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Google Tensor G4 fails to outscore Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 and barely beats Tensor G3 in 3DMark Wild Life Extreme
  • The main advantage of using custom silicon is that you can decide the naming and so you deceive users that the minor 0.1 update is a full generation advance

    Kinda like I saw someone saying "apple skipped A17 for the iPhone 16 and gave the faster A18" - they're in charge of the naming and they can easily decide that A18 = A17

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    What device can rotate a knob and works with HA?
  • Yes my cylinder isn't compatible, it won't allow inserting a key from the other side. But I saw they sell a replacement one for 100 euro

    Not being internet connected isn't the end of the world, but that hidden expensive in-app purchase is really scammy because you would only notice that after you bought the device, after installation and probably even after the return window. All YouTube reviewers got the pro model, which doesn't have this artificial limitation. If I didn't watch that video, I would noticed that after years (I don't have enough matter/thread devices to justify the purchase of a hub yet)

    And also the door opening sensor isn't included in the box but of course YouTube reviewers are showing it as part of the kit because they got all included. And the product page doesn't specify that explicitly.

    Searched the user manual in PDF to learn more about the product, it's 4 sentences that explain absolutely nothing

    So in the end I wanted the base model over the pro because for me having 4 AAs instead of a "proprietary" battery pack (4 AAs in a custom plastic shell) is much better and giving direct full internet access to the door lock via WiFi is too scary... but between the missing opening sensor, the IAP, the build quality, I think I will choose another one

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    What device can rotate a knob and works with HA?
  • Nice this looks compatibile, except for the open sensor, my door has an ultra thick frame and it's only possible to install it at 12 cm, while the guide says 4 cm max. Does it really need it?

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    What device can rotate a knob and works with HA?
  • Thanks for the link, in that thread I found two promising products, Nuki and tedee.

    One is small and stylish but uses a tiny expensive single use battery, the other is plasticly and bulky but uses 4 standard AAs

    I'll check specs carefully to see if they have enough torque

    Edit: the 190 euro Nuki lock is advertised as "matter/thread compatible" but you need to pay a 50 euro in-app purchase in order to enable it. This is not stated anywhere, including the user manual, website and support faq. I discovered that from a YouTube review

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    What device can rotate a knob and works with HA?
  • When you close it, it's not possible* to open it again from outside

    * = only the triangular piece engages, so a professional can unlock it from outside by using a thin sheet of steel

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    What device can rotate a knob and works with HA?
  • I thought I had keys in my pocket, instead it was a different bunch. The keys were inserted in the socket from the inside, it doesn't allow to insert the key from the other side, so I couldn't use the backup pair that I keep in a separate location

  • I was accidentally locked out of home again, and I had to call a professional to open the lock.

    But if someone was home, they could have just turned the knob of the door from inside. There's a device that can do that? It needs to do 3 full turns and it requires a bit of force to do that (armored door with iron bars that slide in every direction, so it has a big inertia to start)

    I saw a ready solution on a store, the iseo x1r, but that costs 1000 euro + another 200 for the gateway (not mandatory but otherwise it uses proprietary Bluetooth protocol and so it can't talk with HA

    Selfhosted S3 compatible recommendations?
  • I set garage via docker and it was not impossibly hard.

    Main problem is that there isn't an admin panel and you can't login to the docker container via docker exec, so you have to write some python (or other language of your choice) to send requests to the API port to:

    1. Set the layout of your server
    2. Create an user
    3. Create a bucket
    4. Assign that bucket to your user
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    Fake retro video game ring worth €50m smashed in Italy
  • Technically, it still is illegal to sell electronics without CE certification

    Although a headline like "3 cubic meters of worthless famiclones have been seized" isn't as strong

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    Fake retro video game ring worth €50m smashed in Italy
  • a figure which includes the value of the consoles and hundreds of licenses for the pirated programs.

    So it's just 12k consoles with 4000 pirated ROMs inside

    Actual value is €300k, not 50 millions

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    Fake retro video game ring worth €50m smashed in Italy
  • Not having a certification doesn't mean it's not compliant.

    It's probably compliant, but they didn't want to pay €50k to get it certified

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    'Parasitic' IPTV Piracy is Killing Football, "It's Them or Us" Says Serie A CEO.
  • It makes sense

    In the serie A let me see what they can do with that money... Uhm the Juventus can't even pay for Dusan Vlahovic (he gets €12 million - net per season)

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    Cameras were designed to be connected to a specific server in China: South Korean military removes Chinese-made cameras at bases over security risks
  • No matter on which country the iot device it's made, giving internet access to them in military bases is madness. IOT must be on a separate VLAN without any internet access. No exceptions, they're usually running buggy firmware based on ancient Linux versions and no updates are ever released or installed. They're exploitable time bombs

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    YouTube Music’s AI radio is officially called 'Ask Music'
  • Wanted to see how bad were the recommendations, it can't play anything if it's not in focus with the screen on. For a music app that plays 30 seconds of ads before any listening?? (Ironically enough, even the ads stop playing if focus is lost or screen is off)

    Now I remember why years ago i uninstalled that system app via adb on my pixel

  • Luglio 2024: devo fare una pratica all'ambasciata italiana. Mi dicono che ora c'è da prendere un appuntamento sul sito del ministero degli esteri.

