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Burning Up
  • ... for you.

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    Burning Up
  • Because the minor diameter of the barrel is 5.56 mm and the major diameter is 5.69 mm. If the bullet were smaller than that then the propellant would blow past it. They didn't make a 'murican millimetre like they did with the imperial system.

  • I'm upset that a meme I tried to remake with Unicode box drawing characters lines up terribly in apps: Shouldn't code blocks render in monospace?

    On Lemmy's web frontend it's perfect: !

    On Connect it looks like this: !

    On Jerboa it's basically the same: !

    Eternity does use monospace but the box drawing characters seem to be too wide.

    All I can find about it here is one post from a year ago:


    Why would you do this to me?

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  •                PSI
     0                             100
    Dead                  Potentially survivable
     0                             100
    Dead                           Dead
     0                             100
    Dead                      Totally  Fine
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  • I just learned about °Ré and °Rø and now my head hurts.

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    FAA grounds SpaceX after rocket falls over in flames at landing
  • Plus it did land on the barge. Most of the debris should be there, though the remaining fuel would have mainly gone overboard. Probably the flight termination explosives also.

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  • Your mind makes it real.

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    Tom Lehrer - Wernher von Braun
  • Tim Harford did a mini series on von Braun and the V2 on the Cautionary Tales podcast:

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    First SpaceX spacewalk: Polaris Dawn mission launch date, details
  • Why not an inflatable airlock? It worked* for Voskhod.


    *I mean it didn't kill the crew...

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    Random thought: Linux has a higher market share than Firefox if stat counter is to be believed
  • Linux is the kernel.

    You can define terms however you like and treating Android as Linux is a choice - though I would agree - not a good one. It depends what point you're trying to make. I can't tell what point the OP is trying to make. By most reasonable definitions, there are more people browsing the web with Firefox than browsing with Linux so the title is wrong.

    Ah - and I see the OP has edited to say they just misread the stats. So there was no point.

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    Random thought: Linux has a higher market share than Firefox if stat counter is to be believed
  • I don't think that's what 'market share' is trying to represent, but without any context - yeah. You can lump in android phones and set-top boxes and signage and industrial controllers while you're at it.

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    Random thought: Linux has a higher market share than Firefox if stat counter is to be believed
  • Is OP adding the Android share to Linux? That would certainly do it.

    • Android (all platforms): 45.19%

    Only makes sense if you know their definition of 'Linux' though.

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    Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads
  • I think what you want is in Firefox nightly right now:

    That expands and compacts based on the sidebar state and can be flipped to the right side of the window in the 'customise sidebar' settings.

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    Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads
  • 1xx: hold on
    2xx: here you go
    3xx: go away
    4xx: you fucked up
    5xx: I fucked up
    6xx: Google fucked up

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I think you'd only have to read it once, then you should be able to just filter it out next time you see it.

    - Sent from my iPhone

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    JPEG is Dying - And that's a bad thing | 2kliksphilip
  • A balance has to be struck. The alternative isn't not getting anything better, it's being sure the benefits are worth the costs. The comment was "Why is [adding another decoder] a negative?" There is a cost to it, and while most people don't think about this stuff, someone does.

    The floppy code was destined to be removed from Linux because no one wanted to maintain it and it had such a small user base. Fortunately I think some people stepped up to look after it but that could have made preserving old software significantly harder.

    If image formats get abandoned, browsers are going to face hard decisions as to whether to drop support. There has to be some push-back to over-proliferation of formats or we could be in a worse position than now, where there are only two or three viable browser alternatives that can keep up with the churn of web technologies.

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    JPEG is Dying - And that's a bad thing | 2kliksphilip
  • I mean, the comic is even in the OP. The whole point is that AVIF is already out there, like it or not. I'm not happy about Google setting the standards but that has to be supported. Does JPEGXL cross the line where it's really worth adding in addition to AVIF? It's easy to yes when you're not the one supporting it.

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    NASA Says Boeing Starliner Astronauts May Fly Home on SpaceX in 2025
  • I think it's more that they haven't tested the software changing mode mid-mission. At least that's Scott Manley's impression(@5:50ish).

    Given the software issues thus far, I can see they'd be a bit wary that flipping that switch could cause problems.

    I would think they could set it back to autonomous mode but that they have to do the testing and validation to prove the system will tolerate the change with no issues.

