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how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me?
  • If job candidates are suing because they believe a company is being particularly inappropriate, that is at direct cost to the candidate who 99/100 times has less resources than a company. And they will be snuffed out in court in a jury trial if they are clowning around with the legal system.

    The company will also pay, but in that same 99/100 times the company will have more resources to fight in court in most states. It's in the best interests of communities, culture, and the people's right to force the legal battle upwards instead of downwards

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    Boeing strike: entry-level workers cannot live on their wage. “At Panda Express, they’re making as much as a grade-three mechanic”
  • Shit man, on an ideologic level I agree with what you said.

    On a humanistic level, these guys aren't perfect, and what they are saying is probably very emotionally driven right now. It's not supportive to the unionization cause to hate on them at the moment; support them in the short term, and reflect/educate on their conduct in the longer-term.

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    Unity scraps runtime fee, hikes subscriptions instead
  • This is like the 4th major time they've broken the trust of developers. They're still a titan, and will continue to be for some reason.

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    Tyreek Hill learned he isn’t allowed to do what white people do
  • If you don't do anything immoral, you shouldn't be arrested. Refusing to submit to cops is not enough reason alone for them to physically harass you.

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    Introducing XWine1, an Xbox One translation layer for Windows PCs. Currently six games are fully playable, with others reaching logos and in-game. More news to come.
  • There are xbox360 games that aren't on PC, and if this also handles the XBone's backwards compatibility, then yes there are Xbox games that aren't available on PC currently

    Namely I've been waiting to play Lost Odyssey on PC for over a decade

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    A Cool Guide about 12 myths that movies made us believe
  • Yes, you hold down the spoon and almost all of the tension gets removed from the pin, it's made to be easily pulled with one finger by anybody.

    If you're holding the spoon, you can pull the pin.
