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Daily Discussion Thread: 🧜‍♂️🧜‍♀️ Tuesday, August 20, 2024
  • It looks like there might be something wrong with Pictrs. I've refreshed the icon, but it isn't making a new thumbnail. I'm afraid I won't be able to look closer at this until tonight when I get home.

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    Daily Discussion Thread: 🧜‍♂️🧜‍♀️ Tuesday, August 20, 2024
  • Good morning (It's still Morning in Perth so Nyer)!

    Baku is right - the tram is in fact still there. What's happening here is your phone thinks it has the image cached, and so isn't loading it from the web server - instead displaying a local version of it. Only there's a problem with that local copy of the image. If you visit in your browser you'll see that the tram is there.

    What app do you have there? I thought I had all the main Android apps (Boost, Connect, Jerboa, Voyager and Sync), but none of them seem to match this screenshot. Whichever it is, you'll want to find a setting to clear the local cache. You can clear the cache from Android settings, but that will probably clear your account and make you log in again.

    Bit drastic, but I suppose I could upload a new icon. Your phone would recognise that it doesn't have the new one in its cache and would load it. That would affect everyone though. Then again, maybe its time to upgrade from a W class to a Z class tram? 😀

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    Daily Discussion Thread: 🧜‍♂️🧜‍♀️ Tuesday, August 20, 2024
  • This right here is one of the major reasons we left Melbourne. We were on our own there, without any family support.

    To answer the question: One of us usually takes personal (carers) leave. Sometimes that isn't possible, so we ask grandparents or my sister to help us out (if safe/not contagious). What often happens is that one of us is sick also, having caught whatever pestilence the child(ren) introduced to the house anyway.

    Don't send the kids to daycare if they're sick. You'll just be lumping this hassle on other families. I was always resentful of parents who did that.

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    I never thought Pixels would survive this long, but I'm glad they did
  • I am typing this comment on a Pixel 7. I have had it for nearly two years and I have never experienced these symptoms.

    The only app I can think of that doesn't load in under a second is Asphalt Legends - and that's because the app takes a week to load on anything.

    I am very satisfied with this device, and doubt I'll be upgrading to Pixel 9. I have no reason to upgrade.

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    Fisherman slapped across face by whale's tail at Tweed Heads
  • I thought the tradition was that people were slapped across the face with a trout? Times have changed.

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    Daily Discussion Thread: ⛄ Saturday, August 17, 2024
  • My grandfather was the Anzac. He served in both world wars. He passed away before I was born, though.

    He was an absolute larrikin, there are loads of stories about him. He was famous in his hometown, is mentioned in its history etc.

    I'd share highlights, but it'd probably doxx me. 😂

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    Daily Discussion Thread: ⛄ Saturday, August 17, 2024
  • Hearing one of the kids on the hockey team introduce his great-grandma to my son. Totally wild. My great grandmother lived 1867-1952.

    I didn't even really get the grandparent experience as a kid, let alone great-grandparents.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Rat Poker

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    What was the worst band or singer you’ve ever listened to?
  • Did you honestly think from my comment that I didn't know who Yoko Ono was?

    I was saying that whatever noises she makes, she isn't a singer. Therefore she doesn't qualify for a mention in the "worst band or singer" category.

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    Daily Discussion Thread: 📖📖 🛌🙂 Friday, August 16, 2024
  • I try my hardest to avoid all things US politics, and I still feel saturated by it. I don't click on articles about it, I never click on Google or YouTube links about US politics.

    Yet, somehow my feed is still regularly seeded with the stuff. I have no idea what the algorithms do to people who engage with that content, but it's got to be some next-level doom scrolling.

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    Daily Discussion Thread: 📖📖 🛌🙂 Friday, August 16, 2024
  • So, I've had this single annoying hair coming down over my eyes, brush the hair away, it doesn't go away or soon comes back.

    Just now in front of the mirror, I found it. The thing was a massive eyebrow hair. I yanked it, and I kid you not - the hair was 4cm long! I'm entering my old-man eyebrow phase, and I don't like it.

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    What was the worst band or singer you’ve ever listened to?
  • Is there a band called Yoko Ono? I ask, because I'm fairly sure there isn't a singer.

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    QR have gone woke
  • When I got to Melbourne, you opened the door manually like a barbarian. They eventually upgraded the door motors to behave like this.

