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Proper sound balancing
  • Non-expert here, but something I’ve read about popped in my head reading this, and I suspect it may be part of the solution you’re looking for.

    Look up audio ducking. My understanding is that ducking means dynamically lowering the volume of background tracks when you want a voiceover (or other track) to be in the forefront. It looks like Davinci has settings to do ducking automatically.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Hello, 30-years-ago me. My sister and I had a similar age gap. We had an amazing relationship/friendship throughout our childhood and it was really hard when she left for college. The good news is that we still have an amazing relationship and she is still the best sister I could ever ask for.

    It’s a funny thing that when we are young, everything feels so permanent when in reality, your life is changing incredibly quickly. When you get hit by something like this, it’s uncomfortable as fuck to see that reality. Change is hard, but it also leads to and comes along with growth... and growth is good.

    I don’t say this to be dismissive of what you are going through, only to say that change happens. It is a part of life that we learn to deal with because it can’t be avoided. What is happening in your life probably hurts. It’s probably scary. The uncertainty sucks. All those feelings are valid.

    She will be farther away. You will see her less. She is going to be incredibly busy at times. But she is also there for you and you two will still have each other and have time together.

    Of course, I have no guarantees — your life isn’t mine. But for me, it wasn’t nearly as bad as it seemed (it’s easy to imagine the worst). Just like it was awesome having an older sister as your friend while at home, it’s really awesome to have an older sister in college to talk to and visit get to experience bits of that life with.

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    Just started; what to expect?
  • Yes, calorie limiting is one of the main benefits and the reason I use IF. I can’t speak authoritatively to any other benefits as I haven’t done any reading on IF in close to a decade. I remember that back then there were a lot of dubious claims about it “boosting metabolism” and such. But I haven’t looked at the state of research on IF in a long time.

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    Just started; what to expect?
  • I’m far from an expert on IF, just someone who has done it for a long time.

    I'm fasting 14 hours for 4 days a week (I also have health problems, so I'm not going for the full 7 days).

    The “health problems” part makes me concerned. Please make sure that you are safe to do IF with your health conditions. Is your condition one in which 4 days IF is safe but 7 days is not?

    If it is medically safe to do so, I would reconsider this half-way approach. Don’t take this for gospel because this is just my feeling on it:

    You’re trying to get used to not eating in the morning after you get up. You're trying to make some mental and (perhaps) physiological changes occur and get over the hurdle where you aren’t feeling hunger pangs or the desire to eat first thing in the morning. By breaking the routine for three days every week, I worry that you’ll continually be in the “trying to get used to this” phase and not reach the point of “normal routine”.

    What can I expect? Is there anything I should watch out for? Any tips?

    It’s been too long for me to really remember the start. Additionally, I’ve never been one to need a morning meal [edit: to add context, I did shorten my eating window and had to adapt to that. I only eat in the evening, about 4hr]. I know irritability and feeling a bit shaky are listed as common issues when starting IF. With health conditions, I’d really recommend talking to your dr (if you can) and try to find a way to identify where “normal” discomfort ends and problematic symptoms begin.

    There is A LOT of woo around IF and just about any diet you find out there. I like reading scientific studies and find that media/writers really really like to misinterpret study results… and those misinterpretations become cannon over time. Use a skeptical eye when reading that info and focus on finding a routine that works for you personally.

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    Mamie Laverock, 'When Calls the Heart' Actor, Hospitalized on Life Support Following Five-Story Balcony Fall
  • Oh yeah, OP is a spammer for this website. Please report them. I’ve only looked at one article but it read as AI to me.

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    Massive issues with sleep and desperate for a solution.
  • Wow. I just want to say thank you for such a thoughtful, informed, detailed response. You are an amazing person!

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    The ability to upload video clips that’s coming in Lemmy 0.2 will bring more activity to Lemmy
  • On iOS as well.