  • Envious of thumb clusters? Have a gap in your matrix? Why not spend an inordinate amount of time extending your keyboard?

    cross-posted from:

    > Sorry for the crap photos - I just wanted to share these extra keys I added to my Lily58. > > I noticed there was a gap in the matrix so I tacked a spare hot-swap socket to the pads on the back of the PCB. That worked with minimal modification to my QMK set-up. I couldn't really use it dangling off some wires so I set out to make an extension that would slot in and be retained by one of the standoffs. I don't have a laser cutter or 3D printer so I just hacked these out of a sheet of ABS plastic following a printed template and glued them up. They're nice and solid and line up really well, despite being rather rough around some of the edges. > > I'm finding the 1.5U keys a bit confusing at the moment, swapping them out for 1U keys makes it a bit easier to home my thumbs. These are certainly much easier to access than the outermost keys on the lower row or the keys below the display. I'm thinking they need to be called Lily Pads. > > ! > !


    cross-posted from:

    > Sorry for the crap photos - I just wanted to share these extra keys I added to my Lily58. > > I noticed there was a gap in the matrix so I tacked a spare hot-swap socket to the pads on the back of the PCB. That worked with minimal modification to my QMK set-up. I couldn't really use it dangling off some wires so I set out to make an extension that would slot in and be retained by one of the standoffs. I don't have a laser cutter or 3D printer so I just hacked these out of a sheet of ABS plastic following a printed template and glued them up. They're nice and solid and line up really well, despite being rather rough around some of the edges. > > I'm finding the 1.5U keys a bit confusing at the moment, swapping them out for 1U keys makes it a bit easier to home my thumbs. These are certainly much easier to access than the outermost keys on the lower row or the keys below the display. I'm thinking they need to be called Lily Pads. > > ! > !


    Sorry for the crap photos - I just wanted to share these extra keys I added to my Lily58.

    I noticed there was a gap in the matrix so I tacked a spare hot-swap socket to the pads on the back of the PCB. That worked with minimal modification to my QMK set-up. I couldn't really use it dangling off some wires so I set out to make an extension that would slot in and be retained by one of the standoffs. I don't have a laser cutter or 3D printer so I just hacked these out of a sheet of ABS plastic following a printed template and glued them up. They're nice and solid and line up really well, despite being rather rough around some of the edges.

    I'm finding the 1.5U keys a bit confusing at the moment, swapping them out for 1U keys makes it a bit easier to home my thumbs. These are certainly much easier to access than the outermost keys on the lower row or the keys below the display. I'm thinking they need to be called Lily Pads.

    ! !


    Hi All, I'm still very new to Nix but trying to daily-drive NixOS.

    What I'm currently stuck on is injecting Python packages into a Jupyterlab service. What I have at the moment in the home-manager.home portion of my system flake is the following: = let jupyter = pkgs.jupyter-all.override { python3 = pkgs.python311.withPackages (python-pkgs: with python-pkgs; [ numpy matplotlib ]); }; in { Service = { Type = "simple"; WorkingDirectory = "${home.homeDirectory}/notebooks"; ExecStart = "${jupyter}/bin/jupyter-lab --no-browser"; }; };

    This fires up a JupyterLab process that I can connect to and which runs fine, but numpy etc. can't be imported. From a devshell, I see that the python.withPackages mechanism seems to rely on $PYTHONPATH to pass in a python3-3.11.8-env package that contains a lib/python3.11/site-packages. I'm guessing that the systemd service just needs to have an Environment key, but where do I get the python3-3.11.8-env path from?

    The Jupiter executable is in a /nix/store/#-python3-3.11.8-env/bin location, but the site-packages only include the modules for Jupyter so I assume there's another python3-3.11.8-env in the nix-store that does have the python packages I'm trying to get. Trying things like jupyter.env gives errors like *** Python 'env' attributes are intended for interactive nix-shell sessions, not for building! *** but I'm just taking a stab in the dark here.

    I'd appreciate any pointers on this. I see there are helpers like JupyEnv, but these seem focused on setting up ephemeral devshells, not running a service for long-term notes and seem like overkill for what I want.


    RFA uploaded a short overview video of their ARGO vehicle: Youtube link Piped alternative

    Explore Argo, our flexible & reliable cargo capsule with an end-to-end service for only €150M/launch for 4,000kg up-and-down mass & 15.5m³ pressurized cargo volume.

    Developed with Space Cargo Unlimited Atmos Space Cargo, Argo is our commitment to rebuilding independent European space cargo capabilities.

    Find out more about Argo here:


    I seem to have gotten a saved account that can't be switched to and therefore can't be removed.

    My instance had some server side issues and on PC I had to delete my cookies to get the desktop site to work. Connect wouldn't work and I had to add the account again. At some point the account name has changed to my email address, which looks weird since it has two @ symbols. The newly added account works fine, but there's this stuck second version of it.

    When I try to switch to the broken version I get an error pop up that just says "Error: unable to switch to ''" and it seems to retain the currently selected account.

    Since I can't switch to that account, I can't sign out to have Connect forget it. So I don't see a way to get rid of it.

    Has anyone else run into the same problem? Any suggestions?
