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Why does such a large portion of want to block And, how can Hexbearians improve?
  • I don't know how to break it to you that like 99% of people think using pithy, dismissive responses is bonafide asshole behaviour, and that's why nobody wants to talk to you guys.

    Your "instance culture" is just being a bunch of assholes. This is why everyone defederates you.

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    I'm not even sure I want to know
  • I don't particularly care if you agree with me or not. What I find interesting is that what motivates your political positions are effectively identical to, say, an American christofascist. Disdain for the mainstream media, performative cynicism, conspiratorial thinking. If it goes counter to The Mainstream, it must be good. The idea that people may be harmed by your position doesn't matter to you at all. People """are animals""", after all, and they matter to you only as props in your self-aggrandizing personal narrative.

    I'm genuinely not sure how you're intending to sell your position of "Empathy is for losers, the only thing that matters is Being Right On The Internet" as anything other than repulsive, or how you're not demonstrating why people dislike hexbear users (i.e. spitting on the concept of basic human empathy due to political contrarianism).

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    I'm not even sure I want to know
  • A good deed done for the wrong reasons is still a good deed. The reason why NATO is the lesser of two evils in this sense is that between two brutal authoritarian regimes, NATO is significantly more hands-off and more open to being manipulated by civilian interest than the more brutally right-wing Russian regime. One of these exploitative imperialists will probably let you get gay married, the other one will kill you for it. The US military industrial complex will pick a target regardless. It may as well be a target that ends up counteracting Russian imperialism; I'd rather have those bullets in Russian corpses than, say, whatever country Saudi Arabia has decided needs bullying this week.

    Anyways, the core of the issue is that it takes a LOT of hand-wringing and "b-but both sides" to justify active warfare to sit back and let an imperial power shit hellfire down civilians' throats. Anyone who actively supports pulling out of Ukraine is, bluntly, just kind of an idiot.

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    I'm not even sure I want to know
  • There's always at least one. I just hope that it's more of an edgy-rebellious-phase thing.

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    I'm not even sure I want to know
  • You are a political contrarian if you think invading a sovereign nation is justified by "the western narrative is rather sanitized". You don't care about people's lives or welfare, you care about Being Special and Being Better Than Other People.

    To be blunt, you disgust me with your callous disregard for the lives of innocents solely to be cool and edgy on the internet.

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    I'm not even sure I want to know
  • You are a political contrarian if you think invading a sovereign nation is justified by "the western narrative is rather sanitized". You don't care about people's lives or welfare, you care about Being Special and Being Better Than Other People.

    To be blunt, you disgust me with your callous disregard for the lives of innocents solely to be cool and edgy on the internet.

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    "To show all the ideological diversity that Hexbear has I think everyone should have to do a polcomp test." -- To no one's surprise, there is no diversity.
  • I don't particularly care for the perspectives of the fundamentally disgusting, the same way I wouldn't really care about the culinary opinions of a cannibal.

    The funny thing about art and perspectives is that they're really not in short supply. You can afford to be pretty choosy with who you want to let hang out around you; that extends to say, immediately banning hexbear users on sight because they're assholes the same way you could viciously dismember ban anyone who posts fascist shit.

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    "To show all the ideological diversity that Hexbear has I think everyone should have to do a polcomp test." -- To no one's surprise, there is no diversity.
  • To be fair, I legitimately don't think anyone on the "political right" has anything of value to contribute to any community anywhere.

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    I'm not even sure I want to know
  • No, but they're absolutely the lesser of two evils here. I'm generally not sure how people justify a war of territorial expansion to stroke the ego of a geriatric dictator in Ukraine, then turn around and get angry about a war of territorial expansion to stroke the ego of a geriatric dictator in, say, Afghanistan.

    It's hypocrisy. You dronestrike a children's hospital in Kabul and everyone acknowledges the evil of it, but Russia dronestrikes a children's hospital in Ukraine and suddenly it's justified as "retaliating against western imperialism". Sure, and Iran had nukes Uncle Sam needed to find, too.

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    I'm not even sure I want to know
  • In terms of the "tankie problem", it's mostly supporting Russian aggression in Ukraine pretty much solely to "own the libs" and "get back at the evil NATO". Most "tankies", a term that has become effectively meaningless from overuse, are more accurately political contrarians who care less about things getting better for more people and more about Owning The Libs.

    There's honestly a good chunk of them on most fediverse instances just due to the general community vibe, with Hexbear having more than, say,, but less than lemmygrad. Hexbear stands out moreso to being the successor to Chapo Trap House, a community notorious for being so utterly vile to interact with that nobody wants anything to do with them.

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    I'm not even sure I want to know
  • I have never see anything worth the hate.

    You just have a very high tolerance for jackassery. You've seen plenty of evidence of hexbear hostility, i.e. the "dunk tank" that would justify not wanting to interact with hexbear users and have actively chosen to disregard it.

    This is because you're kind of a jackass. Disregarding people engaging in good faith with "just trust me bro" is exactly the kind of thing people really hate hexbear users for. Not because of illegal activity or moral failing, but because they're assholes. While you may think this isn't worth de-federation, unfortunately moderators aren't some kind of legal authority, and if federating with hexbear means instance admins or community moderators need to put in triple the work to prune all the arguments and """shitposting""" hexbear users love, nobody is legally or morally required to put up with it.

    It's legitimately that simple. Hexbear users are jerks and nobody wants to hang out with them, and that's enough to ban them from any given community or instance.

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    I'm not even sure I want to know
  • People who think being a jackass is a form of activism. That's all you really need to know.

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    Hot Take: 5e is too bloated with unnecessary rules and should be simplified
  • 5e is already too simple, playing anything simpler makes me want to vomit.

    Plus, OSR games are generally made by the most absolute vicious racists and general bigots imaginable. Genuinely awful in every way possible.

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    It's not even absolutist pacifist naivete. It's just bootlicking and pro-Russian imperialism.
  • Something I don't understand how people can correctly identify NATO propaganda dismissing war crimes and western imperialism... and then immediately turn around and uncritically consume Russian & Chinese propaganda dismissing war crimes and imperialism. Do these people have any actual moral positions or are they just contrarians?

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    A tiny bit of opposition and Tankies flee once more
  • I don't know how someone posts something that aggressively asshole-ish and then doesn't understand why everyone defederates them.

    It doesn't kill to be at least slightly polite to people.

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    Why is everyone so giddy about the flooding thay happened at burning man?
  • Rich fuck yuppies deserve every iota of suffering that can be visited upon them, up to and surpassing death.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • People really overuse the term "chilling" in the spooky sense.

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    What's going on with hexbears
  • They're annoying, like over-caffeinated teenagers, and they like to use what I presume are something like Twitch emotes that don't work outside of hexbear, which looks really stupid.

    I don't think they're evil or anything, but they're just so universally awful to deal with that I can fully support immediate no-questions-asked defederation. They're the fediverse equivalent of a decent enough guy who just fucking reeks because they refuse to ever shower or wear deodorant.