    On Perth trains, you push the button to indicate that you want the door to open. Works either from inside or outside the train and the door opens when the train comes to a stop.

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    Daily Discussion Thread: 💀🏊‍♀️🐺 Thursday, August 15, 2024
  • I love Vegemite on a crumpet. Perfect 10pm snack.

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    Daily Discussion Thread: 💀🏊‍♀️🐺 Thursday, August 15, 2024
  • Both Dell and HP make great micro PCs. I've used both as my work PCs for years (~5 years for the Dell, ~3 years for the HP).

    No hesitation recommending either as a file server/media box. Keep in mind they use 2.5" disks, though.

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    Spreading of the 100 biggest Lemmy communities
  • The problem with this is trust. If you could seamlessly migrate like this, there's nothing to stop someone faking a long post/comment on their own instance, making them look very legitimate and then migrating that account to a trusted/legitimate instance.

    Then using that for spam/selling block chain etc.

    People are the reason we can't have nice things.

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    Daily Discussion Thread: 💖 🎤 💖 Tuesday, August 13, 2024
  • Maybe it was and the studio execs took all the good bits out to cater to a "wider audience"?

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    Daily Discussion Thread: 💖 🎤 💖 Tuesday, August 13, 2024
  • Wait - the guy who writes books is good at writing assignments? Who could have predicted this plot twist?

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    Daily Discussion Thread: 🕺Monday, August 12, 2024
  • I think it was mostly money well spent. My biggest complaint was the Stan editing team didn't bother editing the field events, like at-all. The Pole vault competition for example could have been edited out to under an hour if they cut all the waiting around, but they didn't bother. Same with pretty much all the jumps and throws. Most of them also had no commentary. No editing at all - just the raw feed.

    Same story with many of the less popular events. Just the base feed. This wasn't always bad, though - in fact I'd like the option to turn commentary off sometimes.

    My best Olympic experience was when I had access to the British iView service during the London Olympics. It was like what we had with Stan: Every event live or on-demand, ad free. But the interface was loads better. That's probably the other bad thing about Stan - the Interface sucked sometimes. They did try, to be fair. But finding some events was just not doable. I wanted to find the final Archery match between India and Canada - I never did.

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    Daily Discussion Thread: 🕺Monday, August 12, 2024
  • Poor pole vaulter? That image is worth framing! 'I lost the Olympic pole vault because my pole was too large' (He didn't - that bar was already falling because his calves knocked it before he even went over - but the bulge photo is marvellous). His jump will be a highlight reel for years.

  • I stumbled across a sports article from a US publication and thought it interesting that it showed the USA leading the medals table.

    Instead of the regular table that gives weight to Gold, silver and bronze, they just see total medals.

    I sorta like it. Celebrating all medal winners equally is nice. It feels a little like fudging the numbers, though.

    29 Nurse collapses in court after being jailed for attempted murder of husband with insulin

    A Perth woman collapses in a court dock after being sentenced to nine years in prison for trying to murder her husband who had been diagnosed with dementia.

    Super sad case. She tried to kill him to ease his suffering. If he'd been on the record supporting her decision, I think the sentence would have been very different. And she lost him to natural causes anyway. 😞

    4 Why Australia's biggest city has a problem with 'forced car ownership'

    Data shows Melbourne residents are buying and driving cars at a higher rate since COVID, even though more people are working from home. Here's why.

    21 A mere 57 mega polluters produce bulk of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, new analysis shows

    Just 57 mega polluters are responsible for the bulk of the world's greenhouse gas emissions and most big fossil fuel players have increased, rather than decreased, their output since the Paris Agreement in 2015, a staggering new report finds.

    On the one hand, it makes it really hard to stay motivated with the teeny contribution I make to reducing emissions. On the other, think of how much of a difference these 57 companies could make if they actually reached net-zero targets.

    9 We compared the finances of 30-year-olds now, to 30-year-olds 30 years ago

    To understand why 30-somethings feel like they're struggling financially, the ABC analysed five factors — housing, healthcare, debt, tax, and income. The data reveals this generation is caught in an economic perfect storm.

    I'm sure this whole article comes as a shock to nobody, but it's nice to see it recognised like this.

    34 From the bull ant to the irukandji, these are Australia's most painful creatures

    As Aussies head to the beaches and parklands this summer, we asked a venom expert to rank the top 10 most painful creatures they might encounter.