    Funny enough, that one worked for me, both in Voyager and safari. But a vast majority of gifs from don’t work for me as well. The issue appears to be intermittent (as opposed to something to do with the file or link format). So this one loading for me was probably just a “lucky” click.

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    Mysterious Link Between Cats And Schizophrenia Is Real, Study Finds
  • From the article:

    There are some important things to keep in mind here, like the fact that 15 of the 17 studies were case-control studies. This kind of research cannot prove cause and effect, and it often does not look at things that might have affected both the exposure and the outcome.

    A number of the studies that were looked at were of low quality, which is something that the authors also highlight.

    Findings were inconsistent across studies, but those of higher quality suggested that associations in unadjusted models might have been due to factors that could have influenced the results.

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    Why do tofu skins contain lead?
  • Soybeans and many other vegetables will pull in trace amounts of lead from the soil. There is probably some amount of lead in most/all soy products (as well as many other products).

    California’s lead threshold for prop-65 warning is 0.5 µg/day. From what I gather, this is a very very low threshold.

    Private citizens in California can sue and collect damages against companies selling products that should have a prop 65 warning but don’t. This has created a bit of an industry of citizens who go out, buy random products, test them for prop 65 chemicals, and if they find a violation get themselves a reward. From what I remember reading, Asian markets/producers are a very popular target.

    This leads to a lot of companies putting labels on their product just to cover their asses. With such a low threshold for labeling and the fact that soybeans can contain lead, it seems to me to be smart business to always put that label on soy products because you might get a batch of soybeans that put your product over the threshold and get yourself sued. My hunch is that there is just as likely to be lead in the prop-65 labeled tofu as the non-labeled stuff and the difference comes down the to producers risk tolerance (or awareness).

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    The rise of the scammy car loan
  • I did the math for the interest rate since they didn’t bother to in the article. The article says she had paid $1400/mo for 3 years and had only paid 10,000 toward principal. Assuming that’s 36 months of payments, the interest rate would be around 15.5%. The payment term would have been 10 years and total payments would end up being $168k.

    Predatory lenders and financial illiteracy; a perfect match made in hell.

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    Is there a specific religious term for the belief "God exists and he is evil"?
  • I typed in the url and… yeah, that was A LOT of boobs and butts.

    Came back here to see that I mistyped the url. Doubling the “O” results in many boobs and butts.

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    [bug] swiping video can break app
  • Yeah, it’s kind of a fun one to play around with when it’s broken. For a slightly different workaround, you can also hold down momentarily on the playback slider, then drag. It’s the quick touch and drag (from the left) that seems to trigger it.

    A feature request: add a setting to disable swipe from edge to go to the previous screen. For me, it’s a feature that I only use accidentally when trying to do a different swipe gesture.

    Love the app. Thanks for all your hard work!

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    T-Mobile's New AI "Profiling" Privacy Toggle Is On By Default
  • Are you logged in? It appears you can go to the privacy settings page and set some (not all) settings without being logged in.

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    T-Mobile's New AI "Profiling" Privacy Toggle Is On By Default
  • Thanks. I just went and disabled it. I also found that they had “products and services notifications” turned on. I know I attempted to disable all advertising and monitoring stuff shortly after I signed up, but I can’t say for sure whether I had missed this section at that time or if they kindly turned it on for me between then and now.

  • iOS app. Latest version (2.3.1).

    When viewing a video from in a post if you swipe the playback position (attempting to skip forward), the app freaks out. It appears to be attempting to both interact with the video controls and swipe to the previous screen at the same time. At this point, both windows are active. The “back button no longer works. If I pick a different tab, nothing loads. I have to force close the app and reopen it.

    In the screen recording, at 5s in I attempt to swipe on the video control. At that point most taps on the screen just move the split between the two windows. Moving the split fully does not resolve anything.

    [Solved] Cannot look around while moving* in Minecraft
  • I suspect that there is “palm check” turned on for your touchpad. This is designed to keep you from accidentally moving/clicking the touchpad by brushing it with your palm while you are typing.

