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Alcaraz destroys Djokovic to win his second Wimbledon title and his fourth Grand Slam!
  • Definitely seems like Djokovic had reduced movement; I think that was why he was coming to the net so much this match & the whole tournament really. Seems like he wanted shorter points, but Alcaraz just blasted passing shots, and Djokovic volleys weren't good today.

    Alcaraz played so well though I agree, even without the knee I couldn't see Djokovic beating him today.

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    This is what being a Redditor does to your life
  • Image Transcription: Screenshot

    [The screenshot is from a GitHub commit summary. It is zoomed in to show just the tab headers for the "Checks" tab and the "Files changed" tab. The "Checks" tab has a number 1 next to it, and the "Files changed" tab has an infinity sign next to it.]

    I am a human who transcribes posts to improve accessibility on Lemmy. Transcriptions help people who use screen readers or other assistive technology to use the site. For more information, see here.

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    Formally known as Twitter
  • Theoretically they might be able to, but it would be a very difficult case fought against a massive corporation. I doubt they'd consider it worth the trouble and legal fees, especially given there's no guarantee of winning.

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    SPOILERS - Doctor Who: Wild Blue Wonder
  • Easily one of my favourite episodes in years. I'm a sucker for creepy monsters, cosmic horrors and monsters whose origins are only vaguely hinted at and this had all of that. Overall much more polished, better-paced and intriguing to me than The Star Beast (which I still liked!). This was Doctor Who back at its best for me.

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    Youtube has started to artificially slow down video load times if you use Firefox. Spoofing Chrome magically makes this problem go away.
  • Oh, so it's shit in the way I originally thought, then.

    And also shit in the second way I thought, since adblock is a symptom of how terrible they've made the experience on their platform and if they want less people to use it they should make that experience more reasonable.

    Given the shit big companies have got up to in the past and continue to get up to, as exposed in past and ongoing antitrust cases, that conspiracy theory you mention really isn't all that unrealistic. Yeah, it's not what happened in this case and it isn't the simplest solution, but it's absolutely a believable thing for YouTube to do, though I think they would have hidden it better if they had.

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    Youtube has started to artificially slow down video load times if you use Firefox. Spoofing Chrome magically makes this problem go away.
  • Ah, I was wondering why YouTube was taking so long to load recently. I thought it was just because their code was shit, and it turns out I was right, but not in the way I thought.

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  • Image Transcription: YouTube Comment


    "Debugging. The game where you are the criminal, the victim, and the detective at the same time. But you probably don't know where the crime took place, or what it was. But there definitely is a crime."

    I am a human who transcribes posts to improve accessibility on Lemmy. Transcriptions help people who use screen readers or other assistive technology to use the site. For more information, see here.

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    Oh yea, that's the good stuff **huffs glue**
  • Permanently Deleted

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    Oh yea, that's the good stuff **huffs glue**
  • Image Transcription:

    [Transcriber's note: the first line in the following transcription is incorrect. After the equals, there should be eight instances of the word "Option", each succeeded by a less-than symbol, then two brackets, like (), before the first greater-tha symbol. However, if you type a less-than symbol on Lemmy, it seems to strip that symbol and whatever word comes next out of the source when you save the comment.]

    type Wtf = Option>>>>>>>;
    let two = Some(Some(Some(Some(Some(Some(None))))));
    let three = Some(Some(Some(Some(Some(None)))));
    let six = Some(Some(None));
    unsafe {
            std::mem::transmute::(two) * std::mem::transmute::(three)

    I am a human who transcribes posts to improve accessibility on Lemmy. Transcriptions help people who use screen readers or other assistive technology to use the site. For more information, see here.

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    Image uploads blocked by Cloudflare
  • I'm also experiencing this problem, however I don't see anything about being blocked by Cloudfare. What I do see in the network tools is that on the image's POST request, Lemmy is returning a 400 (Bad Request) error. Issue is happening on both the normal Lemmy UI and the Photon UI.

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    Testing the rules
  • Neither, it'll be included as-is without a [sic]. I follow the guidelines of r/TranscribersOfReddit, since they were developed in cooperation with members of rBlind.

    The policy there was always that doing any sort of change affects the message and delivery fo the original content, so it should be avoided. [sic]s are avoided because they affect the flow of the content, and particularly in posts with multiple typos they can be very distracting.

