Skip Navigation Posthaste: Canada could face two more decades of stagnant growth, report warns

Country could be looking at low growth and higher inflation for next 20 years

Trudeau government's use of Emergencies Act during 'Freedom Convoy' violated Canadians' Charter rights: federal court
  • ya i don't get this. Ford does not and no premier should give the OPP orders. They can pass laws and expect the OPP to enforce them but elected members are not the boss of our police force.

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    Trudeau government unveils plans to cut $500 million in spending
  • can you please flesh out what you mean by "nationalize" did you plan on paying people for what they have invested in these industries or just taking it away from them?

  • Jewish group demands apology after MPs honoured man who fought for Nazis

    Several Jewish advocacy organizations are condemning members of Parliament for giving a standing ovation to a man who fought for a Nazi unit during the Second World War.

    4 ‘There’s some merit to the criticism that CBC has a left-leaning bias’: Expert panel sees a murky future for the CBC - The Hub

    With competition from streaming services, a quickly-changing broadcast and news landscape, and diminished trust in the public broadcaster, the future of the CBC is as murky as ever.

    With competition from streaming services, a quickly-changing broadcast and news landscape, and diminished trust in the public broadcaster, the future of the CBC is as murky as ever. Tara Henley, a former CBC producer who now runs a popular Substack, said the CBC lost trust when Canadians started to see it as overly politicized. Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre made defunding the CBC a centrepiece of his leadership campaign, sparking raucous chants in support of the idea at his rallies across the country.

    0 As demand returns, can short-term rentals co-exist with housing affordability? |

    New regulations in Quebec that encourage platforms like Airbnb to police their own listings could help improve housing affordability, experts and advocates say.

    Platforms like Airbnb are receiving renewed scrutiny amid a return to summer travel and an uptick in demand for short-term rentals, because of their role in making housing less affordable for some Canadians. Anne Gaviola has more on the impact of short-term rentals and the push for regulation