    7 Facebook ate and then ignored the news industry. It's hard, but we should leave it be

    Facebook profited from the decline of Australia's news organisations, but enforcing the News Media Bargaining Code will make a bad situation worse without solving the problem of who will pay for the news.

    Try and get past the fact that this is sort-of about Facebook. Because it's more about the demise of news than it is about Facebook, specifically.

    > news organisations were never in the news business, Amanda Lotz, a professor of media studies at QUT, said. > > "They were in the attention-attraction business. > > "In another era, if you were an advertiser, a newspaper was a great place to be. > > "But now there are just much better places to be."

    > The moment news moved online, and was "unbundled" from classifieds, sports results, movie listings, weather reports, celebrity gossip, and all the other reasons people bought newspapers or watched evening TV bulletins, the news business model was dead. > > News by itself was never profitable, Professor Bruns said. > > "Then advertising moved somewhere else. > > "This was always going to happen via Facebook or other platforms."

    It's a really fascinating read. We can all agree that independent journalism is valuable in our society, but ultimately, most of us don't so much seek news out as much as we encounter news as we go about our day.

    I'm sure the TL;DR bot is about to entirely miss the nuance of the article. I recommend reading the whole thing.

    29 Liberals's preselected candidate for Morrison's former seat vows to move into area within days

    After a meeting lasting almost two and a half hours, Simon Kennedy defeats three other Liberal Party candidates to win preselection in former prime minister Scott Morrison's old seat of Cook.

    That's right Cronulla, your likely next local member isn't actually local. But, he promises he will be real soon!

    Good luck with that!

    Having lived in super safe-seats and marginal seats, I promise it's far better to live in a seat that flips every election!

    7 Tony was fired for living a double life – he says he was only levelling the playing field

    Tony found himself with too much time on his hands at work. What he did next challenges long-held notions of loyalty in the workplace.

    I don't think this movement really got off the ground in WA, we never really had the lock-downs and remote working culture introduced through the pandemic that the Eastern states got. Still, this makes for fascinating reading.

    6 'WA wins at the expense of Australia': Economists urge GST change amid warnings of political fallout

    WA's revised GST deal is set to cost the federal government $50 billion over a decade, not $39 billion as estimated, economists say, warning that it's not justified and should be changed.

    I get that WA is financially far better off than 2017 projections.

    What I don't really understand is why it is so unfair for WA to get back 70-75 cents per dollar its populace puts into GST.


    Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 23/1/2024

    Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

    Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

    Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

    So, how’s it going?


    I picked up a couple of pairs of jeans at the end of year sales.

    I paid $20 for one pair, down from $110. Does anyone actually pay that $110? That sounds insane to me.

    1 Nuclear energy is more expensive than renewables, CSIRO report finds

    Renewable energy provides the cheapest source of new energy for Australia, a new draft report from the CSIRO and energy market operator has found.

    9 When Max affirmed his gender a decade ago, he didn't expect changing bathrooms to bring so many insights

    An "out-of-body experience" set Max Simensen on a course to changing his life and living authentically. He shares what he has learnt along the way.

    26 David from Wollongong is going for the world record for most live gigs attended. And he might just do it

    This Wollongong music lover has been to A LOT of live music gigs. But is it enough to break the current world record?

    It sounds like he already has the world record, he just needs to prove it.

    2 Optus CEO resigns in wake of nationwide outage

    Optus chief executive officer Kelly Bayer Rosmarin resigns in the wake of November 8's major outage, saying it is "in the best interests of Optus going forward".

    Imagine being the engineers in the middle of this. It's one thing that your incident is so bad it makes the news, it's another entirely when it is so bad the CEO resigns.

    10 'Absolutely phenomenal': Australia stuns previously undefeated India to claim World Cup

    Australia earns an astonishing Cricket World Cup final upset thanks to Travis Head's match-winning century to claim a record sixth title and stun hosts India.

    6 Optus says changes after a 'routine software upgrade' to blame for nationwide service outage

    Optus says "changes to routing information" after a "routine software upgrade" was behind last week's nationwide outage, affecting 10.2 million Australians and impacting 400,000 businesses.

    So it turns out that the cause was indeed a rogue change they couldn't roll back as we had been speculating.

    Weird that whatever this issue is didn't occur in their test environment before they deployed into Production. I wonder why that is.