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    Testing the rules
  • Image Transcription: Meme

    [A screenshot of Grogu / Baby Yoda, a character from "The Mandalorian". He is a small green-skinned alien character with large pointy ears and big eyes. In the image, he is leaning towards a control panel to push a button whilst looking right towards something off-frame with large, innocent eyes. Text at the top and bottom of the image reads:]



    I am a human who transcribes posts to improve accessibility on Lemmy. Transcriptions help people who use screen readers or other assistive technology to use the site. For more information, see here.

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    I think they just hate us Linux Gamers
  • Image Transcription: Meme

    [The meme shows two fanart images of the character Sayori, from "Doki Doki Literature Club", with text to the right of each image.]

    [In the first image, Sayori is wearing sunglasses and scowling, with her hand up in a blocking gesture. The text reads:]


    [In the second image, Sayori has her head up high, looking pleased, with a finger pointed to the right, where the text reads:]

    Kernel Level Surveillance

    I am a human who transcribes posts to improve accessibility on Lemmy. Transcriptions help people who use screen readers or other assistive technology to use the site. For more information, see here.

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    More the merrier
  • Thanks! Not sure if there's been other people doing any or not, but for my part I just do them when I find the time, which unfortunately isn't all that often.

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    More the merrier
  • Image Transcription: Meme

    Junior devs writing comments:

    [A photograph of a road signpost in front of a metal fence with a low, long building in the distance. The post has two signs on it. At the top is an octagonal sign, filled red with a white outline, reading "STOP". Beneath it is a rectangular sign with an arrow pointing up to the stop sign, and text reading "THIS IS A STOP SIGN".]

    I am a human who transcribes posts to improve accessibility on Lemmy. Transcriptions help people who use screen readers or other assistive technology to use the site. For more information, see here.

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    Well that didn't go as expected...
  • I didn't know you could do that!

    From what I can see, this means you can add alt text to images you embed using markdown. However, directly uploaded images in posts don't seem to have a way to directly add alt text that I can find. You can add a transcription in the text body, but it's not quite as accessible as pure alt text because screen readers won't read it automatically when the image gets focused.

    Possibly you could embed an image in the text body and upload that like a text post, and that way use the markdown to add the alt text, but that would require the image is already hosted somewhere in the internet.

  • Jump
    Well that didn't go as expected...
  • As far as I'm aware, Lemmy unfortunately does not provide the option to add alt text to images. Hopefully that will change, though!

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    Direct comment links seem to have stopped working in some situations
  • Ah, that's good to know. For me the problem is that most of my non-lurking activity on Lemmy is transcribing posts to improve accessibility; I post the URLs to an archive to make all the transcriptions easy to find for those who need them, and I know there are at least a few people from rblind subscribed to it, but with this going on the archive is essentially useless.

  • I've noticed very recently (last two days or so) that when I get a direct link to a specific comment, it won't load anything under certain circumstances.

    Following the link from the button on the comment, either from the profile or from viewing other comments on the post, will work, but using the link as the URL for a post in a different community, or opening a new tab and pasting the link in, don't.

    In the former situation, the UI of the post I gave it as the URL for just freezes until I press the back button, still showing the post. In the latter, Lemmy doesn't load at all.

    I'm using Librewolf 116.0, based on Firefox 116.0.

    Well that didn't go as expected...
  • Image Transcription: Meme

    [Gru, the long-nosed protagonist of the "Despicable Me" franchise, presents to the camera, pointing into the air and smiling. Behind him is a flipchart with text reading:]

    And the best part about using Linux: No viruses!

    [Still presenting, Gru has his hand in a C shape and his head down as he peers at the gap between his fingers. The text now reads:]

    Look at this, a website downloaded a malicious .exe on my machine.

    [Gru now has his hands pointing down, fingers splayed, still presenting. The text now reads:]

    *Double Click*

    See? Nothing happe...

    [Gru looks back to the flipchart in a double-take, his eyes round and wide and his mouth downturned. The text still reads:]

    *Wine is launching*

    [The Wine logo: a slightly tipped wine glass with red wine sloshing inside it.]

    I am a human who transcribes posts to improve accessibility on Lemmy. Transcriptions help people who use screen readers or other assistive technology to use the site. For more information, see here.
