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Open Source Everything: A curated list of the best open source software
  • lemmy hosts their source code on github and alot of floss sites uses github also i agree with you not to use github dont understand why people use github for markdown

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    Open Source Everything: A curated list of the best open source software
  • man i wish there was a more powerful alternative to gimp hope gimp 3.0 solves it and currently am using the affinity photo 6 month free trial

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    Remember back when Ubuntu put ads in the dash? I do (~2014)
  • Exactly why I avoided ubuntu (and ubuntu bases) for soo long I used it in a vm yes but i bearly did anything the ubuntu bases was not that bad but every distro was based on ubuntu except for arch,fedora etc and that's why I chose fedora instead of popos now I just use arch base bcs I kinda don't like how fedora only includes open source software