    Look for a “palm check”, “palm rejection”, or “disable touchpad when typing” setting in your touchpad utility. As far as I know, these are all roughly the same thing.

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    How to add more instances to the app
  • Long hold on the account icon, bottom center.

    A pop up will appear allowing you to pick which account you are using (you’ll only see one since you haven’t added a second yet).

    Click “edit”

    Click “+”

    Edit: on that page “pick another server” appears to bring you to that server’s sign up page. If you’ve already created an another account, use the “log in” button, which is below “pick another server”.

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    "The Toilet of Venus" by Diego Velázquez
  • Yeah, I did some searching and see that the painting is known by that name but didn’t find anything discussing where the name comes from.

    Wikipedia states that the original title was “La Venus del espejo” which translates to "The Mirror's Venus"

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    Overwatch 2 PvE completely canceled after poor sales: report - Dexerto
  • Also why the fuck would they charge for it?

    Because they have long since moved away from selling worthwhile products to selling anything they can trick people into buying. Providing value is no longer a concern, only short-term profit.

  • I just found a workaround for when party members fail to follow you!

    I’m guessing y’all have been having this happen a lot too: you jump from one platform to another. Maybe one or two party members follow you… or maybe they all just stand on the ledge, picking their noses. They can all make the jump. Why won’t they join you?… So now you have to ungroup your party, manually make each laggard jump over, and regroup. It’s been maddening lately as I’m in an area with lots of jumping and having this happen very frequently.

    Solution (and tl;dr): Simply ungroup and regroup. This seems to reset all your party members’ pathfinding and get them “unstuck” so they will jump over properly. I’m guessing this will solve other similar pathfinding issues as well.

    This is such a simple workaround I’m surprised it took me so long to figure it out. I hope it helps someone else.


    quick cat animation study (oc adjacent)

    Another one by my daughter. She rough drafted on paper and used a slideshow to test whether the animation worked for her, then redrew in clipstudio.

    @Gabe, do you picture animation fitting in this community? Or maybe a separate animation/video community? Or keep the instance focused on static art?


    Show Your Voice (oc-ish)

    One of my daughter’s works.

    Edit:updated image host to get better quality.


    I’ve been using a version of this C&H Lock Screen for my phone for at least 10 years.

    Edit: I couldn't find it, so I recreated it. On iPhone I used the duotone background filter on the uncolorized version. I also created an approximation of the duotone version enjoy!

    Edit 2: another crack at the colorized version. This is closer.

    Alternate image host:


    I’m running 26.0 on iOS. I’m pretty sure this issue was happening on prior versions as well.

    NSfW posts are not being blurred in feed. I’ve tried toggling the Blur NSFW option to “never”, browsing, and then going back and setting it to “in feed”, but nothing is coming up blurred. The issue isn’t that I am seeing NSFW content that isn’t properly labeled; the posts are marked NSFW.

    I’ve searched the community and the GitHub issue log and don’t see this being mentioned, so I’m starting to think it’s an issue with my device/install. Are other people on iOS getting the proper behavior? Any tips to get things working right?

    I’m going to try deleting and “reinstalling” voyager and will report back in a couple of minutes.

    Edit: I deleted the voyager bookmark and “reinstalled” by creating a desktop bookmark from I have put all my settings back and blur is working fine now.

    Since there isn’t any real uninstall or reinstall to do, I suspect that what I’ve done is switch where my voyager bookmark was pointing. I am unsure where it was before. Probably I think it must have been different as all my settings were gone. Now I’m going to see what happens if I create a second bookmark to that instance and whether my prior settings and issue are there…

    Edit 2: I can now conclude that I don’t know how these bookmarked web app thingies work. But deleting my old bookmark and adding a new one (perhaps pointing to a different location) worked. This concludes my Ted talk.


    Taken from my campsite. Beautiful place.

    Side question: any preferred image hosts? I kept getting a json error trying to use the built in image upload, even shrinking the photo to ~500kb. Trying for this one…
