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About the bear...
  • Did they apologize to you afterwards? If not then that's what's fucked up about this whole situation in society. You can't treat a person that you just suspected was a harasser like wind after you do it, and excuse it with "men are shitty, so I'm forgiven for my own shitty behaviour towards the good ones".

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    Next steps after the bear
  • You've created an echo chamber where you simply "❌ removed by moderator" every dissenting opinion.

    Way to call yourselves understanding lmao. You just want to spread propaganda.

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    Uh oh
  • Just in case you don't see my reply to someone else... I missed the usernames entirely. My bad.

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    Uh oh
  • Did not notice that.

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  • English is not your forte huh. Checks out.

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    Uh oh
  • I wouldn't. But it's censorship, how am I supposed to know since it's literally censored. There's no reason listed as to why.

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    Uh oh
  • Gotta love the censorship in a science community.

    Exhibit A

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  • How's that gulag russian bot farm treating you?

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    Perfect Symmetry
  • Ew.

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    Good boy
  • someone has an opinion, better be counterargumentative about it to spoil their idea of fun, only my idea of fun is right

    Cool story bud, maybe take that stick out of your ass.

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    Let's test that theory
  • That's exactly what you're doing bro.

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    Let's test that theory
  • You wanting to have the last word is arrogance and narcissism, should we mention that?

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    About the bear...
  • Or just gay? You're being an ass.

    Downvoted for being gay. So now you're a misandrist and a homophobe. Are you collecting them?

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    STEAM starting to issue refunds for players over the 2h playtime limit due to PSN on Helldivers 2
  • God forbid someone be a realist instead of living an idealistic fantasy.

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    STEAM starting to issue refunds for players over the 2h playtime limit due to PSN on Helldivers 2
  • You're acting like it's a given that people will reply and help, when the most likely scenario is that the person asking the question will be dismissed or ignored.

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    STEAM starting to issue refunds for players over the 2h playtime limit due to PSN on Helldivers 2
  • There's so many people who dismiss honest questions because they've been asked/answered elsewhere. You're being disingenuous here by taking that stance.

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    STEAM starting to issue refunds for players over the 2h playtime limit due to PSN on Helldivers 2
  • Like the other comment says, the first refusal is automated, you need to resubmit to get it seen by a person

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    'Outraged': Ukraine cuts off essential services for military-aged men in Australia
  • You can't "give up on your citizenship". A country cannot take away someone's nationality if they'd be left with none. It's against international law.

  • Hi, I've been trying to upload an avatar for the past 10 min unsuccessfully (this also goes for the banner btw).

    My avatar is, at this point, 3.7kb... After massive compressing. It is a jpg.

    This seems like it should be small enough by all metrics, I can't even compress the image any more than this. And yet I still get "file too large" error messages.

    Is there something specifically about that I should know about image uploads? Is it the file format? Or just a bug?

    2 Motorola is disabling Android phones purchased through unauthorized sellers in Mexico

    In Mexico, Motorola is has been disabling smartphones sold through unauthorized retailers, effectively killing a customer's new phone.

    30 Shell no longer allowing journalists to participate in financial presentations

    Shell will no longer give press conferences when presenting its annual and quarterly results. Only financial analysts will be allowed at the presentation of the oil and gas giant’s third-quarter results and future presentations. Journalists will be allowed to call in and listen but not ask questions...
