minecraft can work really well for learning how tp program, when I was 9 that is how I started, unfortunately its been a long time since I took that course but if you are willing to do the research there should be a some for server programming and java modding at least that is what I took over 11 years ago at this point, and maybe javascript for gametest framework for bedrock edition. there is also minetest which is a little better for learning but isn't minecraft so is a little bit more annoying but lets you modify basically anything you want which is very fun. also a great way to learn boolean algebra/circuit design in minecraft/minetest, redstone can be used to make micro computers like calculators, fun and can be applicable to making games in minecraft which makes it more engaging as well. also the minecraft commands can be put into a mcfunction file as you can imagine this can be generated by outputting text to the file, this is great because you learn file io and a programming language and mostly he would be using math to generate things so teaches math, its limited but that is something he would find fun that is super easy and can be done in basically any language.
redstone/mcfunctions I personally like this approach on top of the course because it gives him something useful so should hopefully encourage him to play and program after he finishes lessons and etc...
I currently don't have 1 favorite there are so many really cool languages. but here are 2 and some that have inspired me.
- Common Lisp for sheer Technological prowess has some very advanced features that I dont see very often, runtime recompilation, code as data, data as code, debuggers, images, redefinition, macros , perf measuring, recompilation during errors to fix bugs etc... and has a algebraic syntax which can be nice.
- D for general purpose, again has features that are not common, optional GC, C compiler, zero allocation c strings, Lowlevel purity, and can be as Fast/Faster than C, and as simple as python(in the base language obviously pythons packages make up for basically all of its flaws). Languages that have inspired me not favorites but changed the way I think are APL, Factor, Scheme, Lobster, Unison, and Koka, I hope you enjoy the read if you check any of those out.
yeah like everyone else is saying use it, whatever way you can. for me I used notepad++ and the terminal for a while, then to simplify the process I switched to Emacs/NeoVim. really depends on what you want you dont need to use a terminal based editor. if you are on windows or linux their are a couple important things to learn first to help fast track the process. I use windows so these are from that perspective specifically but its not limited to windows.
learn how to set environment variables. you can use environment variables to make some command line tools available everywhere, example, fuzzy finder, grep/ripgrep, fd, robocopy, curl, chocolatey. and more some are preinstalled like curl, others need to be installed like chocolatey which is a package manager for windows that installs programs like ripgrep, but for each you can just download an exe and set a env variable.
quickly open the terminal in a directory if you have the file explorer open, at the top of the window is your path if you replace that path with cmd it will open the terminal in your current directory.
make your own CLI tools, and use others. grep lets you search through all the files in a directory recursively this is incredibly powerful when you learn how to use it well. fd lets you do the same thing as grep but just for the file names, so you can search your entire computer for a specific file name. chocolatey helps you manage your installed programs, and helps you install them. robocopy is a fast multi-threaded copy built into windows. fzf lets you search through a directory but it updates live. curl is complicated but it basically lets you download something from the command line.
operations there are different piping and other operations you can do directly in the command line but I am not to versed in that it would be best to watch some videos, but one is exe > test.txt this will put the output of the exe/command into a file called test.txt. I am not too versed in the other operations but I know their is one for piping the output of one command into the input of another.
yeah it has a really good blend of features, I think that it could have saved quite a few large companies a lot of money, as well, like facebook who keep re programming stuff, with D they could have used the same language and they would have very rarely re programmed anything, and when they did they would have been able to re use some code. so I am quite surprised it didnt catch on, but it did have a few problems, one being it got relatively popular too quick before it could mature. GC problems, and being too experimental, a very good language is hidden behind a lot of features.
my opinion is a good language needs these qualities. Portable, Safe, Fast, Easy.
which seems to be similar to the author of the article. the language I have found to match the criteria the most is the D programming Language, its so mediocre in every area.
3 separate compilers, gcc llvm and mars backends. can be as safe as you want it to be, with constructs for purity, GC, and contracts built in. can be as fast as you want it to be it is a systems language and gives you all the necessary tools to go down to C level or below with a good in line assembly, but generally the idiomatic code is fast enough you dont need to go to the C level.
it is also very easy, you have a lot of C libraries and D libraries you can use and with a built in C compiler (currently beta) you can import C libraries easier, it also has a similar syntax to C so its very easy to rewrite C code in D, it has an optional GC so if you are going for max performance you can beta test algorithms quickly using the GC and when you are ready for max performance you can do it all manually, or you can use the feature to test what is using the GC so you can avoid the GC in loops, I did this in a game recently, I used the GC to setup all memory at the beginning and turned off the GC so I would never use it in a loop,
another nice feature is functional features that make the language cleaner to write. I dont think this approach of being perfectly mediocre is necessarily the best but at least on paper its very good, and in practice there have been companies (specifically Weka Digital) that swear by the approach, they can use one language for both testing out ideas and the final product. but again in a lot of cases you dont want a language that is good at everything you want one that is good for your use case.
also the article was very interesting, language design fascinates me and the article was a good read really enjoyed it. currently planning on learning Haskell and Zig soon should be fun to compare these once I am comfortable with them.