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Task estimation
  • My boss asking, me: "2 days to a week".

    Meaning: 2 days best case szenario, but there's likely something where i'm stuck for days trying to solve it, so a week.

    My boss: "ok, two days then."

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    CPU Flame Graphs
  • What kinda environment do performance analysts work in? Because i can't imagine a company performance analysing their app for fun.

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    The Tippy Type makes typing with long nails less tedious
  • Words per minute meaning literally words or characters? Because 3 - 4 words per second seems a bit much to me and whoever talks that fast?

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    It's called public transport?
  • Where i live, there's multiple cars per day mostly full of asian people. They sure must be paid actors to promote tourism!

  • Situation: we live in europe, there's PRISM and Privacy Shield and all that, to which selfhosting is the solution. Now, my sister, mostly on Apple, got concerned with all the hacks and privacy violations over the years. She's a tech noob, so i can't really recommend her

    There's a bunch of hosted solutions geared towards small to medium business, like Univention Corporate Server, NethServer, etc.

    Are there similiar bundles for private use, basically Apple cloud alternative? With services like cloud storage, cloud office, media share, maybe chat, videocall?

    Or should i let her wait until i got my box up, VPN her over? I'm only semi-professional tho.