    Bene, primo appuntamento disponibile a settembre, ci sono solo 10 posti al giorno. Mi danno appuntamento alle 11.23.

    Il giorno stabilito mi alzo alle 5, faccio 1000 km col treno e arrivo con 30 minuti di anticipo. Sorpresa! "Appuntamento alle 11.23” in realtà significa "entri alle 11.23 ma prima di te ci sono 100 persone senza appuntamento, forse ti facciamo alle 16"

    Sono incazzato nero perché alle 15 ho il treno per tornare a casa, biglietto non rimborsabile ed è pure l'ultimo della giornata, se lo perdo mi tocca pure pagare una notte in albergo oltre a un altro biglietto......

    Ho dato per scontato che se mi davano un appuntamento con orario preciso al minuto, mi avrebbero fatto passare entro un'ora, invece...

    E dicono "per le emergenze anche senza appuntamento", eccheccazzo, 100 persone tutte con emergenza? Emergenza reale o semplicemente si sono svegliate ieri? Non possono passare dopo i 10 cretini che hanno preso l'appuntamento 2 mesi fa?

    1 Resident Evil mobile ports now require an online check-in before you can play

    Several mobile ports of Resident Evil games now require an internet connection when starting the app.

    Many users bought Resident evil for iOS because it was working offline. Perfect for long trips. But a new update adds a mandatory DRM online check at start-up.

    I wrote bought, but actually the word is rented. One day Capcom stops updating the games (and this is 100% guaranteed) and a few years later the "owner" gets "This app needs to be updated to run on this iPhone"

    Meanwhile, people who pirated a cracked ipa, don't get any issue in playing the game offline. DRM exclusively hurts the paying customers.

    6 OSOM, the company formed from Essential’s ashes, is apparently in shambles

    A lawsuit alleges that Jason Keats, the founder of OSOM, has misused company funds to buy sports cars and fund his lavish lifestyle.

    They made millions thanks to crypto bros buying the Solana phone (rebranded osom with custom ROM), claiming the free shit coins, then sending it to e-waste.

    Unfortunately those millions weren't invested in new products but to fund the CEO lifestyle.

    I love how the endgame was to trying getting acquired by HP for billions but that failed.

    Everyone's (also humane ai pin) trying to get acquired by HP, the ultimate bagholder, expert in overvaluing failed startups

    https:// /technology/artificial-intelligence/ai-pcs-made-up-14-quarterly-personal-computer-shipments-canalys-says-2024-08-13/

    The share is higher than you would expect because they include all apple devices in them because the apple soc is capable of running ai. Of course who's buying a MacBook it's not doing it because "it's an AI PC". Should have included all gaming PCs then...

    The report says Lenovo ai PC shipments went up 228% last quarter. Uh... They put on sale their copilot+ devices on the last week of Q2, then of course at the end of Q3 you have such high percentage. They could have said "10000000000000000000000% yoy increase"


    No, it's not phishing, it's legit, the header match with google and the link goes to

    Why not just write the message there instead of letting me login to watch the important notification?????????????????


    Apparently xitter saw an access from Russia (even if it's blocked by the government) and had no problem in giving full access to change immediately the password, disable 2fa and start scamming followers.

    It seems an easy attack to fix IMHO: if access from Russia (or a country from the other part of the world) on a business account that always tweet from the same place, then deny access even with valid stolen session cookies


    One day many years ago I had too many drinks and being stupid and naive and I bought adobe cs5. I still use it on the same computer I installed it a decade ago. Activated and installed only once. Today they revoked the access to it. Clicking the link they say "revoked because purchased from an untrustworthy reseller"

    Yeah... untrustworthy reseller, look at the invoice and see who sold&shipped that physical copy...

    !sold by adobe themselves

    Contacted support, they said that they won't do anything about it because it's EOL.

    Moral of the story: don't do like me. If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing. Never give your money to Adobe.


    questi assumono gente sottopagata per rompere le palle da mattina a sera

    a chi è titolare di questi call center ci vorrebbe l'ergastolo ostativo con il 41-bis


    Per il mio catorcio immatricolato nel 1994 per evitare di pagare un premio assicurativo superiore al valore del mezzo, avevo fatto un contratto con scatola nera dell'intesa san paolo.

    Ne hanno di due tipi. Una più complessa, un quadrato di 15x15 cm che richiede di essere installato sul parabrezza per vedere i satelliti, smontare tutto il cruscotto, tagliare fili, inserire la massa, ecc. Questo è pensato per le auto più vecchie. Per le auto nuove hanno invece uno più semplice, si attacca alla centralina, si mette sopra la batteria e prende i dati via canbus. Costa molto meno sia di installazione sia di realizzazione. Come minimo risparmiano 100 euro di installazione presso il loro elettrauto convenzionato.

    Adesso ho cambiato automobile con una più moderna, sono andato a cambiare la scatola nera dando per scontato che avrebbero semplicemente messo quella sulla batteria come fanno tutti gli altri e... MURO DI GOMMA. "No, il contratto originale prevedeva l'installazione invasiva, quindi rimontiamo il box gigante con smontaggio totale del cruscotto e ci deve lasciare l'auto per una settimana".

