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Internet replaces TV as UK’s most popular news source for first time
  • It's very rare that we watch broadcast TV or record anything to a PVR. It's all streaming on Netflix/Amazon to TV or on my phone. Haven't watched TV in the conventional sense for some years now.

  • International hunt for man who threw hot coffee on baby

    The man is accused of leaving the baby with severe burns requiring multiple surgeries.

    Australian police are working with their international counterparts to locate a man they believe fled the country after pouring boiling coffee on a baby in Brisbane.

    6 More bus services could come under control of councils under planned law

    Transport Secretary Louise Haigh promises to deliver a "bus revolution" that will save vital routes.

    3 Corruption review finds 'red flags' in more than 130 Covid contracts

    An anti-corruption charity finds significant concerns in £15.3bn worth of contracts awarded during the pandemic.

    An anti-corruption charity says it has identified significant concerns in contracts worth over £15.3bn awarded by the Conservative government during the Covid pandemic, equivalent to one in every £3 spent.

    Suicide rates in England and Wales reach highest level since 1999
  • It's been happening before Brexit. The Tories hate the NHS and want to replace it, as you say, with a private healthcare system. However, saying so publicly would be political suicide so the NHS has been gradually privatised within by outsourcing backroom services to the private sector. Having said that Brexit has not helped the NHS.

    Such privatisation has failed in a lot of cases.

    Here's a list of such services privatised.

    The common phrase "The NHS will remain free at point of use" is used to side step accusations of privatising the NHS.

    Privatisation through defunding

  • 'People are right to be angry', says water boss

    The boss of Water UK says the UK's system is old and that bill rises proposed should be higher.

    Russia evacuates over 76,000 in Kursk region amid Ukraine incursion, TASS cites emergency ministry
  • Extract from Basic Principles of the Russian Federation’s State Policy in the Domain of Nuclear Deterrence

    “The Russian Federation retains the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies…” But that sentence ends with an unusual statement: “… and also in the case of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is put under threat”

    "In a local war with a non-nuclear adversary, however, the small-scale tactical use of nuclear weapons might be a serious temptation, especially if the war were not going according to plan. In short, the impulse to escalate in a tight corner could be strong."


  • 3 Water bills set to rise by between X and X

    Water bills are set to rise by between X and X over the next five years, water regulator Ofwat says.

    7 Capel Manor College: Boys 11 and 12 sentenced for animal cruelty

    The boys caused £10,000 worth of damage during a break-in at a west London environmental college.

    1 Peter Murrell charged with embezzlement in SNP finance probe

    The husband of Nicola Sturgeon had been re-arrested in connection with the SNP finances investigation.

    3 Tory MP suspended over alleged misuse of campaign funds

    Mark Menzies, who represents the seat of Fylde, told the Times he strongly disputed the allegations.

    7 Gaza's al-Shifa hospital in ruins after two-week Israeli raid

    Dozens of bodies are found and al-Shifa hospital is "completely out of service", the Hamas-run health ministry says.

    6 Conservatives set for worst election result yet, research shows

    Survey of 15,000 people suggests even party leader Rishi Sunak’s North Yorkshire seat is at risk

    29 Latest election poll projection makes even worse reading for Tory MPs

    Breakdown of which 250 would lose seats in election scenario will only add to mutinous mood but there is little consensus on what to do

    0 Headless, dog-sized robot to patrol Alaska airport to prevent bird strikes

    The robot - named Aurora - can climb rocks, go up stairs and make dance-like movements while flashing green lights. These tactics will be used to scare away wildlife.

    16 Chocolate prices could soar as changing climate patterns worsen cocoa crisis

    Seasonal dusty winds from the Sahara have been severe in recent months, blocking out the sunlight needed for cocoa bean pods to grow in west Africa. Heavy rainfall in the previous season has also spread a rotting disease among cacao trees.

    8 Russia has questions to answer over response to Moscow terror attack

    The national guard is capable of appearing within minutes at the slightest sign of protest on the streets of Moscow, but took an hour-and-a-half to mobilise to the attack - something does not add up, writes Dominic Waghorn.

    6 The West has the capability to halt Putin's brutal war - but does it have the resolve?

    The flow of Western military aid to Ukraine is waning. President Putin will feel emboldened. But Sean Bell explains that there are options to swing the balance in Ukraine's favour for the West - if its leaders are willing to call Russia's bluff.

    18 Mortuary abuse inquiry following ‘disturbing’ Hull funeral directors allegations

    The chairman of the inquiry into necrophiliac killer David Fuller’s crimes said his investigation was following developments in the case closely.

    This started a few weeks ago and it went quiet. This new insight is truly disturbing as it has attracted the attention of the chairman of the David Fuller inquiry. There is no confirmation of a link but there are a lot of questions as to why bodies have been withheld for months on end after alledged funerals taken place.
