this was okay.

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  • Sadly they certainly helped. And very likely Isreali agents encouraged and supported them to do it. There are certainly power hungry people in hamas who saw this as an opportunity to increase their power at the expense of their people. Just like the Israeli politicians are openly doing now. And American politicians... and... These people pit two sides against each other for thier own personal gain and to stop the people from seeing the real enemy. Been like this for centuries...

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  • See the thing is you are scribing to all Americans what the media shows you. The media makes money on extremes. So they hand pick who's opinion you here. Hardly anyone I know here in America actually demanded the deaths of Muslims and Arabs at all. It was still too many, but far from what the media would have you believe.

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  • He/she didn't blame them, they asked what was their plan. One can twist the words to make a pointless statement. Or one could choose to provide some background that might actually bring the commenter to your side. Help the cause by informing.

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  • Let me correct that for you. It should be: Yes, though I agree you can also see some places where houses were leveled by bulldozer.

    The angle the photos were taken from are also different. That increases the appearance of devastation beyond what is actually there. This image is an intention exaggeration of something that was already unacceptable. Doing so erodes confidence in information about the things happening there. Who knows, maybe this was even created by the IDF for that purpose.

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    Tim Walz says he's 'sick and tired' of prayers after Georgia school shooting
  • I'm sorry, I consider "introducing" a bill nothing more than talk. And I should have specified at the federal level. State level dems and even Republicans do sometimes accomplish things for the greater good.

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    Tim Walz says he's 'sick and tired' of prayers after Georgia school shooting
  • You do realize there is a similarity between "hating Trump because he's a fraudulent criminal and hating everyone who isn't a white Christian" right? It's hate. And more importantly it is a way to rally people to your side without having to promise to accomplish anything that would move the country forward.

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    Burning Up
  • I do like 0 as freezing. We should have a new one where 0 is 0C, and 100 is 100F. Or maybe 1000 is 100F so I can get my extra resolution without decimals

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    Tim Walz says he's 'sick and tired' of prayers after Georgia school shooting
  • Most democrats run on not being trump. I consider that running on hate. But I could understand if others don't. As for the border bill... they only floated that because 1.. they were pretty sure the Republicans wouldn't want to give them a win. And 2.. they were trying to woo conservative voters to vote for Biden. It was a win win stunt that they wouldn't have done if the election wasn't close.

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    What kind of motor is in an adjustable mattress base, and how does it work
  • screw motor. Thanks. I googled an image of that and it all made sense. Pretty sweet. And based on that, the motor doesn't seem like it would have any impact on the minimum difference between height settings. It would just a question of some kind of control that converts the remote signal into a burst of on or off for the motor. So likely there are an infinite number of positions the bed could achieve because holding the the button would be nondeterministic as to how far it would move. Thanks.

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    What kind of motor is in an adjustable mattress base, and how does it work
  • ah see. you knew the magic word was lift. I was using things like "what kind of motor is used in mattress adjustable bases" And I was getting no where. The word lift didn't even occur to me. Thanks.

  • I couldn't find anywhere that would tell me what kind of motor is usually used there. And I don't know enough about motors to be like... well of course it's this kind... But once I know what it is... how does it work? Like different adjustable bases move different intervals for a single push of the remote button (at least according to my wife). So that got me thinking, what controls the minimum interval of difference between two positions the motor will support? I don't hear clicks, so I don't think it is a ratchet type thing which would have a clear min interval. Yet, if you unplug it, it doesn't just go flat. So there must be some sort of passive hold mechanism of some type...

    Burning Up
  • Nice vid. He isn't wrong. Though maybe we could come up with a compromise temperature scale for everyone to use. Even 100 F isn't as uncommon as it used to be. But I would love to have more granularity without decimals.

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    Burning Up
  • Yeah, but you can't argue that adding a whole digit doesn't make it seem bigger. And take a kid who doesn't yet know either system. They for sure will think 107 is hotter then 41. That said, I wish everywhere that gave a temp in the US would give both so I could get a better sense of Celsius. Most apps and such let you choose one or the other, but not both.