    Non c'è stato nulla da fare. Sono stato due ore in filiale a discutere. "Per i nuovi contratti sui nuovi veicoli montiamo quello light in 10 minuti, ma siccome è un vecchio contratto, il sistema ci obbliga a rimontare quello invasivo."

    Al che ho fatto presente che visto il furto che ho subito con l'acquisto della nuova auto, non ci pensavo assolutamente a farmi smontare l'intero cruscotto per una ragione così burocratica: o mettete la scatola light o si applica il diritto di recesso.

    La risposta che mi ha lasciato abbastanza sconcertato: "bene, allora per recedere dal contratto mandi una raccomandata a xxx con scritto yyy e facciamo rimborso"

    Potevo capire se per ragioni economiche/ecologiche avessero rimontato quello vecchio prendendolo dalla vecchia auto, ma dice che no, quello va in discarica, e ne rimontano comunque uno nuovo di zecca.

    A me non pare il vero, ho visto che con altre assicurazioni posso risparmiare 100 euro e non avere scatole nere antiprivacy...


    In the browser, i didn't login in the google account, and I didn't accept the cookies on that site. Using privacybadger that supposedly should block the 3rd party spyware like that


    Wow, that's awesome! I was very sad without the clickbait articles. I was staring at Firefox thinking "i wish it had a cluttered start page with clickbait articles and sponsored content like MS Edge" - and then with this new update the devs nailed it! Thanks!

    That's really perfect!


    (it's a tablet in a smartphone form factor, it doesn't have cellular connectivity)

    For reference, android 14 was announced 6 months before the launch of this device.

    It's a bit surprising that Google still allows device certification with such ancient, unsupported and vulnerable OS.

    All the marketing materials don't say which CPU it's using except "Qualcomm octa core CPU" - that means nothing as the description could apply to the Snapdragon 415, which was a low end slow system on a chip released ten years ago. Maybe it could explain why they're using an ancient version of Android - the soc that they're using it's a leftover found in some warehouse and it's already unsupported by the manufacturer; they're forced to use android 11.


    Cinque anni fa ho accidentalmente scordato una rata dell' IMU

    Il comune ha aperto una pratica ad APRILE e... L'ha lasciata in un cassetto fino all'11 giugno, data dell'invio raccomandata.

    A parte che sono abbastanza fetenti per ricordarmelo dopo tutto questo tempo, ci sono anni di sanzioni e interessi che potevo risparmiare se me l'avessero notificato 4 anni fa, ma l'intera operazione a me puzza di "ordini venuti dall'alto", come il sindaco che ha ordinato di non inviare alcun verbale finché non siano passate le elezioni.

    Ma è possibile? O è solo una coincidenza che siano passati 3 mesi tra firma verbale e invio?


    Mi si è spaccato il radiatore sul mio mezzo di trasporto privato, quindi sono andato a vedere tra i concessionari qualcosa di economico, considerando di rottamare il mio.

    Avevo visto la pubblicità della panda che costa 9700 euro nuova. (Comunque ingannevole perché mostra una foto della panda cross full optional che costa quasi il doppio)


    Dice il concessionario, no quel prezzo non esiste , la panda viene 16mila euro poi noi facciamo un bello sconto di 3000. Bello! Lo sconto di 3000 in realtà però lo mette lo stato...

    Ho chiesto se c'era qualcosa di usato. Dice no, tutto l'usato costa più del nuovo. E mi ha portato a vedere tutte le panda usate che ha nel parcheggio col prezzo sul parabrezza. Tutte ex noleggio, 14000 se pagate in contanti o 12500 se pagate con la loro formula "96 rate + 3 anni di super Kasko" che te la farà pagare 25mila. Ehi ma due tagliandi sono in regalo! Certo perché ha senso fare i tagliandi su un'auto fuori garanzia (olio e filtri comunque te li fanno pagare)

    Alla fine mi mostra la panda usata più economica che ha. (Quella in foto iniziale) Me la venderebbe a quasi 1000 euro in più di quanto sarebbe costata nuova, con 8 anni e 70mila km in più.


    Sono andato via con un "ci penso" e sono andato da un altro concessionario. Stessa storia stessi prezzi

    Non riesco proprio a capire la logica di questi prezzi - c'è qualcuno che compra mezzi di trasporto pagandoli così? O è "scacchi 4d" per cercare di dirottare l'acquirente a comprare un "salotto su ruote" in leasing "visto che costa poco più al mese". La panda usata in 96 rate con Taeg 8% ha una rata simile a un SUV...

    1 Google can keep your phone if you send it in for repair with non-OEM parts

    In its services and repair terms and conditions, Google says it will keep devices sent in for repair if they have a non-OEM part.

    "please don't buy our phones"


    Anche per questo Summer days qualcuno su xiaohongshu (un clone di reddit+Twitter cinese) ha postato il leak delle promozioni

    Il numero prima di 🈷️ indica il mese, poi c'è il giorno