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    Were neon in this cyberpunk dystopia
  • Pretty much. Though from things I have read they are more likely to be competition addicts. Gambling would be one way to compete with others. But yeah, honestly, I wouldn't want to be them. I consider most of them mentally ill.

  • So they say that sitting too much shortens your life and all that. They also say that most of us sit incorrectly. I know I do. I constantly slide my butt forward and slouch. And I was thinking, what I need is a seat belt to keep me from sliding forward. But such a thing doesn't seem to exist. There must be some problem with them that I am missing. Since Lemmy has lots of desk jockeys, I figured I would ask here.


    The wife and I are getting older. We have been working for decades at this point. But we are too young to retire, and we had kids late. But one of us could totally switch over to a lower stress second career. Ideally something with benefits, maybe even a chance to get a pension. And since we still have kids, needs to be flexible. One of our kids has autism, so lots of random doctors appointment and stuff. We both work with computers all day. What are some good options for a second career that doesn't need to have long term growth potential. We have 8 years where ideally both of us are working so we can cover each other with benefits if something happens. After that, the kids are out of high school at least. So it isn't like it would be a "short" term career/job. Just not a 30 year thing. And ideally, something that could at least partially be done at home.

    https:// /article/news/education/newberg-school-district-faces-more-than-3-million-dollars-in-debt/283-4639e728-df91-4082-80be-487fc871df9b

    Newberg has been the center of a political maelstrom over the last few years, beginning with a conservative majority on the school board banning political symbols, pointedly targeting Black Lives Matter and Pride flags.

    The same school board abruptly ousted Phillips' predecessor, Superintendent Joe Morelock, in March 2022. They hired Phillips a few months later, despite the fact that he was coming off a string of controversies connected to his work in other Oregon districts.

    The guy the conservative school board appointed superintendent to own the libs, turned out to suck at his job. At least the people were smart enough to vote out the conservative school board. But sounds like they were too late.


    script runner framework

    We have free rundeck. And it is pretty lame. But the basic problem is we want to setup permission escalation. We write the scripts that do things, and control who can run them, and how they can run them. Also keep an audit trail of who ran what. rundeck does this, but the free version is pretty terrible. And the pay version is absurdly expensive.

    One example would be some specific queries on the production databases to look up information that is okay for devs to look up. And which would be part of incident response. Another is some limited and very specific kubernetes actions on the prod cluster…


    script runner frameworks?

    We have free rundeck. And it is pretty lame. But the basic problem is we want to setup permission escalation. We write the scripts that do things, and control who can run them, and how they can run them. Also keep an audit trail of who ran what. rundeck does this, but the free version is pretty terrible. And the pay version is absurdly expensive.

    One example would be some specific queries on the production databases to look up information that is okay for devs to look up. And which would be part of incident response. Another is some limited and very specific kubernetes actions on the prod cluster...


    Could the blue states just ignore orders from the white house? Like if he orders them to round up illegal aliens? What could trump do about it?


    I know the board has some fiduciary duty, but can a company put some guardrails on it when they go public, like saying the environment will always come first, or employees or customers or something?


    It's been a grey winter, and looking to stay that way. I work remote, so I was thinking of getting an SAD light. But I remember from years ago when I had one (and worked in an office) that if I put it next to my monitor it gave me a headache and made my monitor hard to see. Those of you using SAD lights, where do you put them, how long do you use them per day and all that?


    When I am in Jerboa on any device (phone, tablet, pc) and I go to my profile and click on posts... it is empty. Yet I have of course made posts. Is there something I need to do to get it to save my posts? Comments has my comments.


    what movie has the greatest turnaround. Like all hope is lost, people are fleeing or whatever, and something happens, then everyone rallies and of course wins the day. Its in tons of movies, usually pretty cheesy. But there must be some that do it right. What are they?


    my daughter seems to like scifi. We watched enders game, lost in space series (the new version), arrival, I am mother, and she liked them all. Can I get some more suggestions?
